Fibonacci Word C# Coding Challenge

A Fibonacci Word is a specific sequence of binary digits (or symbols from any two-letter alphabet). The Fibonacci Word is formed by repeated concatenation in the same way that the Fibonacci numbers are formed by repeated addition. Create a function that takes a number n as an argument and returns the first n elements of the Fibonacci Word sequence. If n < 2, the function must return "invalid". Examples
FiboWord(1) ➞ "invalid"

FiboWord(3) ➞ "b, a, ab"

FiboWord(7) ➞ "b, a, ab, aba, abaab, abaababa, abaababaabaab"
FiboWord(1) ➞ "invalid"

FiboWord(3) ➞ "b, a, ab"

FiboWord(7) ➞ "b, a, ab, aba, abaab, abaababa, abaababaabaab"
Notes You can try solving this using a recursive approach. Resources Fibonacci Number Fibonacci word
2 Replies
nour_oudOP11mo ago
@John Eric Here's a challenge for you.( in C#)
John Eric
John Eric11mo ago
I'm not aware of C#, just C I could try doing it in C instead.

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