Embedded ARM PCB development
We're looking for someone experienced in PCB design, able to design and layout PCBs for a project we're working on, that involves controlling various hardware elements from a central control board, using an ARM processor (probably Rockchip), and a Mipi LCD touchscreen.
The project will start development on a SOM (potentially Orangepi cm4) with a custom designed IO board, and eventually as development continues transition to a fully integrated single board, with SOC and all other hardware on the single board.
So previous experience with ARM SOC integration is preferred.
Expected to be 6-8 layer.
Will be running Linux, but we already have the software side handled.
Paid work of course.
Can provide more details in a private chat, feel free to DM.
I'm based in Australia.
4 Replies
I think this goes in jobs
Oh? I blame @techielew 😂
Shall i move it?
ya that's my bad
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