Best Tool to Troubleshoot ESP32 GPIO Pin Trigger Issue in FreeRTOS Project?

Hi guys I'm currently working on an ESP32-based home automation project where I'm integrating several sensors and using the FreeRTOS framework. The project involves controlling various GPIO pins for different sensors and modules. However, I'm encountering an issue where the enable pin on my ESP32 board is not triggering as expected. Specifically, I receive the error message "GPIO_HIGH error: Pin not set" in my serial monitor when trying to set the pin high. I've tried manually setting the pin state through the GPIO registers, but no success so far. Which tool should I use to troubleshoot this issue: ESP32 GPIO Analyzer, Logic Analyzer, or Multimeter?
One way to solve this is to put a pull up resistor at the enable pin, it helps hold the MCU at a high state. Use this article as a reference also
Random Nerd Tutorials
ESP32 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Ne...
The ESP32 comes with 48 GPIOs with multiple functions. This article intends to be a simple and easy to follow reference guide for the ESP32 GPIOs.
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3 Replies
Dark AI
Dark AI6mo ago
hey @Daniel kalu Given the error message, it seems that the pin might not be properly initialized or set up in your code, or there could be a hardware-related problem.
Daniel kalu
Daniel kalu6mo ago
That's a good point about pin initialization and setup. I'll review my code again. If the issue is hardware-related, should i use a Logic Analyzer to troubleshoot the problem or should I use a Multimeter to check for any voltage level issues or shorts on the pin?
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna6mo ago
One way to solve this is to put a pull up resistor at the enable pin, it helps hold the MCU at a high state. Use this article as a reference also
Random Nerd Tutorials
ESP32 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Ne...
The ESP32 comes with 48 GPIOs with multiple functions. This article intends to be a simple and easy to follow reference guide for the ESP32 GPIOs.

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