Can i use Edge Impulse to collect data, train a model and deploy it on an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
@Middleware & OS @everyone
Hello guys, can I use Edge Impulse to collect data, train a model, and deploy it on an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense for anomaly detection? I'm having issues with deployment.
Here's my code 👇
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i recommend reduce your model size. also use the Arduino IDE's memory usage reporting feature to get a detailed of how memory is being used in your sketch.
13 Replies
@Enthernet Code Edge Impulse is perfect for your Nano's anomaly detection! While your code looks good, you need to ensure a smooth deployment by verifying you have the correct Edge Impulse library (edge-impulse-arduino-sdk) for your Nano, double-check how the library defines ei_impulse_init() and ei_run_impulse() (import correct headers), and make sure collectData properly formats the data during collection.
Yea, @Enthernet Code after applying this changes and modifications your code should look like
Are you seeing any specific error messages ?
Failed to run Edge Impulse model
maybe there is not enough memory available for the model to run. Can you provide the available memory before and after initializing the model?
the available memory before running the code is 20200 bytes, and after initializing the model, it drops to 1500 bytes.
it is likely that the model is consuming too much memory, and dosen't let enough space for the rest of the program
Okay, do u suggest switching model or find a device with a much higher memory space
i recommend reduce your model size. also use the Arduino IDE's memory usage reporting feature to get a detailed of how memory is being used in your sketch.
Okay I would do this and give you my feedback, thanks 👍