Configuring SPI Communication on ESP32 for Transmitting Images from OV2640 Camera Module

in continuation with my project Object Detection with MicroPython and OV2640 Camera Module Using ESP-WROOM-32. How do i configure SPI communication on the ESP32 for transmitting images captured by the OV2640 camera?
@Enthernet Code for transmitting images captured by the OV2640, you'll want to set up the camera to capture images in a format that can be efficiently transmitted over SPI. the OV2640 can output images in JPEG format, which is compressed and more manageable in size, after capturing an image, you can send it over SPI using something like this: ```python def send_image(image_data): cs.value(0) # Select the SPI device spi.write(image_data) # Transmit the image data...
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4 Replies
Alien Queen
Alien Queen7mo ago
make sure the SPI pins are configured correctly. The ESP32 has multiple SPI buses (HSPI and VSPI), and you can use either depending on your wiring. Here’s an example of h0w it should look like
from machine import SPI, Pin

spi = SPI(1, baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(19))

cs = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)

from machine import SPI, Pin

spi = SPI(1, baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(19))

cs = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)

RED HAT7mo ago
@Enthernet Code for transmitting images captured by the OV2640, you'll want to set up the camera to capture images in a format that can be efficiently transmitted over SPI. the OV2640 can output images in JPEG format, which is compressed and more manageable in size, after capturing an image, you can send it over SPI using something like this:
def send_image(image_data):
cs.value(0) # Select the SPI device
spi.write(image_data) # Transmit the image data
cs.value(1) # Deselect the SPI device

image_data = capture_image()

def send_image(image_data):
cs.value(0) # Select the SPI device
spi.write(image_data) # Transmit the image data
cs.value(1) # Deselect the SPI device

image_data = capture_image()

Remember, you'll need to implement or use an existing library to interface with the OV2640 in MicroPython. This will handle image capture and any necessary configuration of the camera module.
Enthernet Code
Enthernet Code7mo ago
thanks @Alien Queen & @RED HAT i would do this now

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