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All posts for discord.js - Imagine an app
Replying to APPLICATION_AUTHORIZED event on a webhook
Interaction Select Menu
Message Object sending ephemeral message
form channel returning null instead of the channel object
ValidationError: Expected the value to be a string or number
Application Commands API does not return localization
Discord bot ( im new to coding bots)
install error
Help me
Need help with logging system
node.js error
Client.user is undefined even at the fired ready event in discord.js v14.18.0
Bot works but authorization gives errors
Deferring a message saying headers wrong
User leave issue
TextInputStyle not available?
Buttons instantly disappear after using slash command
How i can do a reaction role command
Cant find module config.json
DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
Discord bot error
Is there a way to know if someone is connected in voice on xbox or ps5 ?
Re; Server Member Applications
Unknown interaction, what could be the reason?
Discord.JS Stats Database
Can `.addChannelOption()` take more than 1 channels as input?
Possible AsyncEventEmitter memory leak detected
Published announcement channel messages fire messageEdit event (v13)
Adding old messages to the cache and making them listen for events like messageReactionAdd
The problem with shards
I need someone to write me a bot in exchange for a percentage of sales.
createMessageComponentCollector not a function
Failure to create channel
Regex error when setting name of subcommand integer option
Auth Webhooks
Embed message problem and no ping
App in user account and guilds
'maxComponents' and 'max'
Slash command unknown interaction without reload
How to connect Discord Gateway API on the NodeJS backend
Help with ticket bot
My event doest responds
Cannot updateMessage after deferMessageUpdate (@discordjs/
[email protected]
Limit to command option to autocomplete
Error 10062 [Uknown Interaction]
Sending a welcome DM to users that have added/authorized my bot
slash commands options wont get visible / can add parameters v14.18
[discord-rpc] Retrieving authorization code for access token
Voice channel topic
NOT Responding
discord bot dashboard
"The application did not respond"
Comming back on bot development
subcommand not showing
Editing Ephemeral Messages
ping.js command that is crashing my entire bot
How to check bot status (not the Discord status)
TypeError: interaction.isCommand is not a function
dming users
newState.serverDeaf get the user who did it
Bot backend suggestions
Vanity Role
discord bot mute command
Why hosting the script on server won't work but locally it works without problem
How to set two main images in an embed
Using <GuildsAPI>.getMembers() to fetch specific members.
interaction listeners make my brain hurt
Embed Field Emojis too long
how do i grab the role made by an integration
Select Menu you can type in?
Issue with Message Logger
new Client VS new REST + new WebSocketManager
Issue with bot connect to gateway through docker network
how to use emoji in bot
Issue wth js
Issue with @discordjs/ws sharding
is it possible to use discord.js on mobile?
Answer on quoted message for slash commands
Thread Create - Rate limit?
Role Creation Problem
user verified age?
Override addChoices limit
Why cant i use MessageFlags.Ephemeral in v14.7.3?
User get Issue
Check if user has bot subscription
Help building a cooldown for my slash commands
how do i make a new command?
how do i make my bot have a status?
Seeking a Solution for Discord Rate Limit Issues on a VPS Running 160 Bots
trying to create a voice channel in a parent category
How to properly pass Sequelize table into command handler?
Multi select with autocomplete
Doubt about how data is tracked in embeds/buttons
General DJS Memory Leaks & Potential Voice Issues
Grouped slash commands
All commands are not showing in the command list in the server
The bot crashes after sending one or two direct messages to the newly joined members
[Solved] Voice States cleared
How to store the members of a server, should I?
How to add another row onto an existing message
Running Discord bot in Next.js App
Bot running 2 commands at once
Issue with "custom" autocomplete
Put all webhooks in choices
I need help
Fetch all messages in a text channel
request to failed, reason: certificate has expired
what's wrong?
User Install Event
Trying to figure out why my user app doesn't work in direct messages.
The bot never starts and does not connect to that appears in the debug: session limit information
Error with modals
Shard Broadcast
Ticket Handling
i need help
I need help
Online member fetch
Cannot find module '@discordjs/collection'
Bot Hosting for Gateway web socket connection
My collector isn't triggering, but is being created. There are no errors in console.
discordjs interactions
help me fix this error please
TS Inconsistency for message components
Trying to change a channel name only works when my bot gets the admin role.
Message Component Collector is not collecting after String Select Menu Interaction
Slash commands not being created
Slash Options
Not in stage channel error when running setSupress(false) despite checking for stage channel?
Events.MessageCreate does not invoke
Role cache get undefined
Question about choices
ChatInputCommandInteraction vs CommandInteraction
Latency off drastically
guild applications
Responding to a button interaction received from the gateway to launch activity
Confused About Discord Invites: Are They Always Linked to the Original Creator?
Setting buffer attachment not working. The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream
Get Activity (Embedded Apps) in a channel
Working with Rest API
How to Create a nitroDetect with Discord.js V14.17.3?
Small question
Vote Member détection : Command slash
Autocomplete Unknown Interaction
Vote détection with slash command for a member
ERROR: Shard 29's Client took too long to become ready
InteractionCreate for autocomplete won't fire on some commands
ReferenceError: ReadableStream is not defined
dms not registering as a dm
Listing entries in a ForumChannel?
Issue with Duplicate Commands When Bot Is Added to Another Server
Embed generator
How to limit visibililty of Slash Commands
quick question about caching in djs
My bot command not showing up but bot is online here is how it looks like
messageCreate isn't firing
how to get this gray border thing around the dates
Deno vs Bun vs Node
Dual Hosting
button interaction response problem
Global Commands are not registering
Does Discord.js natively support a debouncer or similar feature to prevent excessive button inputs?
How to properly use "fetchReply" in Discord.js Interaction API?
slash command deploy
How to register a User Installed SlashCommand
Message cannot be edited
When my bot receives DMs:
Discord.js voice resampling issues.
can anyone help me by giving tips on making money as a teenRn Iam a 14 year old trying to make cash
`ModalBuilder` validation error
Speak in Stage Channel
Getting a user’s Discord AvatarURL
Discord Activity
Slash Problems
Button interaction how to get the guild cache from former command
Bots sharing screens
Forward message
unknown interaction error
Automatic ranking system
Experiencing inability to text after using a slash command?
How do I convert an Attachment into a RawFile
Cannot Receive Direct Messages
Embedded App SDK
How do i fetch a forwarded message content?
Sharding error
Events that execute activities
Why do i get bad request
Slash Commands
Disabling A Button Through CustomId(handler)
captcha system
Trying to get member/roles without being rate limited
can discord bots have a custom status emoji?
messageUpdate with Partials
discord bot with AWS
Bot's Cache and Fetching
Require Vs Import, trying to "import" another script via the require method.
/Announce command
our bot doesnt start up fully
Bot Not Reading DMS
Shards and presence
Why am i have something like this
Adding permissions
Handle interaction after restart
Any Dev teach me?
Collecting multiple modal submissions
Collecting modal submissions
How can i draw a palestine flag in discord.js bot ?
My embed doenst work #embeds
What is the enum for the portuguese localization
Formatting Discord Response Messages
GuildAuditLogEntryCreate & Typescript
Is there a problem if I use 'force: true' everytime I want to fetch a user?
Slash commands : Default Permission to a role ?
slash commands not showing up
Pokémon plugin
how do i actually donwload discord.js
Slash command limit
Editing an embed
Bot DMs Checking
VSCode inconvinience
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'dynamic' does not exist in type 'ImageURLOpti
Property 'getUser' does not exist on type 'Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<CacheType>
how can i make my bot online forever
Help stuck
Discord JS Modal / Interaction
how do i fix this error which i have no idea of the why its here?
image in embed
receiving InteractionCollectorError after assumed fix
How to get user subscriptions in v14.17
Mentioning users showing as unknown-user
Expected SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder
Hellp i wanted to make a /timeout command but it doesnt work command is deployed
presenceUpdate not emitting
`broadcastEval()` fails to return promise, blocking my thread when awaiting it
say im tryna make a bot using distube and i cant get it too play its a weird error idk about
Bot cant open Google Spreadsheets? Error 403
error when deploying commands
Confusion about guild memberCount
Database error
Trying to detect emojis added to messages
Bot crashes: invalid webhook token
Who has a developer team with the badge
Why does this always return 136 even with clearly more people on call?
Issues with awaitMessageComponent
How do i get this colorless embed?
bot answer
Updating commands once the bot is started.
Can't find json file in correct path.
bot not seeing users
Sending messages in a Group DM w/ `UserInstall` & `PrivateChannel` w/out Interaction
User Install?
Bot seems to constantly reupload files even after one has uploaded?
how i can attach server to my anime streaming website
npx tsc error
Issue with Channel Filtering and Counting Logic
String select menu staying
How can I update variable data in an embed message?
Verified Bot Doesn't Start
anyone know how to send an mp3 file as a voice message in chat, i tried message flags but doesn work
is it possible to get serverinfo while bot isnt in it?
How do I make the bot appear in Discord activities?
Can't change channel of webhook
Keeps Authorizing
shardingManager ratelimit
Ticket System
White space or white message in an embed
bot not sending email
Fetching avatar and name from Discord ID
I cannot even see the commands registered
how do i change the permission overwrites of a thread?
client.application.commands.permissions.set(), 401: Unauthorized
Application did not respond
How do you add commands to user-installed apps?
Having issues.
events.messagecreate not running
bot is not starting
Send message to specific channel
Finding partner
Image on embed message
TypeError: ticket.send is not a function
List of all application SKUs with their names and type
Is it recommended to use djs to code a bot in 200k+ servers
Unresponsive bot + No errors
Is it possible to use Discord.JS and make a bot with it on mobile?
slash commands not registering
help error discord.js 13.17.1 giveaway command
Logic for Voice Channel Deletion
Understanding Error
create an embed, where you click a button and it will open a DM with the bot?
Private Message all members in server (D.JS 14)
Step by Step Collector
Disable init information from WS with Guild intent
Best way to chain select menus
Question on message component collector
SlashCommand interaction is undefined
Discord bot being rate limited while spawning shards?
Image in Embed
How to import embeds from 1 file into 2 without creating embed in 2 file?
$message.content returning nothing
help download canvas
How to make a user installed app
Discord bot
Help with discord bot
No discord user id mention in embed
error modal
Is there a way to save every username change into some kind of array (using mongodb)
Unknown Emoji Error when trying to react with unicode emojis
How do i delete a followup to a deferreply using a button?
trying to install ESLint for a discord bot project
Reduce rate limit question
How to create something like this?
Is there a way to ban user installed apps from running interactions?
How to launch an activity when responding to a interaction?
search function
Checking Guild Subscription
member presence activities
Discord Mod Logging (MemberBanRemove)
Commands not working for only SOME users
Drop-down lists inside modal windows
Creating an event via a bot.
Issue Launching
option.setName(...).setDescription(...).setType is not a function
CUSTOM bot activity
messageUpdate event comparsion problem
check if bot is user installed (or check if dm permission without sending a message)
Need help with pagination
Database for begginer
Why is this not working pleas help me,
Bot in GC
permission fetch error
Questions about @discordjs/proxy
Aligned fields in embed
How can i make my bots name chance every minute with code ?
Attaching PNG buffers directly to embed.
Discord External App Help
Can't fix this error, client.on, code in pastebin
I need a helping hand from a professional Dev
Message sending multiple times
Not triggering on entitlement create
Adding reactions to embed message.
Edit Embed with buttons
client.login stopped working out of nowhere, can't start the bot
Delete Message from User in DM
TypeError at _transformAPIMessageInteractionMetadata
Memory profiling with sharding
Thread .fetchArchived() doesn't return all the archived threads even if those are public
Ephemeral messages
Commands don't seem to update at all
Linking emojis to a role
TAG ID doesn't work correctly
Discord auth script logging
me commands arent updating
click button
Getting poll results
Event to signify the launching on an activity
discord rest api how to send dm ?
Make a bot leave the server you run the command in.
Transcript to URL
Collector Error
Role mention
I tried switching the file I am running node with but it keeps referencing the wrong file.
Commands not visible
Fetch the prices of each SKU in your application store front
Button not firing interactionCreate event
How to make slash commands work globally (in other servers and in dms where bot is not presentt
All Intents
DJS parsing
gaving probelm in ternminal
Live X feed tracker
what happens to the "main listener" when using a message collector?
Prefix Guide (V14)
Ban does not work?
How to properly communicate between shards?
Interaction.member.roles is either string array or role manager
Caching Issues
help in code
How to record Silent Parts of an Voice Channel Recording
Managing Internal Queues
Property 'voice' does not exist on type 'GuildMember | APIInteractionGuildMember'.
Destroy a client (logout) after using it
Slash commands not working
Fetching entitlements of an app
How to handle multiple slash commands simultaenously?
message.embeds empty
running scripts is disabled
Delay Issue
Error while DM user
GuildScheduledEvent triggers
Discord slash command
Registration Request on Startup
Bot hosting problem
Automatic publish announcements
Shards are still being spawned
Duplicate entitlement event
leave (non command)
Embed image doesn't show since couple of days.
Interaction emitting 2 times
there is way to add options to input in modal ?
Activities Event
Memory leak when sharding
thread.members.add is not a function
Per Server Currency System
selectmenu dont working
What is the best way to detect a change in server ownership when the bot happens to be offline?
Slash Command Not working
message event not working
message event not working
TS Bot Handlers not running with correct envs
can't set role to user (user.roles.add is not a function)
Button Image
How to check server's subscription without API call ?
Locate (multiple) images in post and repost to different channel
This interaction failed, button not working, djs v14
How to handle unhandled rejections?
client is undefined error
Why are my embeds not sent but Files are?
npx create-discord-bot generates broken code
Problem with guildMemberRemove.js (duplicate leave message)
Is the promise rejected when a request fails?
Hello I can't solve the problem can anyone help me?
Cron Job doing what it wants
Could someone help me with a problem I’m getting
Can't get this to work Interaction failed discord.js
djs v14.16.3 - unknown interaction
djs 14.16.3 - voiceStateUpdate - what do "sessionId" changes mean?
Making a bot - COMPLETELY new
Cannot run node.js
Interaction has already been acknowledged
Following a tutorial from 2020 and unsure of how I'm supposed to define Intents.
Discord.JS First Slash command guide not working
Property 'SoundboardSoundCreate' does not exist on type 'typeof AuditLogEvent'
No response from node?
Limits of Slash Commands
select menu
Bot crashing after string gives role
javascript vs typescript
Mentioning commands that have subcommands.
how to use @silent (flag 4096) on a deferred interaction reply?
AuditLogEvent.ChannelUpdate getting logs for only 1 channel and not all channels
Getting ratelimit
Any1 knows why usedInvite is always false?
Html in Embed
/level command
Use an application bot slash commands in dms
help me
how to add dynamically data from sql to .addchoice()
Google Cloud Run not logging into the bot
Read and scrapy an embed
Loading Files synchronously
Multiple Embeds Being Sent
Slash commands not being created
Some problem that i have no idea about
Obtaining Guild Name Doesn't Seem To Work v13.4.
