An impressive European FPGA platform - Cologne Chip CCGM1A1

Read with me: • a comfortable 324 ball 0.8 mm pitch BGA • 20,480 programmable elements (each with 8-input LUT-tree, 2x FF/Latches, 2-bit full-adder or 2x2-bit multiplier) – the biggest iCE40 has 7840 logic cells only • 5 Gbit/s SerDes • all GPIO support double data rate (DDR) • YOSYS compatible!
6 Replies
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna9mo ago
Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande9mo ago
Hi @Petr Dvořák GateMate FPGA, sounds cool! thank you very much for this information. I appreciate it! if you could share your thoughts about Cologne Chip AG, I mean just curiosity, a few things like the availability of evaluation kits, price comparison, quality of documentation, and user community. Since GateMate is relatively new, I hope for plenty of example codes for a quick start. Would like to hear your thoughts, thank you!
Petr Dvořák
Petr Dvořák9mo ago
@Umesh Lokhande I did not study the devboard much. I was focused on the FPGA chip. The fabric of that chip is extensive. At least in when compared with the iCE40 fabric area.
techielew9mo ago
I tried to order a dev board but looks like they're out of stock 😞 I always wonder why some vendor in this low-mid-range class doesn't slap an Arm core into one of these devices like on the Zynq. Make all those LUTs accessible through the Arm toolchain and expose it to a ton more devs. What type of application are you considering this for, @Petr? Control? Connectivity? What would you do with that much logic?
Embedded Shiksha
yes same for me they are out of stock
Petr Dvořák
Petr Dvořák8mo ago
Thank you for asking, @techielew. I have studied those devices for a single reason–to be able to offer more services in more hardware development areas to my customers. You know the situation–each prospected customer asks whether I have experience with this and that. I don't want to lie so I work on it on my own–it's like sharpening of an axe.
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