How can I resolve "ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF: Interface error" when using ESP-NOW with SoftAP on ESP32?

Hey guys I'm facing an issue with my ESP32 project, where the central controller acts as a soft Wi-Fi access point with a web server and communicates with three peripheral devices via ESP-NOW. Despite ensuring that the Wi-Fi and ESP-NOW channels are identical, I keep seeing the error "ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF: Interface error" when calling esp_now_send(). This project extends my previous ESP32 home automation hub with predictive maintenance, where I used ESP32 boards for sensor data collection and OTA updates. Now, I'm trying to integrate ESP-NOW communication with the web server and SoftAP capabilities. I've tried switching to SoftAP mode, but the issue persists. How can I resolve this and ensure reliable communication between the devices?
The error typically occurs immediately after calling esp_now_send(), and it seems to be fairly consistent happening almost every time I attempt to send data. I haven't noticed any significant delay before the error appears. And so far, I haven't seen any other error codes or warnings,and I haven't checked the ESP-NOW buffer status with esp_now_buffer_count(), but that sounds like a good next step. I'll give that a try.
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5 Replies
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi7mo ago
Just wondering , when the error occur. Is it immediately after calling esp_now_send(), or after a delay? Also this error consistent or stopping and starting? Are there any other error codes or warnings? Have you checked the ESP-NOW buffer status using esp_now_buffer_count()?
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi7mo ago
use extensive print statements to track where the issue is
Daniel kalu
Daniel kalu7mo ago
The error typically occurs immediately after calling esp_now_send(), and it seems to be fairly consistent happening almost every time I attempt to send data. I haven't noticed any significant delay before the error appears. And so far, I haven't seen any other error codes or warnings,and I haven't checked the ESP-NOW buffer status with esp_now_buffer_count(), but that sounds like a good next step. I'll give that a try.
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi7mo ago
Sup @Daniel kalu been able to fix this ?
Daniel kalu
Daniel kalu7mo ago
Yes it has been fixed

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