GuildMemberAdded not working
Stats command returning wrong member count after X hours
What is the best way to handle components when they've been timed out?
live updater
trying making a bot that send custom message
Bot not allowing me to do announcments
SelectedValue is not defined
How do I check if the channel is a DM?
What's the ID of my created channel?
How to create a channel
code problem
Not getting hello @discordjs/ws
Looking to create a select menu. Where should I start?
The requested module '../utils/formatTextWithStyles.js' does not provide an export named 'default'
Embed Builder Not Defined When Using BroadcastEval
"ApplicationCommandType.User" is not assignable to parameter of type "ContextMenuCommandType"
retrive user gaming activity history?
using SlashCommandBuilder in Constructor
Track invite origin
Can i get sponsor role?
Roles Cache sometimes inconsistent
A collector that collects messages from a predetermined channel
Thread fetchStarterMessage with Attachments
ephemeral is not working on button interaction.
More URL schemes on link buttons
How deploy slash commands only in one specific guild
Bot not starting invalid token
Shard Variables
It doesnt work.
Bot Preformance - Sending the same message to many servers
title embed text forms
Website interaction for discord api
I am getting this error when the snippet is right.
Quick question : Do I need to reconnect the SQL database / use a pool connection lib in js or no?
im having problems to get all users with certain role
Quick question on managers
How to create a thread with user permission for viewing?
Giving users one coin, when they join a server through a command.
How to get how many users have installed the app
Is there a way to prevent messages from being grouped when posted by the same bot?
Is there an efficient way to get date as option for interaction ?
Can I pass a props into `interaction.showModal()` ?
Discord Changes to Autofill - Invalid Entry Since Recent Discord Client Update
Discord slash command(s) deleting itself. (Sorry closed last post too early)
Why might a slash command delete itself after one use?
Why users can't dm bot
Bot tries to reply to a system message.. but what is it?
GuildForumTag not working on discord.js v14.16.3 on my API
error message and i cant solve it
Not showing avatarDecoration on my API
How to run recommended ("auto") shard count all in one thread?
Context Commands Registering
What happens at 2,500 guilds/shard if you don't automatically reshard
Guilds request AI
How do I convert this a permission int into an PermissionString[]
Does the REST handler retry failed requests?
Fetch all reactions from a message but without cache
Do not know how to serialize a BigInt at JSON.stringify
Any1 knows why i might be getting this error ?
Make a select menu builder for certain roles?
Bot that listens to code words
Cmds not loading
Ephemeral didn't work
Why can't I click to view the user profile?
I need help to make the messages personal in a Discord channel for newcome
value of autocomplete gets lost after switching to other channel and back
How do add a user to a thread silently?
Typescript Error 'typeof Client' incorrectly extends base class
Sharding questions.
How to respond negatively to an autocomplete interaction?
How to check whether a user can be DMed?
Broken button handler: "interaction.isButton is not a function"
New commands only appear after completely removing and re-adding bot from servers
User install command emojis error
Simple question: Is Discord on-boarding verification safer than a Discord Bot?
deferReply and reply
How to delete reply of an interaction that caused my interaction after 3 seconds?
Missing Access Error when updating Guild Features
Session WS
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body0[AUTO_MODERATION_MAX_RULES_OF_TYPE_EXCEEDED]: Maximum num
Learning sources
How to automatically set status?
how to remove watch button from streams and put in your discord rpc buttons for ur discord bot?
How to rename a channel when bot goes offline?
Trying to create a transcript
Registering Command
how do i access the context menu targetid post-modal submission?
How can I get an array of all the posts in a forum?
Activity isn`t showing
Is there a way to save deleted messages and use them in transcript?
Log error
bot's activity status
how can i do Image coordinates in canvas image?
How to handle HTTP errors?
emoji undefined
Automod triggering twice
Is it possible to change the profile picture and name for a single message without using a webhook?
Bot command listing on profile
How can i get ONLY the message from 1 person in a collector
Waiting for a message
permissionOverwrites on a new channel
I have an error but the message is sent
Is fetching all threads safe?
How do i 'resolve' a TextChannel sendTyping
Rich Presence with ESModule
Get user who deleted a message
Inviting bot does not work
Command Handling With TypeScript
properties of reset_after is undefined
Detecting the double server boost
Strange session error when logging in.
Is there a way to read users bio?
[RPC] Pause timer on ActivityType.Listening
Type error with ApplicationCommandType and ContextMenuCommandType
Failure to push a slash command
.getMember() with Typescript
Ephemeral replay to a channel message
sweeping the cache
Can ephemeral ever fail and show up as a regular message?
Forum question
Problem with guild.members.fetch
How to send a file/attachment from an Attachment option on SlashCommand?
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "stream" argument must be an instance of Stream.
Token is correct but still getting "Invalid Authorization Header"
how to handle interactions through interaction URL, no gateway
Keeping A Channel Polls Only
(process:24892): Pango-WARNING **: 11:03:18.119: couldn't load font "Lato Not-Rotated 25px", falling
Can't install dependencies on discord.js repo
how can i do customize bot with d.js
I can't run any d.js commands.
SlashCommandBuilder defaults
How are the documentation files from .api.json converted to .json?
Only Slash Commands Not Responding, Showing "The application didn't respond in time" with No console
Entitlement Update event not received after cancelling subscription
Posting img with REST
Bot Not Updating Voice Permissions
Database connection
"cannot redeclare block-scoped variable 'data'"
why does my bot does random things
Unknown interaction
I have an error that i cannot solve.
Message periodic scanner
Can discord.js store snowflakes as bigints instead of strings?
How to differentiate between the possible errors when DMing a user?
Error that i cannot fix.
Application command's options
duration is null or undefined
Bot not receiving DM's
register commands for multiple servers
Problem with buttons
Application not responding
Idk why am i getting this error while running bot for first time
Rtc region null
Sharded Discord.js bot resets to initial presence status
I got an error that I dont understand
Range Error Shard 0 not found
400 Bad Request (error code: 50240): You cannot remove this app's Entry Point
Embedded Platform
Incompatible embeds
Bot Appearing Offline on Some Shards
You cannot remove this app's Entry Point command in a bulk update operation.
sharding with workers
userinfo bot
How to mention a guild
I have an error that I cannot solve
anyone know why I get this error?
help meeded
Assistance in setting up makeCache and sweepers
Restarting bot token programatically
Shards Error ShardingReadyTimeout
How Can I Restart My Discord Bot Without Downtime? (130k Servers) type does not seem to have send and sendTyping in v14
Node.js host process becomes "locked up" / "clogged" for simple bot
Getting message context after modal submission best practice
Mee6 Import Script/Command
simple template to load slash cmds from
How would I lock a command behind a specific role?
Can i fetch every message from a channel?
Get the date of a user joining discord
Shard Error
How do I make a Message Context Action
Message Collector help
I get an error saying ReferenceError: GatewaysIntentBits is not defined and I don't know how to fix
Attachment won't send
How do I run code
How do I prevent this if you press a button several times that it makes the error below?
how to add bot for car registration
Accessing Connections
using discord oauth
My Discord activities just gives me a White Screen
Guild User Profile URL
Error during download
How do I grab the voice channel the bot is currently connected to?
Bulk role add/remove
hello i have a eror and im new
Hi! I have an error.
DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
guildCreate not firing
Recreating welcome message wave button?
help im newbie
Duplicate Command Execution Issue
Some error that I do not understand
Validation Error in Mongoose/djs
Don't understand where to write this code.
No idea how to solve this.
apps added to servers
Shard info
embed don't display in the bot message
I dont know if i used it wrong or made an error in it
What is the max this can output?
HttpError: Service Unavailable
Autocomplete retreiving from database
What happens if;
Discord OpenID != Google OpenID?
which perms do i need
Cannot access localizations
Get message by id without knowing channel
slash command getting messed up
which permisson i need
unable to delete slash commands
Getting slash commands
slash command not getting registerd
Public bot ---> off
kick/ban member in list of servers
Discord Threads
I have 3 replicas that all respond to the same thing
Pagination Question
How can i detect someone timeout got removed?
AutoModerationActionExecution event
Send multiple attachments with spoilers at the same time
Store a command
Cannot set guild permissions to command
create a Discord bot with AI free
About forum
When listening to a rest request, can I use an async function?
awaitMessageComponent doesn't wait the set time
Execute command on button interaction
Unexpected error for me.
Get who used a /command on another bot
Discordjs package Check permission
forum post reaction + join
does the bot log out after some time
slash command issue
how to get this typa button
Can a bot run roblox and make it join a game with cmd
"Unkown command" when using context command
lil doubt
📃Unremoveable Role Problem📃
Are there any good options for selecting multiple users in a command's options ?
button says no active player in this guild
Reaction Collector doesn't work as intended
Any ideas?
Can you use interaction.member.roles without privileged intents?
Weird issue
using channel search function.
How can I ban people with my bot who are outside of the server? (reopening)
How can I ban people with my bot who are outside of the server?
Trying to get custom set permissions for commands in a Guild.
Request error unknow message 10008 but my code isn't related at all to this
Command dissapears
I have an error that I cannot solve.
App didnt respond
Bot disconnects when it's dragged to different vc
How to handle sub commands?
registering commands
Premium Button didn't work
Command Not Reloading
Searching discord.js Documentation
Discord permissions
Error in Ticket System MongoDB database log
Client won't start
shardList does not work on my app
File Sending
bulk file downloader
How to kill a shard and prevent its auto respawn functionnality?
missing permissions error code 50035,
Invalid bitfield flag or number: undefined.
can send normal message but cant send embded message
ping discord
Error Adding Buttons To Message
unable to send message in channel
Message collector not working
others unable to see slash commands
Discord Bot broken
buffering timed out after 10000ms
integrating modal and context menu
how do i send a private message via @discordjs/rest
Using napi-rs canvas library and failing to troubleshoot consistent memory leak on a file
error when trying to add a button to a message
Retrieve the author of a voice disconnect
Cheapest way to do persistent, modifiable memory in real time without a database?
Strange role tagging @everyone
Help Needed with Discord Bot Error: Token Unavailable to Client
Welcome message
Max Event Listeners
discord dashboard and discord js combo
how can I fix my bots latency? undefined after ephemeral reply
permission to list members of server
Do we use the new discord emoji the same way as emojis
guild.members giving only 1 member and the bot itself
Message to embed
lost "view message history" function after receiving new role in community
app showcase/share channel
Is there any alternatives to canvas
Missing Button
premium button?
urm help
entitlementCreate triggers twice
Why my interaction is not defined?
Delete ping and not ping.
Having issues with embed buttons / parsing custom IDs
im getting this unhandles rejection at promise error
Discordjs REST error iirc
Add thumbnail embed from locally running api
Rich presence
connection timeout error constantly
Issue by opening a ticket
recognize user
Issue catching unreact event after bot has restarted
Users showing up as "Unknown User" until you manually ping them
Retreiving thread by it's name & it's tags
Local image not rendering in embed
Getting rate-limited for making a role
Question regarding ephemeral replies after defer
messageReactionAdd execute isn't getting the right Client
Tracing activity and ratelimits
what is entitlementCreate event & how to add the reason field for audit logs in audit logs.
Private therth not work
Not loading ban command
how to super react? ask in help channel but never got answered
roblox tax command error
How do I send a premium button?
Can't use commands of other files
Forum Event
How to use mongodb for database
I dont know the error
Aplication doesn't respond
my bot not responding
Help me I am making a card gaming bot
Bot not appearing in member list
Can't send modals ( An error occured )
Just getting back into discord bots
wrong value error
Where to re-learn Bot Coding
REST token not present
I need help
how can i use buttons after restart without use again a command
BitFieldInvalid djs 14.15.3
Can't find the problem
General Question?
Anonymous Messages
Attempting to remake my bot the "Correct" way
Is there any feasible way to create playerRank cards with animated subtext and animated borders?
How to set the status for the latest djs version
custom discord
Need help making a C# Bot?
voice channel topic support
i couldnt understand this error
discordapierror 404
Can't create a modal component
Issue adding user to guild with GuildMemberManager#add
http to discord js type
API Not showing the right player ammount
Enum Integer Permissions Typescript
Rich Presence
"This interaction failed"
other arguments than `client` is not being passed to event handler
Invalid WebSocket frame: invalid UTF-8 sequence
Tracking user boosts and unboosts
Why did i get message by discord telling i have uploaded my server token online
Deleting embeds by its content
PermissionOverwrites question.
Error [ApplicationCommandPermissionsTokenMissing]: Editing application command permissions requires
The application did not respond.
Sharding retrieve guild data
Reaction collector for every message in every channel
Why is AttachmentBuilder not included in @discordjs/builders?
What is the event `collect` in `InteractionCollector`
Status Probleme
Application doesn't respond
Is there a way to get a log of added or removed roles for a member?
How can i edit the embed of a message?
Is it possible to add metadata to a message?
check for here , everyone mention
Problem with rights and logical code separation
registering commands
Deploy-commands not working
get channels
Timeout command
Fetching custom emoji from my discord application's emojis
Can't run the guide lightly modified bot
Message collector sending an error when two people send a message at the same time
Ping command
Message.startThread fails with: DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message
User install Commands
Unable to change USE_EXTERNAL_APPS permission
Is @discordjs/builders deprecated or soon to be deprecated?
discors bot and panel architectury
.addChoices and name_localizations
@discordjs/collection Dependency Remains 1.5.3 instead of latest version
Bot wont talk & no error, how do i debug? (.wav sound file)
Message create event is being triggered on thread creation
Bot user interaction
messageCreate not picking up dm messages
is this wrong for making embeds
problem with validator
regenerating commands list
returned user from getUser option
Permission Checks
what is "with reason"
Give role on To-Do checklist completion
Steps I should take to avoid rate limits?
Questions about what is "spam" when it comes to messaging users with a bot
Receiving special banners on the server
Process on transferring from JS -> TS
It doesnt set the permissons
How many people can my discord bot DM message before it's limited?
Send a message in a specific channel?
Attempting to react to messages older than bot does not work
javascript object misbehaving
Get message by ID and then update it
Error that I cannot solve
An error I do not understand
Discord slash commands aren't registering
How Do I install
Interaction from Guild the bot is in emitting with uncached Guild
Is it okay that im 10 years old?
Internal Server Error
Setting emojis in a select menu
Catching an error and sending custom error
can't read the mentions of a webhook
How to create a modal based on the options they picked from a dropdown menu
Convoluted code giving InteractionAlreadyReplied error
retrieve all messages from a user
Slash Command registration in files and in deploy-commands: double declaration
Separated inline's fields on embeds
String Collectors not Collecting?
Database system recommendations?
Error on ticketing bot
error in sharding
Getting "Unknown message" sometimes...
Debug Undici
Vote Button Update Logic
call translation
User Context Menu in group dms - not sending interaction to gateway
How to setup constants/variables outside of module.exports ?
the submitreview button is only becoming available after i submit all the 4 inputs and resubmit sum
GuildMemberUpdate only fires when my bot's roles are modified.
