how do I use AWS IoT Core to send telemetry data from an edge device

@Middleware & OS Hey guys how do I use AWS IoT Core to send telemetry data from an edge device using Python and the AWS IoT SDK
@Boss lady
Hello you would first have to set up aws iot core(on their official site), configure your iot core to ur preferred settings(on their official site), install the libraries required on your terminal
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
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4 Replies
UC GEE4w ago
Hi @Boss lady ,is your edge device a Raspberry Pi, or is it an Arduino, or something else? So interested in AWS IoT core What kind of sensors are you using to collect telemetry data? @Boss lady
Dtynin4w ago
@Boss lady
Hello you would first have to set up aws iot core(on their official site), configure your iot core to ur preferred settings(on their official site), install the libraries required on your terminal
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
and then setup AWS CLI by running AWS configure on your terminal
Dtynin4w ago
@Boss lady
Hello you would first have to set up aws iot core(on their official site), configure your iot core to ur preferred settings(on their official site), install the libraries required on your terminal
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint awscli-plugin-iot
and then setup AWS CLI by running AWS configure on your terminal
Boss lady
Boss lady4w ago
@UC GEE it's a Raspberry pi
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