ESP8266 Water Level Device: Tips & Pinout

Hi everyone, my client asked me for a water level measuring device, just like I made earlier but in this time with esp8266, now this is the first time I work with it, can anyone give information about it... Speed.. Pinout, anything to put in mind before starting??
Esp8266 is a good module, though esp32 is a upgraded version Pinouts are easily accessible on web, you can refer from that Regarding the speed, it only uses wifi so should be fine if you are working on a small prototype or something. But if you want to implement you have to test it with better modules Esp8266 are essentially made for prototyping and in very few cases it is used properly in a product. Also they tend to heat up after some use or some boards tend to fry, if not used correctly so make sure that you check the documentation once to be sure And keep some extra esps...
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5 Replies
accur4te10mo ago
as per me even esp8266 seems over kill for a water level measurment device
accur4te10mo ago
but what are the requirements of the application?
wizardb10110mo ago
Esp8266 is a good module, though esp32 is a upgraded version Pinouts are easily accessible on web, you can refer from that Regarding the speed, it only uses wifi so should be fine if you are working on a small prototype or something. But if you want to implement you have to test it with better modules Esp8266 are essentially made for prototyping and in very few cases it is used properly in a product. Also they tend to heat up after some use or some boards tend to fry, if not used correctly so make sure that you check the documentation once to be sure And keep some extra esps
aymen ammari
aymen ammari10mo ago
Phone app with monitor of the level
accur4te10mo ago
Iot with wifi protocol right ?

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