Shard Error
Error [ShardingInProcess]: Shards are still being spawned.
Working on SKU / Monetization
Error installing packages.
User Isntall not registering slash commands
Error when installing packages
.ENV file does not recognized in Synology NAS after shutdown
Reaction Collector not collecting reactions in DMs
Is this possible with discord.js?
i get the "This interaction failed" error for the last five "if" statements.
GuildScheduledEventUserAdd and Remove not working for users that aren't me
slash commands not working
Commands send twice
"I got banned from the API for refreshing too much."
Bot's role hierarchy position problem
Get Option Label
missing permissions / permissions are already granted
linking external modules
Async not working
Not getting autocomplete info
Cannot install @discordjs/opus (djs ver 14.5.3)
Routes.guildMembers() only shows one member
Supported impersonationsold version
channel fetch
pass variables into <ShardClientUtil>.broadcastEval()
Hi I want to learn how to make simple commands in discord.js
Migrating v12 command to v14
Broad JS Question
Error [InteractionAlreadyReplied]: The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.
What is the best way to list the members inside a voice channel ?
How can I make simple commands in discord.js
Application specific emojis
Problems with modal
How would you go about counting the number of channels your bot has access to?
Am trying to add a modal to update a embed
Help to convert old Binary to Text command from Discord v12 to v14
Discord-Modals Error
Emojies not working with select
Error : Could not resolve channel to GUILD_VOICE
why this happend
Issues editing automod
error message
Discord seems to have troubles editing an interaction, but still doing it
Checking user permissions on guilds
Problem with fetching members with roles
Help with error: TypeError: (intermediate value).setName is not a function
Possible to stream video of webpage through Discord.js bot?
Discord.JS IntelliSense isn't working for my slash command. Any advice?
Weird problems with disappearing slash commands, "Unknown Integration"
Troubleshoot Memory Issues
Member role and welcome channel not working
Cannot create permissionOverwrites for users with server booster
Using discordjs as a standlone file without nodejs
Is there any benefit from using <ComponentCollector>.removeAllListeners() on the "end" event of it?
How to get the previous message from a message ?
Bot refuses to send messages because of missing access.
Message vs InteractionResponse IDs
Application didnt respond
Generating embeds but size exceed 6000
how can i make a footer that display the bot icon and name and time that the command was run in
Button Premium SKU
a command prefix sill supported?
channel message size
Impossible to timeout members from GuildMembersManager object
Custom Activities Feature
How to get Client object from a Shard?
How to use getAnswerVoters for new polls
Executing other commands using buttons
server boost event and boost revoke event
User App Install
Channel not found!
Adding Slash commands
Get icon of current game from Member object
create channel overrides adds to instead
How to get attachments from a message?
Cache: FALSE
Autocomplete not using value given but instead name
My bot isnt logging in
Don`t working slash command
Uploading larger files fail, when uploading it to my discord bot
button/command premium (SKUs)
Can someone figure out what is wrong with this script?
Interaction returning undefined
Need Help
Cache of GuildMembers
API help Discord.js 14
Can @discordjs/opus be installed on Google Project IDX?
So my commands doesn't work.
DiscordAPIError[0]: 401: Unauthorized even though im authorized and the access token is brand new?
Random shutdowns due to sessionInfo being null
[Slash Commands] The function is not called "async execute(interaction)"
What's wrong with this slash command?
slash command invisibile for everyone
My slash commands aren't registering in my discord server. Client.on() doesn't seem to run.
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
How do I make this selected?
Random shard sessionInfo errors
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_add') on InteractionWebhook.send() call
Ephemeral messages
errors installing @discordjs/opus
Sending videos in embeds using embed objects
how do i find my AUTHORIZED_USER_ID
using only id to send DM
How to upload files using REST API?
User Installs
reply feature
Shard activity
General Question
How do I create a User App with Discord.JS?
premiumSubscriptionCount is NaN
I get an error
vouch bot win rar file
DJS v12 to v14 or newest help
"CORS" dashboard issue.
Team Status command
guildMemberRemove event don't work
REST Crash
How do i is user dm enabled?
Argument of type 'ButtonStyle.Link' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ButtonStyle'
how do i start doing bots?
Slash Commands were showing just fine, then they disappeared after a server restart
canvas is not registering my font
Keep getting 500 Internal Server Error when editing messages
Bot got spam added
guild members timeout
Best command handler
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'roles')
Message content is empty, unless the bot is tagged
AFK Command buttons not working properly :(
Handling attachments in ModalBuilder
Handling commands with promises
Bug of discord.js Message.mentions.members . Doesn't include all mentioned members.
ButtonBuilder Generic
Bot status
best way to secure my bot's token
How to check if message has any components, and if it does, bot will disable all of them and update
Using Slash Command to send a message in a different chat and I want to capture the response
embed description error
Welcome messages
Slashcommands with API
Problem with the guildBanAdd event
Unknown message when deleting bot messages
Modal collecting two responses
Send a dm to user after bot/app has been added/authorized? (user install)
vanity link
Is there anyway to get the time a user spent on a voice channel?
Discord bot works but not on my pcs
Interaction problem
Recurring "Cannot send an empty message" error
Manage Embed Size in Title
Sharding Client To Long to be Ready Error
AuditLog Event for member timeouts.
my command category logos is not showing its just showing the code of all emojis
Cant get user's voice channel
Move Logs
TS Error: The property "isReady" / "token" is not available for the "myClient" type.
Can someone explain me how to return a value?
embed message struggle
how do djs and other wrappers sync application commands
Problem with rest module
how can i make my bot use external emojis in user installed apps (in group dms)
I need help setup my bot
Help with setup bot
Im not sure what to do next ngl
Verified bot check failed in some rare cases
I got two errors when I execute deferReply method.
Nuke Protection
Slash Commands Not Loading
Missing access error
Function always returns "true".
Why ChatInputCommandInteraction can return a null channel?
Message ID change when i edit the Message
i keep on getting the interaction failed error but i did the reply method already tried to debug it
Non-internal sharding without using a full `Client` instance
v14.14.1: RangeError [BitFieldInvalid]: Invalid bitfield flag or number: undefined.
Drag Moves Log
Sharding not working anymore out of nowhere
I need help as a beginner
Avoid commands being sent at the same time
User Install Count
Interaction keeps failing..
`` returning into a null
Grouped Audit Logs
Unable to catch the disalowed intent
How do I make an user install command?
Discord.js development utilities
Unknown Interaction error
Create private threads in Forum
token invalid error
Telegram media download
registering code not working
Bot stopped playing music
Best crypto price library?
Welcome Message Sending multiple times
presence update
Anyone got any good djs 14 command handlers
AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401
Please Explain This Stupidity - ButtonComponent and modifying existing buttons (on messages)
Discord.js browser version
Is it possible to make a poll with Discord.js that never expires?
Network errors
RateLimit issues / other causes
Creating first bot and ran into problem
Can the REST class be used to work with global rate limits (make sure you don't throttle)?
How can I make sure slash commands are only added/registered once?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')
how i can check is user timeouted
Unknow Application
Guild undefined when fetching a channel
Bot not returning API latency
Hey if I have a verified bot with slash commands and added some commands for example ?ban
Is there a way to add a type to a choices inside an options?
bot function
Webhook avatar
channels.create().then() runs before the result is acquired
line break
bot just crashes
options.uri is a required argument
What is the best way to recover my buttons components?
bot mobile online status
Delete all Slash Commands
D.js version 15
Property 'getMember' does not exist on type 'Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<CacheType>,
how can i make a user installed command?
Edit Interaction Reply
My bot seems to not received the event "interactionCreate" from button sent in DM
[ ERROR: ]: source.on is not a function
I don’t know what’s wrong
Bot stuck on thinking
is this a right way to do?
Does **MessageReactionAdd** Event work?
how downloading
dmPermission Slash Command
what is that
Linked Role OpenID
Get Guild Join Date
Struggling to get total member count for a role
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'reduce')
Randomly Started Happening
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'reduce')
Audit log in secondary guild.
How do create poll with my bot?
Status Checking
discord voice author user reciver by bot
channelPinsUpdate get the pinned/unpinned message
How/Where to report security vulnerabilities
I thought it's a default thing?
how do you fetch all messages created after a specific date?
'GLIBCXX_3.4.26' Not Found
How do I enable zlib compression with normal Discord.js?
Does anyone know why I can get the guildBanAdd event to work?
Guild Create and Guild Delete only
There's a way so set a embed width?
Check If Entitlement is still valid
Start Bot Error
Issue with role addition/removal
Best practices for using Discord.js throughout different components
i keep getting interaction failed on this command
How do I get a response from a dm?
App crashing
My role buttons interfere with everything
message_reference: Unknown message
Line shows error but I think it is not
Unable to upload emoji: TypeError: terminated
Application commands are not updated in chat, but in "Manage Integration" are up-to-date.
error Fetch user through user id
Does anyone know how I can do this without getting the error DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
Help please
"chained" StringSelect
the commands are duplicated
cmd error
Create a new category
embedbuilder undefined?
Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'code' in undefined
discord.js polls seem to not work
mongodb and modals
Dealing with button components
Fetching guild id and other properties when guild create event is fired
delete all commands
Problem with variable through multiple file
Discord shards problem
The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred (Use interaction.update > once)
RAM Usage
User Update Event
Problème de connections DB mysql
Can i change custom invite link using discord.js
Bot will crash after first successful run of command (will auto be fine after like 2 mins)
Reaction Collector not getting the correct size (capped at 1)
DJS Number Input
why is my group and app command not working for allowedroleIDMember
Questions about Discord.js cache
Unknown Interaction
unknown interaction
Permission needed for permissionOverwrite method
Why my pagination error' in v14
Steal command for stickers !!
How to approach "replacing" (finding/deleting/reposting) a message in a designated channel?
welcomer bot
Unknow Error with Intents.FLAGS.Guilds,
how to make sure a bot doesn't have a presence like this:
My bot will crash after running the command
Optimizing Ram Usage
How I can validate a selectMenu when all the options are set by default ?
Bot not reading the correct number of reactions on a message (reads only 1)
Why i got error by Embeds?
Unexpected behavior of client.on(Events.VoiceStateUpdate)
There a way to get all message of a channel?
Modules not found
How i get the Threads property of the channel where slash commands were fired
Probably a stupid question, but is there security against RCE/ACE?
This interaction failed (StringSelectMenuBuilder)
What function type i need to pass to my collector filter property?
role positions
DiscordAPIerror: Missing Access
How do I fix this problem? :)
interaction failed
Weird behaviour from pins, caused by discord.js
Failing to get message.reactions.cache "undefined"
List commands
End StringSelectMenu Collector (to avoid Unknown Interaction or InteractionAlreadyReplied)
Detect reactions
Hello sorry im new to this but did i do this right
Help with GuildRoleDelete Event
system log paypal
Removing and adding roles at the same time
channel permission change
getString() issue
problem with the bot
Running commands asynchronously
cannot find the text input value
Duplicated commands (not global)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')
i can still fetch the message
Error while adding option to command.
TypeError [ClientMissingIntents]: Valid intents must be provided for the Client.
Problem while creating category
is there is a way to make down menu never expire?
reaction leaderboard
Slash commands are not registering
Interaction + Reaction collector
How can I check if a user id has permission to send messages to a channel?
Interaction already replied issue
Failed to load slash commands
button interaction failed (collector/interaction create?)
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getUser')
Unknown Integration
Forum tags - Create a new tag if not exists
The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.
How to resolve this error, it happens when I try to send an image(only sometimes)
How to send custom emoji in embed description
guild.members.fetch will still fetch those who have left the server
Sending attachment with message edit
I need help with my code
What are `idHints`?
Unknown Interaction
Sychro problem
messageCreate event
Message interaction is null
I am confused with interactions
Guild member caching
Everything executes fine, but then it crashes
"The application did not respond"
Code organisation
Chanel Creation
Images randomly not loading
Can't upload emojis: TypeError: terminated
Is there any method that i can use
Undici timeout errors
Registering slash-commands
The application did not respond
What does it mean for a channel to be "threadOnly"?
The application did not respond
'å', 'ä', 'ö' all turn into (check post) when in a message
discord.js won't update.
Shop with pages update too slow
Just double checking to be extra sure: Do ALL DiscordJS fetch methods check the cache first?
Why is my number of emoji inaccurate?
triggerUncaughtException error
set permissions
Transform a APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember into a GuildMember
Help with embededmsges
AudioPlayerError: aborted and suddenly the music off and shutdown directly
Alternative Slash Command Option
client.on() not handling/accepting requests when awaiting response from SQLite when it is busy
Can I make a list of options for each user separately in Slash command?
is there a way to vertically pad non monospace text in an embed
how to set activity
hey I create a offline notifer as event
So when I Run My Bot This What Happens
Get input from the user
Collectors not working
undici connection errors
How do delete all slashcommands
Audit Log Executer
pagination with button handler
Interaction Error
Any performance issues if non-async function runs an async, compared to running async alone
Error Code 404 when trying to launch app
Discord Login
Can someone explain me what can I do that my bot always response. If I try next day a slash command
Button interaction
quick question for moderation bots and stuff
Can you have multiple images in one embed?
Image in slash command option
Send data with component
Help to the dev help
Bot permissions help
Possible to _never_ purge/sweep specific cache?
can't see slash commands
Modal Submit not Working
Collector not updating message embed
Token invalid (Discord.js@13 / 10.7.0)
Presence Intent question.
Name Error
Channel permission check
how can i use nvm in vs code and command.excute
How do I leave it like this? no name appears
Keep saying The application did not respond
help with bot
Updating documentation for receiving partial messageReactionRemove event
Caching all guild entitlements for a process-sharded bot
createMessageComponentCollector timeout answer
Does DiscordJS support activities/activity creation? If not, will it in the future?
how to deploy commands only to an admin
Fetching member disconnect audit logs
Unable to fetch all members from role
TypeError [InvalidType]: Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role.
syntax error
Button Interaction Help
How do I end a poll that is in the message?
When did discord.js will release the possibility to add comands to users ?
Roblox gamepass group price chages not working
Is there any way for me to check which servers a user is on by their ID? , or any API that lets me s
Help me with an unexpected error!!!
How can i automate message?
Integration Type/Context in slashCommandBuilder
Authorize modal
"Invalid Form Body" when sendPremiumRequired is called.
voice channel status?
ContextMenuCommandBuilder Permissions
How can I edit interaction.update, because if I use interaction.editReply it edits followUp
hi question im following the guide and is this part needed or not
commands isnt work
level up message
trying to make daily bot
help with invite tracker needed
Trying to create a channel under a category
How to determine the number of messages from a user ?
Readonly array in message options interface
Thread creation very slow in larger servers
Problem with a xp system
Why can't I import (require) something from discord.js ?
global slash command not working
AutocompleteOption.NameLocalizations not works?
@DiscordJS/WS cache
How do I know which gateway intents I need for a certain event in Discord.js?
