How can I resolve the "CAN message send failed" error in my AVR microcontroller project using Zephyr
@Middleware & OS hey guys, I am working on an AVR microcontroller project using Zephyr OS for an IoT device that controls motors via CAN Bus/SPI. The initial error I encountered was "CAN Bus initialization failed." To address this, I verified the wiring and configuration settings in the Zephyr device tree. Despite this, the error "CAN message send failed" persists. I have studied the Zephyr documentation and relevant AVR datasheets extensively, yet the issue remains unresolved. the outcome should be able to send and receive message via the CAN Bus. Here is a sample code snippet of it:
3 Replies
Your can recieve and can send seen to be commented out, I havent used CAN with Zephyr but I can look at this later in the day if you want.
Hello @Dtynin have you tried enabling the logging for the CAN driver to get more detailed error messages?