Seeking Feedback on My First ATmega32 Development Board Schematic
i designed this basic atmega32 16 au dev board can anyone , if its fundamentally correct ? its my first schematic that i have build from scratch
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Looks alright, although please go through the points in the link to make it more better.
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics
There are a lot of poorly drawn schematics here. A few times people have actually asked for critiques of their schematics. This question is intended as a single repository on schematic drawing rule...
6 Replies
@accur4te please add pull up resistor on SPI protocol
C5 is not right. There should not be a capacitor between gnd pin and system ground
are this changes correct ?
Looks alright, although please go through the points in the link to make it more better.
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics
There are a lot of poorly drawn schematics here. A few times people have actually asked for critiques of their schematics. This question is intended as a single repository on schematic drawing rule...
@Addy why do you think its necessary?