Comparing the latency of various wireless standards

An extensive benchmarking study compared latency across various wireless protocols on common microcontroller development boards. Tested protocols include SiK firmware, LoRa, nRF24L01, ESP32 for ESP-NOW and WiFi, ESP32-C6 for 802.15.4, ESP32 and HC-05 for Bluetooth SPP, and ESP32 with NimBLE and Bluedroid stacks, alongside nRF52 for Bluetooth LE testing. Results indicate that: ➡️ nRF24 exhibits lowest latency for smaller payloads. ➡️ ESP32 TCP (WiFi) excels for larger data transfers. ➡️ Protocols optimized for long-range connectivity, like LoRa and SiK, show longer latencies. ➡️ Consideration of factors like code optimization and compilation flags significantly impacts performance. The study underscores the importance of method selection in latency measurement and validation, providing valuable insights for developers to make informed decisions for their projects. More information
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