@DiscordJs/Opus installation error for node v20
What is this and is there a way to make it with djs?
Buttons in the embed losing their functionality after a certain period of time
Keep saying This interaction failed
Issue with docker / discord.js / linux
thread.members._add is not a function
Can't set role icon
How to run discord.js in a serverless environment?
Discord API
Simplifying the API request process
Simplifying API Requests
Strange behavior with selectively sending multiple embeds
content: '' even when there's a content.
How can I fix the ChatInputCommandInteraction?
Slash Command Register
Looking for a teacher/helper for a bot card game like werewolf
PresenceUpdate usage
Looking for examples for code structure
discord.js occasionally resending requests, causing double messages
Role Select Menu not clearing/refreshing?
RangeError [MessageNonceType]: Message nonce must be an integer or a string.
A variable is returning NaN even though it's supposed to be a Number
410 error Discord-Player
[opinion needed] Splitting data fetching to repositories
Get Guilds Members
discordapierror while deploying commands
how can i script that a staffler get ping when a ticket open??
Send Images from MongoDB
thread send message
Trying to cycle embed with pictures and confirm, but have errors
Can anybody help me?
How can I get number of members in the role without having Guild Members Intent?
Invite bot Error
how can i delete the youtube link ?
Inconsistent Timing in `ModalInteraction.deferReply()`
is it fine to use fs.readline and fs.writeline over and over as a system to store data?
How i can fetch polls from message?
Discord.js RPC Extension work ?
HTTP Status code 400 [TypeScript]
Trying to pull users who reacted to a specified message with a specified emoji, need some guidance
Welcome message not sending
Usage example for Poll?
Is screensharing with discord apps a thing now?
My bot cant create emoji even though it has create expressions permission
Discord Bot Creating Invite Link
How many subcommand groups can I have per command?
Embeds Style
node:fs:1508 const result = binding.readdir(
Command Refresh
RequestAbortedError when uploading files
Opening Handshake has timed out (no CF ban)
Problem when i try to use keepAlive wth MongoDB
Find avatar by an ID
Can a bot react to a user joining a voice channel without being there?
TextChannel.send only works when sending raw content
status Bot
Is it possible to check if component timed out AFTER it has timed out?
Send Attachment
Editing message
Can't use modal after button
Build each user a unique sets of buttons
How ??
screen share bot
how can we convert downloaded voice messages (ogg) to raw stream?
EmbedBuilder sends an empty message
Horizontal fields
DJS fetch function never ending?
Change Status
DiscordJS V14 not catching Event "MessageCreate"
Client.Users.Fetch(UserId) erroring, stating UserId is null when it is not.
Streaming .ogg file as it is created
Webhook channel does not change after edit (webhook sends to wrong channel).
Webhook channels.
V10, roles cache pulling only "undefined" roles until the code is ran again
Is there any way for me to pull the logo of a server just by its id, and the name without having to
Error fetching avatar
Automod command(i closed my other forums btw)
userUpdate not emitting when PresenceUpdate occurs
Get embed info of another bot and who it replied to
Global Commands Not Showing In DM
Error with bot
Censor failing to detect words containing regex symbols
slash command DM
Automod issue again
Bot responding from a button, and answer with a text and two buttons more
Cannot read data and .toJSON
registration stepper/wizard
If I receive two messages on the same channel, I want to be able to retrieve both of them separately
If I receive two messages on the same channel, I want to be able to retrieve both of them separately
An invalid token was provided.
Change Role icon (Emoji)
How can i add no prefix system into my bot??
Property 'getMessage' does not exist
Recurring Events
Error when trying to upload global slash commands
MongooseError: Model.findOne() no longer accepts a callback
TypeError: user.permissionsIn is not a function
Message object rate limits
the bot is not sending message when member joins
ticket bot reacts to own messages
banner change cmd
Problems with starting up the bot
What causes this to be seen as an unknown interaction?
Invalid_Grant error for OAuth 2.0
Help with OAuth
Error with a command
discord api
problem with launching the bot
add members to thread
Is this how I check if a user has boosted?
Automod command
Self Hosted Proxy
messageReactionAdd not work
Invalid protocol value
How to remove a bot after a given time(days).
cannot get messages from channel
Looking for a good way to organize subcommand groups
help with command
TypeError: pendingTicketsChannel.createChannel is not a function
ColorConvert error
How can I catch specific errors, or what is the best way to handle error catching?
Is it possible to mention a user without actually pinging them?
unknown interactions
duplicated commands
Error says that it doesn't recognize the interaction 💀
Unwrapping `Promise<x>` where `void` expected?
i need help by a bot command error code
How do I add temprole to any user in an automated way using djs14??
Discod.js on node 14
Repeated Slash Commands even when set to Global
AudioPlayer Stuck in Buffering Status
member.joinedAt = null
What are some ways to make your code more neat and organized?
How do I send timed messages using cron please?
Elements Limits / Max Length
Mutil-server support
An invalid token was provided.
Manual sharding
remove something specific from someones nickname
function to verify image links, but the issue with an embed command
Authentification Links Userinstalled-Apps
Send regular text in a message with an embed
delete message on ready event
channel_id[NUMBER_TYPE_COERCE]: Value "[object Object]" is not snowflake.
send buffer as file
user interactions
sticky message sometimes isn't sticky
Can’t create channels
hopefully two simple questions
Somethings wrong, idk
Bot not responding
Receiving undefined for Message#guild although it should be Guild or null
React to message with emoji
Is it possible to mute someone using a var
💚💛🧡I need Help i am a Bigginer
Defer without message in modal
"Invalid Form Body" when using sendPremiumRequired()
client.player.getQueue is not a function
Issues getting message after using it once
Weird error in connection with mongodb
join message dont works
Remote All Reactiosn
"No description" error when sending message
[NoExtractors] Warning: Skipping extractors execution since zero extractors were registered
Can I set the slash only for those who have a certain role?
unknown interaction
"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'guilds')
Issue with Modal -- "Something went wrong. Try again."
Trying to get a list of members of a role
delete channels
"The application is not responding"
How do I convert this code to v14 ?
Building Embed & 3 Buttons in v14 (use ActionRowBuilder and EmbedBuilder?)
addFields choose position
DiscordAPIError[undefined]: No Description
Issues installing @discordjs/opus
ClientUser banner is undefined when force fetching on ready
Validate Slash command text
@discordjs/rest & Nextjs v14 error
Create role with custom icon
New Error
Changing rest api of WebhookClient
Get join method
Building custom messages from the discord-giveaway package
Broken Code
How to get a username from id if the user isn't in the server (for unban command)?
Create channel
Connection Timed Out
My discord bot doesnt respond when i write a command in DM but in server or guild it reply
Roles not adding correctly
Roles not adding correctly
why this collector isnt working?its not responding to the answers
why cant i see my slash command when i test it? its not working
Do I need to manually check if each message in an Array is bulkDeletable?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'GUILD_VOICE_STATES')
Wrong user count
Is my Node.js not working?
Stuck in joinVoiceChannel connection stuck in signalling - any advice?
Nested message component collector not firing
Extending GuildMember
''Sorry, name can only contain URL-friendly characters''
This interaction failed
Failing to trigger collector
Odd issue with client not being detected.
Private message transcription problem
Shard takes too long to get ready
const client = new Client({ intents: [ Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD
Having discord API errors when refreshing commands
Sorting Error
host problem
Trying to get Client from ShardingManager for Test Suite
Detecting user AFK channel switch
How do i right that into V14
Trying to read channels name after it's deleting
discord rest error 50035
ReferenceError: rest is not defined
Conditional display of Button Components in Text Channel (based on user role?)
Error with slash command
How fix this?
Unknown Interaction
How can I make it so that when users are blocked from accessing the bot, it leaves their server?
DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged and Unknown Interaction
Cloning a SlashCommandBuilder
Sending an Embed with a Base64 Image
cant install npm discord.js
TypeError [InvalidType]: Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role.
Deno / Websocket error
"The activity is over..." message displayed when my bot is not managing it
Bot permission in channel
hello im really lost rn i dont know nothing about js or node js and i want to learn how to install
My bot doesn't get the full list of channels on a server
Error with module
Only enabling certain users to answer a poll
working with audit logs ( problem with MEMBER_UPDATE")
Develop with Entitlements
How do i set permission override
i have a doubt is the intent fuction update in v14.5.0 ?
Best way to get StringSelectMenuInteraction value from ButtonInteraction?
Guys can i run my old code in discord js still?
AutoComplete Problem
Property 'getUser' does not exist on type 'Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<CacheType>
data.poll.question[POLL_MEDIA_CONTENT_MISSING]: Poll media must include text, an attachment, an emoj
need help with APIs
Error: There was an error: DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
different embed?
Sharding in Multi-Servers
Configuration ouputting to console
TextInput in message components
Updating Users Permissions (RoleManager)?
Get all messages from a user
DiscordAPIError[50027]: Invalid Webhook Token
Problem with the v14.15.1
VoiceReceiver - Subscriptions needed before detection of start/end?
know boosts for a user
Is there any way to handle a poll ending?
Use new poll feature
Interaction authorizing_integration_owners key
difference between discordjs package and discordjs rest and discordjs core?
Using base with nodejs (discord.js & voice) as addons
Missing Permissions error
Hosting in Azure App Service (Web App)
X is not a constructor but works at other parts of the code?
Collector problem
Role Stats
Command Map
Can I use the API to access /users/@me
Creating Channel under Category
New Voice Channel id?
application did not respond
best redis alternative?
What are events used for?
need help
How to change a variable that is in an array that is in an array in database in discord.js v14 ...
'Unknown Integration'
how write data to json
Difference between canvas and @napi-rs/canvas
Best way to get active client from http request
Error with mongoDB
NODE_ENV=production optimization for discord.js ?
list all commands in array
Whats the best way for Hosting a Discord bot?
ContextMenu Build
Is there a way to get rate-limit data about an action (like update thread name) ?
Logging API response body
Direct Message Users Rate Limit
Buttons error
Log all events into server channel
Relative timestamp in embed footer
@discordjs/brokers timeout when not using reply()
deferReply issue
OAuth2 URL + Bot Permissions + Discord Intents
Properties of undefined „send"
idk what s this error
How to check if a user is in a specific guild
reading guilds TypeError
Resuming with cached data using @discordjs/ws
Select menus
message.edit erroring with "Unknown Interaction", but message is found.
Ping problems
Detecting Application Commands Intended for Other Bots!
Minesweeper code error
Big Problem
Getting user from interaction options
Add a role problem
Problem to add a role to a person in a different guild
newState.speaking vs oldState.speaking doesn't seem to be working :(
CollectorFilter being skipped? (or some other problem with awaitMessageComponent)
Button Collector
Dm discord.js 14.14.1
Bot Randomly Shutdown without Logs
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cache')
Objects not getting pushed to collection.
Not Found - GET npm install
problem with permission override
Confirmation and error messages problem:
Can not read dms
where would one find the d.js "send a message in a channel" chain in the v14 docs
Is there a way to loop through each guild and channel without getting error using fetch?
Bot cannot play music
This interaction failed but components are working is null in DM
Discord cdn not working?
this isn’t really an error but more of a question
duplicate responses
Slash command Duplicate error!!
crash even if I have a trycatch
Trouble with collector and interactions
What are the exact differences between a Webhook and a Webhook client?
Checking if a user is mobiile
Sharding Questions
Repeating interaction
What Discord.js features have the potential to hit the limit/go over the set Discord API limits?
Error when i do npm install discord.js
Simple question, how can I check if an incoming message is *specifically* a slash command?
Deleting Ephemeral Messages
Button Automatically Pressing
Command handler change
Message listener only on certain channels?
Application did not Respond!
Opening handshake timeout
help me to resolve
Fetch messages from multiple channels
Rebuild Bot Guide ID
deferReply without message
my code is not working!
i can't get multiple roles uisng addroleopts
How to register commands using .set() ( ill explain in thread )
How to query members of a voice channel
I'm trying to generate Typedocs but many errors in the typings of DiscordJs
Partials with GuildMember
Unique Id on modal crashing bot submission after cancel
how to make a discord invitation bot,
How to get values from options other than .getString()?
InteractionNotReplied, sometimes occurs
messageCreate Event is not receiving DM messages
console shows promise pending
Bot disconects from ws. Debug attached
Canvas change image color
Polls support?
Editing a message deletes it for some reason.
error importing json
Interaction already replied on slash command?
How to use webhook
creating a lobby invite system with dj
TypeError // Text mirror command not working
error shows that No command matching ban was found.
PM2 specifically fails to start djs bot, all other projects restart just fine
Error: Invalid string format
All the mentioned users in my GuildMemberAdd logs are suddenly 'unknown-user'
trying to load slash commands
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setFooter')
automod example
spam related
why do i get module not found if the directory i put for "main" in package.json is correct (i think)
VS code with node
Button message not working
Making a discord bot and integrating a website
messageDelete does not work with old messages.
How do I create a Logger for every event?
Reaction collector not working
Primary Key
Error with swich case
Voice channel status
Turn bot into an executable file
how to have spaces in command name
How to make help command
TicTacToe buttons don't work
Discord Collector Filter
[Question] How long is a file stored?
RPC instantly disconnecting
Handling Unmatched Autocomplete Inputs in Slash Commands
Is there a way to see the option we provide to slash command
fs.readdir, glob, fast-glob all won't match any files while using Typescript
getting error on attaching attachments
Unable to get property 'id' of undefined or null reference -
[email protected]
getting typings error
Roadmap? Any upcoming releases planned?
how do i download slashcommand
interaction.reply is not a function)
interaction.reply is not a function
how to make commands without the slash
files not reading based on command handling (not a discord.js issue)
Get user ID from username
I have an error in my code that I don't understand.
Prevent caching
Extending Client and making Interaction.client use that new Client
The Command That Has Me Stuck
node index problem
I need Help with my Ticket System for Discord
I need help please
Fetch messages after a message with including initialMessage
I don't suppose TextChannel polls are available on the API yet are they?
Still need help understanding how I can stop a collector if await is used inside (for a modal)
How can I stop this collector if component disappears (for example, ephemeral msg closed)
Shop Queue
How can I make the following thing happen
Button Interaction
A few errors.
(Sorry if it's not super relevant) Anybody know if there is an online builder for editable images?
Button Collector
Cannot read propertiesof undefined cache
ApplicationCommand & PermissionFlagsBits
Is it possible to use an older version
How to get content from a reply message
.addChannelType not working? I am still able to select voice channels.
How to set interaction select complete
Working collaboratively on discord bot
Error cannot read FLAGS
what would be the best way to generate an invoice like this?
pls help fix error
Ways to get component input from another script?
Trying to get user input for a Wordle game ( is null)
embed description
(v13) Target not connected to voice
add reaction to a reply message
Mapping command data to an ApplicationCommand
How to get clean text without markdown markup?
