Are there any known issues with FreeRTOS+Sockets API and the latest STM32CubeMX HAL for the H7 serie

@Middleware & OS I'm encountering random lockups, while using the FreeRTOS+Sockets API with the latest STM32CubeMX package on my NUCLEO-H723ZI board. The application locks up at random points during execution. I've reviewed the ST forum posts on Ethernet and FreeRTOS+Sockets, but haven't found a solution yet. Are there any known issues with the FreeRTOS+Sockets API and the latest STM32CubeMX HAL version for the H7 series? Good day Devs, I need your humble Suggestion🙏
2 Replies
electro_coco2w ago
How can we help without knowing what api or socket code is causing issue If you are debugging in cube ide then run hardfault handler and see where your code gets stuck Implement a watchdog timer as well
UC GEE2w ago
Please @electro_coco ..Which api or socket code will be best applicable in this kind of my project?