Building IoT solutions using open-source
Is it possible to build a commercial IoT solution using open-source components? What options should we consider? Can we self-host an IoT Platform, or should we use cloud infrastructure?
Those are only a few exciting topics we are going to discuss with Frédéric Desbiens, the Embedded, IoT, and Edge Computing Program Manager at the Eclipse Foundation.
Frédéric wrote a book about building IoT solutions using open-source, which I highly recommend (
Join us live as we will take questions from the audience!
Building IoT solutions using open-source - with Frédéric Desbiens |...
Is it possible to build a commercial IoT solution using open-source components? What options should we consider? Can we self-host an IoT Platform, or should we use cloud infrastructure?
Those are only a few exciting topics we are going to discuss with Frédéric Desbiens, the Embedded, IoT, and Edge Computing Program Manager at the Eclipse Founda...
Building IoT solutions using open-source - with Frédéric Desbiens
Is it possible to build a commercial IoT solution using open-source components? What options should we consider? Can we self-host an IoT Platform, or should ...

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