Error with commands
MongoDB Space requirements
MongoDB adding to same profile repeatedly
browser-compatible package
Is it possible to keep message components active in a loop? How do big bots handle timed out buttons
premium system
Interaction Create and Button Error
Unknown Issue with some Commands
slash command badge
Fetch a message by using the url
ChatInputCommandInteraction options problem
chalk issue
Please help me with clustering
Nested collector for button interaction in slash command
Do sweepers invalidate references to the swept object?
Change a single button component detail (such as style) using update or something similar
Missing required "data" or "execute" property
Just updated, confused about prefix commands
Cannot register commands globally
Error while deleting interaction message
Comparing commands
second .update function erroring due to interaction already "replying"
Check if Webhook Exists
I need to get a message id
issue when i use messageCreate
guild.voiceStates.cache force update?
Discord API error [50035] : invalid form body
No presence
Error: Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present
Bug With difference() Method in Collections
Using a User Select Menu without it returning an error?
Modal not appearing after user is selected from UserSelectMenu
Get member from user select menu
Server available is false most of the time.
What Discord.js version works on 16.9.1
How to add emoji in modal?
How to access older posts in a forum channel?
Making a /command
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'members')
is this bot code uptodate with discord.js 14
modal with select menu (answered - not possible)
i need help making a bot for a schedule locking and unlocking for a channel automatically daily
Way to listen for MessageReactionRemove when the messages aren't cached
General questions I have in mind, any help is greatly appreciated.
Interacting with a kicked user
Register Global Command
New discord Poll detection
Display a random button array
Set initial volume without enabling inlineVolume
WebhookClient vs raw request
Inviting Bot after authing, occruing 500 error
Autocomplete options
408 Request Timeout when sending messages
multiple autocomplete
Get Users Message Count
fetchReply() SOLVED
Message Delete is not logging to channel when messaged deleted
TS Error
Whenever my slash command gets used for 2 times it gives an error
Switch users screen view to current created channel on guild.
Send DM if invited
Detect when bot webhook has moved to another channel
how can i get thestatus
Invalid token
Issue with roles
Keep getting "DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body tried a couple of changes but same stuff.
i tried modals but it doesnt work
problem with modal
Ping User
About slash command deploy
Logic confusion when querying data with mongodb
Emoji click interaction
createmessageComponentCollector is not working
Sharding Djs
how to handle "unknown interaction" error
bot not running
User App Added Event?
Discord bot keeps going offline for no reason
Upload file
Find bot in server
RoleSelectMenuBuilder interaction failed
owner.send isn't working properly
I cannout untimeout a user
Adding permissions to bot that is already used in many servers
How to make an attachment from an http response
How to check if randomServerWithAd blacklisted the server that is running this command.
User need to be authorized bug
storing 2 objects into one
hey i have problem in my bot with welcome
<Interaction>.channel.edit stops working after 2 edits
Looking for Feedback on a little project of mine
Maybe this isn't discord.js but yesyes
Fetching ALL >10,000 server members
Verify Modal
I cant put emojis in buttons.
Requiring a specific role for a specific button.
getting a thread from an interaction
Message missing Embeds that should be there. Restarting the bot fixes the problem.
The image is not sent
Bot cant interaction.editReply()
modal issue
intents issue
how to remove a build in discord message
Another problem again with chatgpt bot
Bot wont resond to dms (Yes I used ChatGPT)
Getting 'Missing Access' error when deleting channel even with ManageChannels permission
How to send base64
status activites
How to make an "Authorized App"?
automatically obtain guildId
How can I send a message to this channel?
Bot Online indicator
How do I do this?
roleUpdate Logs Entires Roles List For A Small Change On One Role
Problem with Modal Builders
How to send files through broadcastEval?
Unknown interaction, sometimes
I need help with this error
custom per-guild welcome message
Embed and console desync
can anyone help me revise the set position command
Application not responding error
command handler
Send Embed to Channel with ID
Server Deafen and Mute
fetch the new created channel
12.5.3 Command not working
How this method works?
Hi everyone i have a question can anyone help me?
In autocomplete, how can I get the value of an option type "User" ?
bot status
How to get never timeout buttons
null value from slash command option
addition and subtraction
help with simple ping command ;-;
nodemon: error
Issue with inviteCreate event
My bot won't start
A question about Modals
Reacting after Interaction Reply with Embed
post channel trough bot
DiscordAPIError[10002]: Unknown Application
How to add follow up questions to a DM collector
Trying to make a help menu using button builder
Authorization Application
incorrect file path
Select Menu - Select Menu Roles (Default select options)
Bot Scaling
Slash commands not getting registered.
Aligning field value text to center in an embed
Locale Descriptions
Type error in Button Builder
client.on Error
how to avoid api spam when sending "mass dms"
Am I being rate limited?
Trying to make a bot that after a member has two roles it automatically gives the verified role
Using intents in V14
Can't edit a channel
Is it possible to collect data from a discord message.
auto sharding randomly stops
No response from client
Cycling through different embeds with button
User Mentions Issues
Problem with embed interactions
Using collector.on('end') to edit reply?
Follow up response
Duplicate messageUpdate events in sharded bot
Hot loading
Do we've to register slash command for each server the bot is in ?
Slash Commands not showing up
I always get an error afte typing nodemon
Typescript build failure
Only permit a certain user to use a slash command
Does the ShardingManager automatically scale up or does the bot need to be restarted every so often?
Building an Efficient Bot: Task Automation and Resource Optimizatione
Does anybody know of a hacky way to get INTEGRATION_TYPES to work
Emoji steal command.
This interaction failed
Is it possible to send a DM from bot to another bot
Interaction Button Collector Not Working
[14.14.1] Check if awaitMessageComponent hit timeout or some other code failed
How do i encrypt my token?
How can I get the content of the message that the bot sends?
Bot not able to send some emojis from another servers
how to add in thread channel tags?
Quick Question
Error with a invalid form body
error with the handler and anti-link command
Could anyone identify what this is named is this like a hover tooltip?
i need code help
broadcastEval() and Typescript
🚨・Unhandled promise rejection
Put token but say invalid
where is the error
Anyone have any clue what I am doing wrong
Request to use token, but token was unavailable to the client.
Install Error
start up error
I'm completely new to js and want to start by making a discord bot.
embed not working sometimes on random cat image command
Premium function
ValidationError: Expected the value to be an object, but received string instead
Error in translate command "Unknown interaction"
Will djs support the new polls?
Still get this error
TypeError [ColorConvert]: Unable to convert "16705372" to a number
Issue trying to run 'node . run test' anyone know how to fix?
How can I get user’s guild nickname from a slash command?
4 Events not firing
New to Discord.js
i need help fixing this error for node.js
How long can a bot edit a message for?
How can I stop people from adding other users to a thread using @Username ?
Send me dm on every message
Send Voice Message through bot
question about liability
Event listener breaking upon using command
DiscordAPIError[10062] With no consistent reproducibility
Diseact: Implement JSX to construct bots!
Event Properties missing?
How to create multiple .addStringOptions
Premium only command
User Apps Permissions
no errors etc not not running script
How do I get target's presence ?
Live count cmd
deploy-commands.js stopped working without errors
how do I create a abstracted role layer for mocking
Embed User Input
Help with select menus
Sharding help
i keep getting this error and i cannot find a solution
401 error on get request
Accounts linked to the role
User install
14.14.1 get deleted thread infos
what is this?
Emoji may not display correctly with channel names in special circumstances.
import "client" into separate function files
ephemeral not working
User bot installation support
setNickName limitations
Unify emoji size in embed thumbnail
My bot stop Giving Roles and Removing them after a while
Send message at exactly 0:00, with the most accuracy possible
Im only getting online members by specific role
Collector.on('collect') not collecting for createMessageComponentCollector.
how to set up action row such that each user can interact with a button only once?
Client. login error issue
Deleting ephemeral replies
How do i delete/remove my discord bot's banner using d.js?
Problem with syntax from guide's command & event handlers
How to ping a role an a thread but not adding them to it
Interaction CacheType in Typescript
What Im doing wrong?
Invalid Bot Token
Cannot find value in JSON file of mentioned user (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined).
Looping through an array getting input each iteration
send file
Discord Link Filter
Couldn't resolve the user id to unban
Is there a way to have screenshare
Animated bot banner
Help With permission on discord bot
Discord js V14 modal submit error
IntelliSense with voice not present
ReferenceError: client is not defined
discord.js Can't run on hosting
How can I change the VC status/description message?
how to make guidelines for a forum and one more thing
Search for a role by ID
Modals in Node-Red using Discord JS
How can I create a private thread? (
[email protected]
How can I get the message id after channel.send?
Is it possible to separate interaction for 2 subcommands?
Discord API Error
Discord Embed not sending
Restart every 1 hour
Hello, I would like to know how to call the functionality that only one user can see the message, th
Follow Up to interaction.deferUpdate() throws error
discord bot works on my laptop and not on my rdp
Output a message to any channel
Are forum posts supported for channel select menu default_values?
sending a message to a channel a user cannot see
Roll For UGC (Issue with epheremal message out of stock message, not showing up at correct time.)
Collector Timeouts
Bulk delete stopping at 50
How many options can I add in a select menu?
need help trying to fix discord api error 405
Reason in Thread
Why bot send and delete message
Creating an embed for polling
/wouldyourather (slash command, issue with buttons)
Issues with channel ID fetched from MySQL database.
deferUpdate() problem
Discord.js 14.14.1 Type Errors
"This Interaction Failed" Error
Adding role to a user
Already reacted
Error when starting bot
bitfield whateva
Is there a way to check if the bot has the applications.commands scope in a given guild?
npm i discord.js error
Fetching message in a thread
Collectro recieved no interaction before ending with reason: time
remove and add roles stop after time of running ?
when is shards: 'auto' recommended?
Error in my ban command
fetching scheduled events
Channel not being created
How can i tag the message sender
Im trying to make a discord bot in replit, Please help
How can i make an add role command
Member Server Kick reason is not defined
getInteger not working for one option but is working for another?
401 not authorized
Make a Discord bot reply when a user sends an image in chat (continued)
message update issue
Creating emojis promise doesn't resolve
what should I do if I want to print the string that the user entered in the discord chat ...
Missing permission on creating channel
Property 'id' does not exist on type 'APIGuild'.
Set activity with user ID
The maximum limit for a bot to enter a server
reply to message with channel webhook
"Started refreshing 0 application (/) commands."
Modal submission help
can someon help me with a bot discord (discord.js node)
I'm trying to make my Discord Bot Reply when a user sends an Image in Chat
Can you use variable in embedBuilder name and description?
Bot stopped working
How to get the user id, username, nick when mentioned by another user
Shifts logs
DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message
im still new to all this and cant install node.js to discord and need some help if possible
member.setNickname or member.roles.add occasionally not working
I have an error in my bot
Button Question
Commands not refreshing after being correctly deployed
guild.guildScheduledEventUserAdd event failing to fire consistently
Where do I start from?
Help me pls
Help me pls
is it possible to run command 1 from command 2
How do I add a role with discord.js
check if role is set to certain role ids
How do you turn on a discord bot?
Modal — Pagination
duplicated interactions
Messages: combining selectors and input fields
Set embed color to the role color for the bot?
when i send a post in a media channel, i get the threadCreated event but not the messageCreate event
I need help applying functions to my discord bot.
Help to send a message in another channel
I don't know how to fix it
Bot will not push new commands to server
Error DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
/embed not working
Deprecation Warning (VSCode)
Opening modal causes an error message in chat but submission works as expected
Not Specifically DJS but Discord Related
Ping Bot
help create my discord bot on nodejs and discord.js
Remove All Rection Detection
Need Help for Fetch Ban CreatedAt
Correct 'type' for Interaction Object?
DM an User Catch Issue
Is it possible for a command interaction to call another command in its execution?
Integrating AI into my bot
commands dont appear/work
MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak..
Get User language
[AbortError]: Request aborted
Learn How To Spell
Package path error
StringSelectMenuBuilder error
Button interaction reply in public chat
Send a dm, when a user joins
Sharding Dies
Can I change the customization status of users on my server in bulk?
Warning: Not implemented: ClientRequest.options.createConnection
Difference between client.on("ready") and client.once(Events.ClientReady)
How can i use fetch message using DM?
Set 'about me' field
custom code for the bot
TypeScript error when adding ActionRow to reply
/avatar (user)
select menu
Vc status thing
I can’t get my bot to load commands
DM messages not being received properly
rpc help/sdk help
User class pronouns property
Question about discord.js
MessageCreate API
Autocomplete on button click
discord.js help
typescript error
VoiceChannel members is always 0
Array of objects into embed fields
object does not work
when I connect to a specific voice channel, I get this Discord API Error
command in my bot
adding an Emoji to a button getting "invalid emjoi"
Rare Error
How to check if message contains images/other files
Patch webhook type, ActionRowBuilder issue
Unsuccessful implementation of autocomplete with subcommands
how can i send both a message and multiple files at the same time?
Question about Commando framework.
Updating bot without shutting it down,
Slash commands not registering after verification
url.js gives error
/reload error
Fetch deleted messages by discord upon a user ban
Bot status & guild count
Bot failing to create thread
Send dm from command file
Getting "ValidationError > s.string Expected a string primitive.
how can i check if my bot has registered its commands in a guild?
ChannelPinsUpdate - async
Activity doesn't change
DJS 14.12.1 vulnerabilities?
MessageCreate event not firing
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
Type error making a select
How can I loop a M3U file in a vc?
Wrong guild.memberCount?
DM rate limit
Discord Status fetcher with guild?
Question about getting a user from his ID
token error
Client disconnects after ready, takes 1-2 minutes to reconnect every time
how to create /leave command i know how to write /join command
Fetch the old iconUrl in guildUpdate event
Trouble with fetch roles in command
Discord bot SKUs
"I am entering slash commands, and every time I start, I get this error. What can I do to resolve th
I don't really understand the registering slash commands part of the guide
Sorry if this is off topic.
My Bot isn't Deleting Archived Threads
how to know the channel id of voice channel so that i do not need to put my channel id manually
Interaction reply time limit
how download discord j.s.
Discord Presence
Converting the Command Handler and the Command Deployer to use ES modules
If I crate a /command
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'createMessageComponentCollector')
Channel Question
How to defer a button without losing the loading animation?
Bot Custom RP
Is it normal that the latest version of discord.js has vulnerabilities caused by undici ?
Why does it just say "application didn't respond"?
Automatic reactions
How do I make the description and so on of the embed an option when putting in the command
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')
Doesn't fetch the channel, why?
It doesn't fetch the channel
I wanted to ask for everything I need for this command
Reply interaction after editing voice channel perms
ReferenceError: interaction is not defined at Object.execute (/home/container/commands/recru.js:
Member Guild Permissions via API
Reaction Listener bot help needed
Reading reaction info
Issue reading list of users who have reacted to a message
Setting different commands for different types of servers.
AudioPlayerError: aborted
is accessing the message object from interaction response possible?
Error: Invalid value GuildMember
settings command
create channel
message collector filter not working as intended
Everyone role on guild.roles.everyone being undefined sometimes
Simple question
getting guild object
tracking first button press to do separate actions
Uploading images don't work
Setting Client commands in ES Module
The bot has started, but does not respond to the standard command (!ping)
The button does not appear
How best to handle `unknown interaction` on `deferReply`
Color Check for String
The program saves the old voice ID.
