I'm looking for a simple, programmable module to control APA102 LED strips remotely.

@Middleware & OS Hi Devs, I'm looking for a simple, programmable module to control APA102 LED strips remotely. Ideally, it would: _Send color data directly to the module without complex protocols. _Store the received color data for controlling the LED strip. _Update the LED colors at regular intervals prolly every few milliseconds. _Easy to program. _Offer protection for the electronics. _Include power supply. _Provide SPI output so I can connect to the LED strip as in the terminal block or 3-pin jack. Do you have any recommendations for modules that meet these criteria?
@UC GEE maybe a simple esp32 with a little firmware that accepts data wirelessly?
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6 Replies
barafael9mo ago
@UC GEE maybe a simple esp32 with a little firmware that accepts data wirelessly?
barafael9mo ago
It's like "WiFi to spi converter"
MegaZron9mo ago
Use ESP32
UC GEE9mo ago
Ok @barafael Thanks I have noted your wonderful suggestion
barafael9mo ago
@UC GEE are you constrained by library choice? FastLED can do this ok. https://gist.github.com/spacehuhn/cbe7981d93daddd788b3459505665f13
ESP32 FastLED APA102-2020 LED Example
ESP32 FastLED APA102-2020 LED Example. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
barafael9mo ago
Also note tasmota and ledFX projects

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