Any guides for compiling OpenCV on resource-constrained ARM Cortex-A7?

Hey guys, I'm working on an image processing application for an embedded Linux system using an ARM-based processor (Cortex-A7). I'm considering using a library like OpenCV for image manipulation tasks. However, I'm unsure about the process of compiling OpenCV for a resource-constrained embedded environment like this. Are there any specific guides or tutorials available that address compiling OpenCV for resource-constrained ARM processors like Cortex-A7? @Middleware & OS
The ultimate OpenCV cross compilation guide for embedded processors
All was going well until I realised OpenCV needed to be cross compiled from source …
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4 Replies
klug8mo ago
You can directly use the python implementation of opencv for your project. If you are using yocto then there are bblayers for opencv in meta-python
Dtynin8mo ago
Oh ok, I will try that. Have you worked on a similar project? @klug
klug8mo ago
I work with yocto so had a requirement of integrating opencv in python
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna8mo ago
The ultimate OpenCV cross compilation guide for embedded processors
All was going well until I realised OpenCV needed to be cross compiled from source …

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