[SOLVED] No such file or directory, scandir C:\<path>\commands\0
Issues with DJS dependencies?
Im building a verify bot and i keep getting the same error
How to delete Application Slash Commands
Error Verified System
CDN picture urls
Info about guildMembersAdd
What's the reason for subcommands?
This interaction Failed
can anyone help me with this
just open this
Help collecting a button component
Can't fetch correctly
How to use discord.js in Android?
Button Interactions
Client export doesn't work
multiple image attachments in one message
how do i attach image from file path?
Image shows on edit
interaction response
temporary Voice Channels
Patch using webhooks on DeferredChannelMessageWithSource with token and embeds
Always read a modal InputTextValue but when it doesn't exist it makes a null value of it.
Error - Opening handshake timed out
Not just one but all the commands don't work
Not just one but all the commands don't work
DM Button not triggering InteractionCreate
Is it possible to receive ephemeral message in "messageCreate" event ?
Counting voice
How to add members to a thread
The problem with counting users in voice channels
Can two shards have the same guild in the guild cache?
ReferenceError: Client is not defined
Thread sometimes null?
No setActivity
Put an asterisk symbol
I'm new to discord.js and I'd like to learn about the .env file
Is there a way to unregister a specific commands?
Bot statuses disappear after a short while
discord.js not working on raspberri pi
How can I loop through all guilds and log the name
No command handler found
channel.createWebhook() returning Request Aborted
Compare interaction result and DB data
messageCreate event
Send mp4 file
Bot not responding to prefix cmds
please help my bot is not giving commands to it even its 24/7
Member Permissions
how can recive content of modal ?
how to make bot handle external embed
Discriminator turns into "0"
is it possible to detect when someone starts speaking in a voice channel
Is it possible to run through message history since the start of a channel?
how do i play audio with my discord bot?
softblocking commands
check if bot can interact with a specific user/role
client.channels.cache.get(channelid) returning undefined
How to write a JSON file with a list of discord.js statuses and import it into the main index.js?
Can you parse and return components?
no reliable output and i dont know why:
just explanation
error fetchWebhooks
threadCreate event emitted only when a user create a thread
Not reacting to previous messages
Collector not replying on pressing on choices of a select menu
MessageCreate handle command does not work
Getting Guild Events
This content is no longer available. Discord
hi guys How can I show when the user entered the server in the embed?
Can someone explain me how I can use the sequelize?
Interactions overlapping? (I don't know what even happening anymore)
How to make an autocomplete list from mongodb entries
Send message to specific channel
Ticket Support
Can someone help to complete this command?
Webhook send channelId option
Issue with Select Menu
invalid from body
invalid from body
modal submit unknown interaction
Add points to multiple users at once
Authentication failed at WebSocketShard.onClose
For some reason my collecter won't work?
Embed is only sending once every time the slash command is ran every active session
Download Node JS without admin rights
403 Error due to new image expiration?
Getting: Invalid bitfield flag or number: VIEW_CHANNEL. (creating a text channel)
Anonymous bot sub-users (PluralKit)
slash commands
Trying to join guild by keep getting "you need to update ur app to join this server"
Stock element to send embeds
Bot status occasionally reverts back to initial status from the status set in ClientReady
help with a secret buttons
Can I send a message without async?
How to join in a team? how to code together? Can anyone help me please
Issues with discord.js errors in Bun
help with a verify function
help with a verify function
postgresql issue with discord bot I am setting up
Fetching specific guilds across all shards
Unknown member
Bump Command on Bot.
I haven't fully figured out subcommands yet
Please help me create a slash command
Embed Message
Reload command issue
Trying to change a variable inside a CATCH
embed create
how to get bot user and id
I don't know how to register commands
Getting Error assigning bot role: DiscordAPIError: Missing Permissions
Suggestion System with Polling
Creating role at a specific position
Matching the start of a message with a string in a database
Avoiding Overwriting Variables in Collectors (14.14.1)
Random chance role.
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'FLAGS')
Formatting text inside embeds
i want to put the executor name in the embed ban message but i have an error
Bot Creator
Modal not opening
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading `fetch`)
Log channel's permissions update
why won't my commands send?
the !shard command logs do not work in shard 1
Help with Error: Used disallowed intents
Interaction reply option type for Stickers?
events help
Automatically Change Bot Icon On Server Icon Change
commands not refreshing
How to do both / commands and ! commands for 1 bot.
Channel's Permissions Update
embed table whit top 3 members and change their nicknames
Bot not answering to the commands without any errors in the console
When bot gets added to any server it creates role but doesnt sets the name i mentioned to it .
messageCreate not triggering
Accessing elements inside a returned sequelize object
Don't see my button on a message
Bot permissions
interaction works on and off
Moderation Logging System
collector problems and error
Problem with stats.js
mysql2 prepared statement
Automatically deleting and recreating channels every 5 seconds
Invalid Form Body
rate limit information
How can i add a button to my embed (/verify slash command)
Unknown interaction
interaction deferreply
interaction defer
Slash command setting not working
paypal rest api
Initial DM with new Bot via Link
Setting permission overwrite value to null.
Cannot read properties of null
Code not working
Attachment not being sent
Problem with found user in specific guild
ffmpeg errors
Make a function to send message to a channel
Attempting to fetch users custom status!
Collection Reaction not working.
Making commands customizable by the guild members
Slash Command
Dynamic Amount of Message Reactions
Modal submit problem
Detect bot removed reaction and return in messageReactionRemove
Fetching role members
Add "|" in channels' names, with template "icon | channel name" instead of "icon - channel name"
Error Code I can't seem to figure out
how would i go about fetching a user's custom status?
Mark Post as Solved?
How can I reference a Forum Format Post?
extract cookies from a website
Thread Question
Getting error in every interaction
Queue to prevent rate limit, but sometimes unreliable. Are there any alternatives or improvements?
Is possible to trigger an ephemeral message without setting "ephemeral: true"?
How would I go about getting the currently applied tags in a Forums channel?
What's the preferred way of accessing collections in a command file?
How would I go about trying to create a discord.js bot to fetch the thread id's in a channel.
Question about makeCache and sweepers
Invalid number value
Autocompletion in Slash commands
Low Rate Limit ceiling?
Unable to delete message from DM
Keep track of commands users run, like a counter.
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
Assuming I have a link button, anyway to get the URL of the button?
Issues with reading direct messages
Add math.sqrt in a calc command
Need help with buttons
How to update about me?
Hosting on Deno Deploy
Slash Command registered but application cannot locate it when called
Error [Object object]
DiscordAPIError[50013]: Missing Permissions
Slash command working but still replying with "The application did not respond"
Hi i am currently trying to fetch json data from an api using slash commands but it keeps erroring
Recommendations for good boilerplate/template projects
Collection problem
hey iam builduin a ticket system for my bot with slash command and deploy command buti hav an error
Dynamically adding buttons component to interaction
Trying to uninstall yt-dlp
How do I make subcommands?
Trying to uninstall yt-dlp
application didn't respond error on /cmd
changing image of posting user without webhook or alternatives that convey the same thing
Trying to add guild emoji to button getting error
client.user.setStatus not working
Need help with error
DiscordAPIError[50006]: Cannot send an empty message
I am trying to use this bot, but I get the following error.
hey i am trying to make a ticket system with a slash command for my bot and i have an error
Hey i got this error
ModMail is Not Working
discord voice joins channel but doesn't sound
Trying to make a bot
ButtonBuilder > TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'customId')
how do i change from guild command registration to global command registration
Error with choices in slash commands
Help registering Slash commands
How do i send messages in a Forum Channel
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value') -
[email protected]
Guys pls someone help me with this i am writing i wanna put slash commands to my bot but i cant
When i try to /authkey or /wl i have this problem
Select dropdown
Audit log
@discordjs/voice with @discordjs/next
.setThumbnail link not working.
Unknown interaction
Value undefined after SQL database initiation
Uncaught DiscordjsError RangeError [BitFieldInvalid]: Invalid bitfield flag or number: GUILDS.
Channel user permissions
How to add an interaction for the buttons added here
ExpectedValidatorError on showModal()
channel permissions
How do I get mentioned channels in a message?
Unable to DM User despite open DMs
Invalid Type?
Help with !play song command.
getting owner from id
awaitMessageComponent not working on server but works locally...
Not Work
Images not loading in embed
interaction.user.send() not working?
Joining and leaving VCs fires off messageCreate event
Options missing from slash command.
voicechannel audio
not switching on
Users & Role select menu not clearing when it should
The type of a <Message>.awaitMessageComponent() filter
Problem with discord.js on pterodactyl
Recieved 1 instruction to send a webhook but it send twice with different contents.
how to remove embed color?
I've been at this for hours. Invalid Channels?
How to edit the inital reply after ModalSubmitInteraction?
problem with ChannelType.GuildText
API for my discord bot
Command Wont Go Away
Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present
Nested Collector
Timezones inaccurate
problem with timestamp
bot invites unwanted members into private threads
Check for nitro
Using a Discord bot from Nextjs Backend
Creating-your-bot guide is quite confusing
How to update style of a button?
command deploy stucked
Never expiring button blocks another button
Slash Commands not showing
Modal Id question
Pre-fill message input with slash command on click button
Client as GuildMember
How can i remove my bot from 20k+ servers
Need a help in Music command
Returning bot's missing permissions
Why isn't messageCreate getting triggered?
Permission Overwrites
How Can I Make File Attachment Option
Cannot read properties of null when editing a automod rule
Problem with Reddit API
The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred. / Interaction has already been acknowle
The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred. / Interaction has already been acknowle
Attachment Memory Leak
what error?
Rotating presence with 16x sharding
will multiple login with same token lead to problems
Create new role with defined Perm
Events.MessageCreate don't work
Why Modal Isn't Open
How can I get online members and members on the voices
how to create a system of roles that such and commands can useis it possible to write this in json
Can you cache rest only?
Shard & Guilds
Has the embed attachment been changed?
guildMemberUpdate, function not executing as expected
Creating new category/channel error
Where to import Routes in TS?
A discord bot to show every member's current time
Separate instance of container for each shard
an issue with intents?
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Bodyname[BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED]: This field is required
help me please with embeds
can my discord acc got deletd if i don't log in for too long
djs memory usage in bun
Trying to get THREAD_STARTER_MESSAGE content from a message
avatarURL function is broken?
Discord.js Chess Bot
Help bot not online
Hello can you help me please ?
Failed to fetch error in @discordjs/rest
Better way of checking if a channel is locked or not
get application commands
moving Chanels between category’s without permissions loss.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'user')
Repeated slash commands ?
Interaction Failed
Category Position Bug
Set Presence on Identify per shard using internal sharding?
Channel webhooks
Getting messages from a channel
When do Member roles cache?
How do I check if someone if a user is an admin?
Express x Discord.JS
Collectors crashing bot
How do I get premium_type of a user or is there no way in discord.js?
message.mentions.users being incomplete
restart command
node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */)
How can I do that in my bot ?
Can I detect Clips being made?
word filtering
djs v13 sharding
How can I listen to Windows 10 notifications in JavaScript?
RoleSelectMenuInteraction Component Collector not working
Add functions to buttons
I don´t know how to Do it
Slash Command icon
its not adding in the database
how to fix
Buttons Expiring
Commands not executing
Issue with types
Slash Command Registration & Loading Library
Managing, Testing and Deployment of Discord Bot
bot errors after reboot command
Bot Crashes After Adding Role To Member
"MessageEmbed is not a constructor" error.
Random "DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown Interaction"
message collector not working?
Any better ways to get ALL guild members that have a specific server role?
Add an image buffer as an attachment to an embed
Cache/sweeper settings for memory constraints, mostly messages
changing stuff around when a button is clicked
Discord.js version
Disable buttons if none were clicked when timer runs out
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'Ready'
an error on delete command
Please help, can't figure out what my problem is.
DJS RPC Alternatives
Message reaction event
Error [ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED]: Channel closed
How can i fetch user presence
Trouble with collecting message component interactions
Not seeing routes on docs
Edit embed in DM
Error at beginning
Started new bot
Question with creating a sticker
i keep getting a invalid token even though its valid
Keep getting error with intents.
welcome not working
Super high latency to Discord API
Canva Image to .setImage()
Creating multiple selects command
Cannot Read Properties of undefined
use setEmoji to set no emoji/ remove an emoji from a button
AutoModerationRuleUpdate -> OldRule is null on rule actions update
Importing embed and message variables from another file.
Hey, i need help with a command
command deploys faster than i can fetch info from db
Using InteractionCreate want to add multiple emoji/unicode images to text v14.14.x
How do i get user's guilds with @discordjs/rest
Bot is ready but not responding
Make bot send message from a specific user in a specific channel
Disable a button using its custom_id
error in code
Is this possible through Discord js?
discord.js collections
Oauth rest
Removing messages from cache after a certain time
What's this
context menu loading
Guild .memberCount vs .approximateMemberCount?
How to use a custom font in canvas
targetchannel.send is not a function
how to cluster on more then one computer
can we pass the slash command using code to channel ?
Voice channel status update?
Spurious messageUpdate
Unhandled promise rejection: Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
How do I send a message after an interaction.update without this problem?
"Cannot send empty Message" but its an valid embed
Bot Stops Randomly (Error)
Creating slash commands
Default commands get added for no reason?
Editing multiple action rows
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'channels')
Syntax error
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
Issue with guild.roles.create()
Interaction already deferred.
How to add support for private slash commands
Selecting the same Slash Command option multiple times
Discord Error Code 10015 when using a collector to handle button events
How would I send an interaction user a message DM?
Discord TTS bot
How to retrieve original command interaction options from select menu interaction?
When I interact, whether creating ephemeral messages or editing (editReply) it doesn't work
How do i set a custom status, not a "Playing" one.
Format Embed Description
Host a Bot on Raspberry Pi
the regex not working well
How would I go around making a message embedded while also having buttons?
action row without slash command interaction
Wanted to register a command and got this error:
name fetching errors
Check timeouts that have been issued
I send messages every 10 seconds
How do I program a Discord bot that sends messages? (JavaScript, NodeJS)
command name is invalid
Interaction reply or edit reply depending on whether anything was sent?
Code is working but command isn't
sendSlash Issue [discord.js-selfbot-v13]
i get this error but i don't have any problem wih my code
Token problem
What's after JavaScript
private interaction message returning undefined
Some typescript error when updating components
Find an active audio resource on current guild?
I really would appreciate someone showing me how to make a discord bot, because I am really stuck an
Get user by ID via DM Slash command
Select menus not being able to be handled
Can u change the webhook "image" and "name"?
I keep getting Unknown Interaction errors in my console.
I keep getting Unknown Interaction errors in my console
Random writing prompt generator
How to fix?
How can i set in embed.setAuthor my name "BrainDeadBons" for example. I always get "braindeadbons".
Private Threads
Is it possible to make a bot execute a curl command?
SQLITE ERROR: no such table: config + Missing Access (code: 50001)
VPS turns off after discord bot didnt get permissions to send messages in a server.
bot can receive events but failed to reply after running for a few hours
Slash comands not executing
how to install and use djs
Editing button to be enabled after user completed modal.
how do i see what version of discord.js i use'''????
Is it possible to make a bot that can livestream?
Removing bot from servers
Bot crashes during second /command use
What is this error linked to in the embed?
How are you guys realizing horizontal scaling with djs?
The reason returned by the audit log is nuldl
The reason returned by the audit log is null
The ability to show the balance
how soon is djs v15 coming?
to know
Bot doesn't send a message
I need some one help me to get intents because i don't know how to get it i apply tow time and the a
Modal not responding
I have a question
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Guilds')
Query about Modals
Can't use method "getString()" on interaction.options
Discord bot
Error Npm Install
Npm install error
How to make a leaderboard command with keyv?
Community mod
but receiving commands but not responding and not restarting
TypeError: Modal is not a constructor
how to do this?
What is happening?
The simplest way to add the number of words in the sent message as points to the user?
Sharing Question
Event Emitter emits custom event twice
How i do that?
how can I do this ?
How can I make a /emoji-steal command?
how to add a listener so if someone sent message in the server, the bot does action ?
How to get the user's "custom status" and "about me" v14.9.0
Does <GuildMessageManager>.fetch({ limit: x }) return a sorted Collection of message ?
Error ; FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
weird UnknownInteractionError
Bot goes offline after like a day
Is there any way I can edit an ephemeral from the message? or by message id?
Application didnt respond/No command matching was found
Not getting the interaction reply message id
Message Commands
Error format
Bypass the limited choices for string options on slashcommand
edit existing Embed
Updating Select Menu
Weird roles issue
bot appears offline after first reply
Is it possible to save hidden data in embed?
guildMemberAdd - Canvas
Limiting interaction to a specific user
Adding SubCommand to commands.
Frequent inconsistent connection timeout on Raspberry Pi 5
Why does this shows error?
error getting the value of a embed's field.
I am new to Typescript and I am trying to convert my Js code to ts
Editing embeds to preserve original content
'MessageEmbed' is declared but its value is never read.
Event, guildMemberRemove is emitted when someone got banned
Preventing Unknown Interaction Crash
Anyone Know how to catch this error so the bot doesn't go offline?
Subcommands show up as individual commands
How to check if user has 2FA enabled or not
hosting on linux
addChoice locale support
The code does not change the new number
Checkuser Discord Bot Script
Sending voice messages?
modal password warning removal
Message.content don't work
How do I pull the message id like this? she is in ephemeral
Looking for help on a small discord bot project
how to get channel command was run in
strange error v14
How can I edit a follow up?
Cannot get params from url
How to change something string to number in mongoodb
Oauth2 category of not up to date. need help with new stuff
need help with building dashboard for discord bot
Typescript issues
i keep failing when i try to make a bot that grabs a image from a api
Mapping & Filter(How They Word)
discord-rich-presence set Activity Type
Having trouble trying to set up slash commands.
command issue
My music bot is broken
How to make modlogging when user got timeout and unmute(remove timeout) using audit log events
Play Audio Resource even when bot isn't in a voice channel
Adding an emoji in a select menu don't work
Select Menu Collector
How Bots Send Embeds
Unable to add attachments in InteractionType.APPLICATION_COMMAND
Can someone help my crash loop?
Hide secret data in message sent
.addChoices() as locale
Create invite links to the server automatically by bot
How to add options to a slash command?
How to create a button with permission
The punycode module is deprecated.
How to check if Member Authorzied with OAuth2 Application?
how do i set catagory above the catagory (get by id and see the position)
Bot not online
I have problem with my `Repeat(music)` command.
Handle two buttons with one script
OAuth2 Question
making sure embed title is correct
Sapphire Framework
Deploying commands not working.
Why <role>.setColor(<color>) not working for hex code
Role color not editing
MessageComponentCollector not working
DeferReply problem
Why the messages didnt get deleted?
Trying to relocate command
why <message>.delete() is throwing error "not a function"
Emoji issus
Error when trying to check if a member is in a certain server
I get a error in discord that the bot don't response? how I can fix that
How to make a break line in embed in Discord Java
How to make a new embed when the first embed reaches counter
is there any way to get all the channel names?
Trying to set `/language` command that completely changes language of a bot but app is not respondin
Is there a good way to check whether a user is eligible to run a command?
Database connection... MongoDB vs MySQL?
Option values
.setParent not working after channel name change limits kick in
Auto restart bot
Error: Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present
How to create setable commands
ScheduleJob not working?
Parameter list
Discord Forms
help with interaction
List member (Question resolved)
Embed editting
`ButtonInteraction.createdTimestamp` is ahead of fetched epoch from ``?!
Bot that generates a custom ID?
Err | Embed failure / Invalid body form
Issue with interaction.reply
How to use slash commands of my bot on any discord server ?
How I can crate a handler that responsed to my select menu
My Bot Can't Add roles to member
My Bot Can't Add roles to member
Update Guild
Is code in the guide AND the docs free use?
Checking a Category Channel for full?
Coding Amendment
I build a 'sending select menu'
Adding new tag to forum channel
I have a error and don't know how to fix it.
Adding an array to embed fields
how can make a reaction role?
Help about looping
TypeError: ( ?? is not a function
Problem with attaching images
discord js compatible with deno ?
BUTTON interact help meeee
SyntaxError: Missing } in template expression
DB not updating
type error : la commande pingn'a pas de nom
Tagging a role via http
Message doesn't send to channel
Join messages don't want to work?
What is the best way to get the subcommand from the command?
to send a message in a specific channel
ExpectedConstraintError > s.string.regex
Bot doesn't reply, DJS v14
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
help me
reload command on new sever
Interaction responses very slow on Raspberry Pi
Not creating channel overwrites
Hi! I have a problem with roleinfo command
ActionRows limits
server location for VPS discord bot
quick question: How can I send a message to the created thread?
Unknown Interaction
The app does not repond
Querying server messages
Permanent Collector?
Zombie Connection
Extending a interface and changing the property type to a extending type
bot not answering
random user and avatar
"this interaction failed"
How to get forumchannel id of message?
How are circular Dependancies avoided in Djs
MessageActionRow is not a constructor
Unknown Interaction. Not sure what the cause is
Make var
Fetching the audit logs not returning as wanted
auto notification to a channel
How to know if user has more permissions than the bot?
is there a way to align text to center automatically in an embed?
Fetching / Getting the id of a subcommand in a subcommandgroup
What do you do if you have 100+ prefix commands but you can only make 100 of them slash commands?
String Select Menu data collection
How to differentiate an defer interaction
Channel Voice Mute BOT
When replying to an interaction button press, how do I get the original interactions options?
ActionRowBuilder type error with EditReply
discord message reactions
Is there a way to get slash command option values even after the slash command leads to a modal?
Editing a pinned message?
Update message when event fires
Using the thread system, how can I pull up how long ago a certain thread was created?
Problem with voice
edit msg
why isnt the command not working
View Guild Onboarding
embedding an manipulated image inside the box
Disable select menu after use - interaction.update()
(guild create channel) ---> TypeError [InvalidType]: Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role.
Questions about on-premise and nodejs
How to call Slash commands in another slash command?
images not in message?
Support with using client in separate files.
Global / Commands
images dont appear
The bot is silent and does not send me a transcript
the bot is just silent
how can i incorporate ai image generation?
What is the problem that when I run code and create new ticket
Issue setting command as NSFW
what is this and how do i make it for my own bot
"ValidationError: Expected a string primitive" when adding options to a StringSelectMenuBuilder
how to disable button from client.on(Events.interactionCreate, interaction => {})
Advice on microservice architecture
Why the messages didnt get deleted
My avatar command does not embed anymore on first time, it does on second.
How to create new tag in a discussion and how to get the id of any tag in the discussion to apply it
super.user error after updating packages
Expected the value to be an object, but received string instead & Message is not a Constructor Error
Problem with displaying the user's banner
How to send a followUp after deferReply() and editReply()?
command.permissions.has() always returns true
How to get user details and give him a role by his "User ID"
Sometimes Unknown Interaction
discord bot template
Mentions and/or usernames in embeds
Dynamically update command choices without using autocomplete
Channel is not in cache when button interaction is used.
Modal submiting
if (!field) throw new DiscordjsTypeError(ErrorCodes.ModalSubmitInteractionFieldNotFound, customI
[ERROR] Encountered error on event listener "moderationLog"
How can
Sending Images with djs/rest
Error with de 14.12.0 version.
can someone help me with so high ram usage
Commands not being deployed
Unknown Interaction on interaction.reply()
Bot will not .editReply() it's message.
Workaround Invalid Webhook Token Error
How do I get an user's "Display Name" with discord.js?
How can I pull how many boosts a user gave on my server through discord.js?
Getting Threads
Bot giving me "disallowed intents" error when trying to run through node.js
Another error in visual
npm install discord.js
[ERROR] Encountered error on event listener "moderationLog"
Check if a member has a role in a different server
issue with finding a role
New - Modal Support
issue with /core
"Cannot send an empty message" when sending an image
how to add a reply
error while setting slash command
Is having too many awaitMessageComponent/createMessageComponentCollector bad?
Roles not being changed
Ping bot message conten
100 slash cmds
roles not being added
the rpc in discordjs uses
[email protected]
seems to be installing forever
Why is my bot not editing its own message
What is the max time for a Collect Interaction?
help coding
Is there anyway to use webhook emojis
What is this feature?
Setting up Discord SKUs and Checking User Subscriptions
Cache or Fetch
StringSelectMenu interaction isnt working
Selects Menu
Member Permissions for subcommand groups?
Error [ShardingInProcess]: Shards are still being spawned.
makeCache and sweepers Client Options
what can I put after an interaction.update to da reply
How to properly check if the channel fetch is one where threads can be created?
How to make / command not act like a ! command
Error Loading the src/commands/slashCommands/Other Command files.
How to set offline status to bot
can you test discord.js with jest?
snowflake and string comparison
rawError: { message: 'Missing Permissions', code: 50013 },
Importing multiple from discord.js having issues
Add a member to a role
Slash command (it's me again)
is it possible to create a forum post using a webhook ?
how do i fix
Slash Commands
File Attachment
Why isn't the autocomplete working the autocomplete function isn't even getting called.
I'm having a problem when I add.setMinValues(2).setMaxValues(3)it starts giving this error
Fetch emoji I don't have access to
Invite Permission Issue
Getting a error and cannot figure out why
Crash-"static {"
Why Does my Bot not react to Prefixes?
Why does my Bot doesnt react to the prefixes?
Collector buttons work but just once
threads issue
How do I check if a bot is in a voice channel?
How to swap between 3 embeds using buttons?
Delete slash command if it is "forgotten"
Multi Guild Bot Management
I added sharding to my bot and it broke the some commands
Receiving "ShardingReadyTimeout" even though ready event is firing
messagereactionsadd with old messages
how did I make a bot I do not know how to code
Detect new reactions
Mentioning slash commands not working
detect embed generation
validating MessageOptions
npm can't install discord.js
Images in slash commands
multi instance bot music
How do I use the functions or find functions?
Shard reconnect issue
Optimizing ram usage
Shard reconnect issue
Hi I need help how do I make afk command in discord.js v13.16.0 or v13.16.x
Premium Collection
@discordjs/rest with Nextjs
Vocal status
voice.setRTCRegion(null) not working
Any possible big changes from 14.8 till newest
bot creation
Set GuildScheduledEvent image
How to install discord.js on google drive?
Select Menu error with Typescript
i want help
i want help
Is there a way to detect when the server pfp image changes?
Property 'getUser' does not exist on type 'Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<CacheType>, "getMes
Cache on edit message (?)
Bot not able to login. After starting other sample code, logging in with same token, login possible
Multi Guild Bot
Updating Channel Name
Updating Channel Name
How would I automatically delete a Select Menu.
Missing Access
is there a way to enable slash commands to work from the discord overlay?
Presence Activity with dynamic data
Embeds pagination not working
Cooldowns not correctly working
Emit custom event on button press?
How do I get Guild ID By interaction or client?
Music Bot question!
Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Guilds')
Is there a way to make a discord bot check if another bot is a verified bot?
Know which device it it
Searchable Select Menu
I dont know what wrong with the code
How can I not show the status in bot
Boost event
Can someone help me creating a bot?
Automatic bot to publish new stuff from YT channel
Discord SKU's/Monetization
Help with a code from ChatGPT.
awaitMessages does not reject on timeout?
problem with creating a bot in code
node:internal/errors:465 ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err); Error: querySrv ENOTFOUND _mongodb.
ActionRowBuilder type error
Memory leak in discord js
Waiting for user message in DM.
my bot is unable to read messages
Need help with my role reaction bot pls
Issue with Fetching User Details from Reactions in Discord.js
Simple code assistance!
MySQL db making my brain implode
Can large files cause abortion errors?
How can I pull up the person's status?
If statement as stated in FAQ failing?
Sharding times out after several other shards launched successfully
how can i turn off the mention when replying to a message?
very quick question and clarification
Scheduled message causes duplicate messages in sharded app
bulkDelete erroring: invalid int value
Refresh autocomplete options with that's dependent on the other parameter
How do you edit a specific message without it's interaction?
Bot website?
First Example from the site doesn't work.
Get value of the MesageButton Label in Djs v13
Set a Discord's Default Emoji in a ButtonBuilder
Setting up try catch for TypeError's
How to keep listening to messages from a specific channel?
How do i find out how long until a queue request until send and how to cancel a queue request
Why does .content not work when it is in the array?
Modal submission
Is there a way to see what category a channel is in
ActivityType not setting correctly
How to handle previous instances?
Unexpected Token & Node Node Version issues
crate discord bot
`client.generateInvite()` undefined domain after update
d.js query
channel is defnied but its says
Trouble pushing to heroku
Discord API Error with Setting Commands
How to change the status of our bot on visual code studio
message not being read
My commands not uploading
Build Error with ts-node
Fetching a slash command reply's ID before it's sent
"Interaction has already been acknowledged" after invoking a command twice in a row
fetchWebhook and WebhookClient
slow deferUpdate
Possible issue on IPhones, is this a DJS or Discord bug?
bot.guilds.cache.get("ID").members.get("ID") is not a function
Crashing on token switch
Is it possible for my bot to see which message I've selected for reply?
Fetch data from the "new" members menu
interaction is not defined
RPC help
Cannot find module "@discordjs/rest"
esm loader error
Slash commands options
StringSelectMenuInteraction doesn't have the `values` field?
get category name of channel
What to import when using the Client
(Kick_Members) permission
unable to access cache for member.roles
Is there a quick and easy way to get a channels name by id?
code not working anymore, giving interaction failed
Unknown Interaction
permissions in channel
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
14.9.0 Client.on('guildMemberUpdate') Problem
can't receive event (no console message)
client.channels.cache.get(channelId) returning undefined
check if a variable is a interaction instance
how can i welcome users?
I need help with my Discord Bot
I need help with my Discord bot
not getting message content
Reaction Error
Error when logging in
Why does my entire app crash when client.login fails?
Disocrd.js sharding
SelectMenuBuilder Union Types
obj.forEach() does not work
images in an embed don't load
website doc
why does this work in dev but not production
I am getting this following error
check to see if new channel is a category or a text channel
VS code autocomplete
Send video as attachment from url
I need help with used-commands-logs in console.
How get arguments in slash command?
How add arguments to slash command?
GuildAuditLogEntryCreate does not provide a guild
Different modal IDs still trigger awaitModalSubmit multiple times
How get bot latency?
How to mention slash command?
can you set custom properties for a guild member?
How to make a button open the modal after clicking it again?
Reply to a message as bot
Updating ephemeral
Check if a member is already on timeout
How to get all channels in a guild?
Service Unavailable
Bot crashing without any errors
Setting Voice Channel Status?
Does anyone have the starter code from the guide but in typescript?
How to show a modal after a reply?
Why is my Discord bot not working on Node.js?
Fetch user from different shard (without being in the same guild)
ReferenceError: IntentsBitField is not defined
Use Discord.js v14 for an OAuth user
I don't understand the problem in my program
Can't fetch interaction.reply
Bot on dynamic ip address
how i can make folder for actions example is: "MessageCreate", guildCreate etc.
Overloaded? DiscordAPIError[50027]: Invalid Webhook Token
Collectors just do not work
command from another file in index.js
Set voice channel topic
How to validate if text is emoji? 🤔
Had to add bot to new server and change over some ID's and having issues with manage roles
Play audio from URL
Collector#end not firing off unless there's been another button pressed.
Application did not respond
How to generate table
Discord Bot's Dashboard
error cant set permissions as old channel
server.roles is undefined any idea why?
can I use channel.clone for 2 servers
Cannot update embed after component interaction
My bot crashes because of memory leaks like after every 20 min's it crashes
messageCreate No Message?
Multi Select in command parameter
Editing a message to insert a new component gives "Interaction failed" message?
Edit two messages within the same button handler
Embed question
[Unknown Interaction] from any deferReply, and from some editReply/reply
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
How can I check the permissions in @discordjs/core
Embed message text design
Embed with image in code block
Minigames Bot project
Re-sending Embed Unmodified Nevertheless Changes Its Appearance Significantly
Reordering Embeds and Attachments in a Message
There is no error, but you cannot fix it with a prefix. Can you help anyone?
There is no error, but you cannot fix it with a prefix. Can you help anyone?
What is the proper way to use slash commands
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
How to update a message after the interaction with a component without using a component collector.
Reply to the original command on a second message
beginner d.js
Does Sharding take advantage of multiple CPUS?
"ERR_INVALID_STATE" "Writer has been released" when trying to repost an attachment
Error [GuildMembersTimeout]: Members didn't arrive in time. at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Users\it
Components falsely listed as optional?
it wont lemme set a variable as the key of the object
Getting the executor from Audit Logs
how to get all channel names?
Fetching ForumChannel threads returns ThreadChannels from all ForumChannels
button doesn't show in the webhook message
Shard Manager is destroyed almost immediately
How to send a message with "SERVER" badge
[TS] Nodemon x ShardingManager never emits ready
Connect Timeout Error
Move Log
Loop Not behaving correctly.
Documentation error
help bot doesn't respond to messageCreate
Editing interaction message gives an error
Anyone using the message broker from discord.js subpackage "brokers"?
how to get ammount of people inside a certain guild?
TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function
how to fix my ping command not work
How to make a filter?
node:internal/process/promises:288 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */)
Audit Logs : VoiceStatUpdates
Log when a member gets timed out
Why isnt a public endpoint needed on discord.js ?
Message broker / Message queue
FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
What method to check if invite is paused?
🐛 Issue: Permission Error (50013) When Deleting a Role with Discord Bot
get all mesages after a specific time
using rest API to update server banner
aboort error
Invalid bitfield in audit log channel permissions event
errors in my code
Bot Crashing After a non permission user runds command
Extending Guild, Channel, Member etc - TypeScript
Does anyone have a https request bot infrastructure?
djs versions
Anyone can help me to fix old code ?
Problems in developing discord bot
How would you accomplish this?
Is it best to stay away from batch functionality?
How to filter MemberUpdates for Timouts
Emojis in buttons doesn't work
permission | bitfield invalid
Termux - npm install discord.js > error 128
User.client.presence is null
Anyone knows how to make a collector from a previously ran command disable after running a new cmd?
new EmbedBuilder().from(...) is not a function - since when?
Message content is empty despite of intents
Unknown Interaction
Is create-discord-bot maintained anymore?
GuildMember extends Base implements TextBasedChannel ??!
hey Guys, quick question
Get Original message or interaction by id
Removing last embed.
Edit last message
No types for @discordjs/core/http-only
Error in discord.js v14
Mass adding of roles
Empty Array when trying to get Guild Application Commands
client undefined
problem with interactionCreate
How is the documentation generated
Program can't locate file.
Bot that goes down for no reason
Attaching local file in embed.
Split command
private message
Rich presence for Electron application
Rich presence for Electron application
Upgrading from djs v12 (commando) to djs v14 (and sapphire framework) - Unsure on how to Parse Types
problème getString
"Application did not respond"
Interaction already replied on bot restart
Client cannot login
How to end the typing indicator without having to send a message in the channel
External buttons, QOL.
Pulling API Data in DiscordJS
what is the problem
I don't get a command
Im trying to set permission for 10-12 users
Websocket not working
Question about modals
Prevent link embeds while sending a message
How to handle bot restarts with sharding
Issue: Cant update my button, after a change the embed with message.awaitMessageComponent
Issue: discord.js ^14.9.0 - TS - 401 Unauthorized
listening to buttons...
why i cant paste in node js
How to refresh Select Menu after interaction?
role.members returns undefined
How do I set the request timeout to a larger period of time?
Emoji order not being followed
Collector o client.on
Discord riche presence
Boost Logger
Possible IP Ban? Where to look for error
how do i make slash commands??
TypeError: (intermediate value).setToken(...) is not a function
I have problem with loading songs
Guild Specific Application Command Choices
Logs - Discordjs
What is the problem
Way to not emit VoiceStateUpdate when bot is moving a user?
@discordjs/opus not installing for macOS
How to handle commands, json database on public bot
Why are my commands not working
When is it good to use rest and not?
Bot Direct Message Rate Limits/Quarantine
API not returning data
Unknown Interaction
Getting Banner URL
how to make multiguild chatbot
bot crashed without errors
Difficulty sending messages to specific channels when using command handlers.
return client class as promise
Events.GuildRoleUpdate sends previous role object, not the new role object
Problem with canvas
loadfile error
bot.guilds.get("ID").members.get("ID") says undefined
Missing Access when deleting a VC but it does have the Manage Channel permissions?
No Description - 408 errors
How do I make "different" Slash Command String Options?
Do SubCommands count toward Discord's 100 slash command limit?
what permission is needed to listen for MessageReactionAdd in user's DMs?
Discord v14.8.0 Modal Submit not working.
Understanding the differences between various deleteReply functions
help with makeing a bot
get previous command arguments after clicking button
Async datas in (SlashCommand)
Not sending webhooks in docker
Problem with counting members with catch
When i send a message it repeat always
Can't start bot
i need one interaction on select Replace the interaction 1
Unable to use :person_shrugging: emoji in button?
So I've made a bot, but the command doesn't work, at least they don't get recognized. Any Ideas why?
setDefaultMemberPermission in dm channels
Unknown interaction
My one Guild commands Handler are stuck in refreshing
Can't get 'uses' property on fetched invites
This is the way for Chinese people: about connect timeout error or ETIMEDOUT error
how do i fully proxy the Client Module?
embed field not showing
issue with help command
how do a use the @discordjs/proxy?
Channel Create
Error Sending Modals
creating custom events
i seem to be having an error.
connect ETIMEDOUT using @discordjs/proxy-container
Discord.JS is caching prevents me from getting most up to date `member.voice` info.
How to run docs website locally?
Is this the correct way to fetch the member?
How to properly get channel ID?
Proxying the API
why the command not verify
How do i get member count of a specific guild
Need help handling event
How can I create something within this apps, I want my bot to have an option to read embeds
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
`avatar_decoration_data` is not returned by "client.users.fetch".
Issue: client.cooldowns - discord.js ^14.9.0 - typescript
Is there an api to access connections?
How to correctly make a VoiceState event using eventHandler
Unable to show modal from button interaction. (discord V14.8.0)
channelUpdate compare permissions
Ban reasons are no longer showing up in audit logs
Can‘t find message by id
Loop for bot role has
MessageComponentCollector gives wrong button customId
Accessing values of an authorization request.
DM User based on the Username
hi my command no function help me pls
Zlib-sync failed to resolve
Ephemeral messages
Error while trying to preserve previous components when adding new component to an existing message
My code looks correct, but my bot is no longer detecting messages.
Attachment Image Problem
TypeError [ClientMissingIntents]: Valid intents must be provided for the Client
Error - const roleId = interaction.options.getString('role_id');
Commands not responding
I need help load all items definition from .json files
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
Unknown interaction error, code 10062 after updating to djs14
ReferenceError: blacklistLog is not defined
Bot tags not sending a notification to users tagged.
Button does not reflect newest data when use next or previous page
The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.
Vertical & Horizontal Scale question
Cannot run deployment scripts
Weird slash command registering problem
discord-api-types APIGuildMember no permissions bit field?
preimim apps via discord monazation
Unknown Interaction - Cooldowns reconfigure
Registered command not responding.
How is this done?
Select Menu Loop
Download Nodejs without admin rights
DiscordAPIError[0]: 404: Not Found
Can help me to create my bot pls
I have create a command folder
I need help solving an error message
My bot is responding multiple time
Canvas fillText
Can anyone help me to make a bot for some reward plz 🙏
How Can I make something like this?
Discord button parameters
How to send a message to a channel?
Error syntax
Emojis in embed
Message Collector From Chat
message collector from array
interaction.options.getString returns null
Slash Command Error - I have no idea why
Slash Command Question
Docker ports on GCP & AWS
Commands not registering to guild
How do I properly use a built in emoji?
Creating a hyperlink
new to discord.js
github updates in forum channels
Error with @everyone ping
I need help with oauth2
Embed Channel Not Found
Unable to create slash commands
TextChannel object
Possible EventEmitter memory leak
It always says undefined, can you help me?
canvas text box
How to fire guildBanAdd without guildMemberRemove
member.bannable shows false even everything is alright
How to send message to channel?
when did discord.js 14 release?
Await reaction & loop
Commands not showing or working
Error on client.commandArray.push(;
ValidationError: Expected a string primitive
I can send a png from a javascript buffer as a message attachment, but I cannot embed it.
TypeError: component.toJSON is not a function
Very slow working code
Embed Thumbnail not showing
Get image as arg from message
Buttons in DMs not triggering interactionCreate
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'has')
Return type of ""
Processing message before notification?
UserSelectMenuBuilder the interaction failed
How to organise commands
DiscordJS behind a proxy
Image URL doesn't show up in embed
How to fix connectrion error?
Add Team to private thread
channelUpdate Permissions
TypeScript GuildText Channel Type help
Allow ManagePermission when creating voice channel
issue with regex in autoModerationRules
Error while trying to make command register
What is it about "features"=>["COMMUNITY", "NEWS"]?
Wierd wierd problem
Slash Command Builder Default Option Values
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
Change voice channel name
"Interaction has already been acknowledged." discord.js bot
Fetching thread from Forum Channel Message
Get multiple select menu values on submit
Searching for a directory that is non-existent
Mention without Pinging
Circular dependency
create a loop to post the /cmd
DiscordAPIError[10070]: Unknown Guild Scheduled Event
Build Error when compiling latest version of discord.js
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'FLAGS')
How to fetch an command interaction and extract message
How do I install djs v13?
How do I start making a code?
Property `getString` does not exist on valid object?
Shards problems
Type error: is not a function
Intents error?
How to search through auditlog targets
How to add localization to .addChoices functions?
Connection Timeout Error
DiscordAPError[10062]: Unknown Interaction
catch message.delete()
Bot send multiple message unpredictably
How to end this argument string? (and how to make the code.. work?)
Setting a limit on number of subscribers to a Scheduled Event
code to servermute all users in a voice channel
Help with bot
Unknown Channel
Call client in another file
Discord.js Inbedded buttons not wokring
functions across modules returning undefined
How to register slash commands in Typescript
Slash command only for bot owner
Command Handler Not Working??
Delete the message to clicked button
Direct Messages Not Receiving
Embed color not working
Used disallowed Intents
bunx create-discord-bot defaulting to npm
error embed
Bot deleted off dashboard, what happens to code?
Problems with a command
Can't find out where code needs to be
@everyone ping Bug ?
My ".p [Music]" command isn't working correctly
get role through data
Listen/check for server boost level drop warning
Can i make users that use my bot change the avatar of my bot
Will a Product Purchase That Gives a Member a Role Emit the GuildMemberUpdate Event?
audio player doesn't seem to function
Can't find user's voice channel!
hope do i do the npm thing it's nto working
How can i setup a ticket system with a parent category?
can someone help me with this error
Error with registering slash commands in v-14.
voice channel
Issue with getting Message author
I get a weird error when executing deploy-commands.js
Discord.js RPC Extenstion Activity Type
How can I log slash commands like this:
I dont know what this error means
is there a good way to respond to user dm once
Getting file size from URL
get channel permission for user
How can i do bot have invisible status like d.js docs#1083
can i get the solution for this
guildCreate event doesn't flag
Creation of a channel and adds a role to this channel
@discordjs/ws code ABORT_ERR on login
edit ephemeral embeds
Can incoming webhooks work directly with the app/bot?
Invite code field
Simplifying embed usage
I know this question might not be about discord js
Circular Dependency Issue
MongoDB cant get an item to be added to a shop schema
Reaction on message based logic.
How to receive webhook update gateway events?
AutoModerationActionExecution does not trigger
Meme Bot
"invalid string length" error
await not behaving nicely after displaying a modal
Connecting to a website
Process exited with code 1
Modal submit, 2d time, crashes app
Is it possible?
ESlint error
How can I get emoji ID?
Interactive Button Data
Modal Interaction
How can I add tag to discord forum using djs.
applied_tags field
voice problem
Buttons will not re-enable
Attachment to Embed
Is there a way to escape the "hide link embed" markdown sequence?
wiki command
How to use @discordjs/proxy
@discordjs/core and REST
getting user profile pictures from interaction
Get ApplicationCommand API data
Just a question, dropdown menu (detailed in message)
I need help setting up
do can chatbots web apis hack discord bots
Editing a message gets slower with time
HTTPError: Bad Gateway
command error
select specific role in menu
Get rid of non-nullish operator
ESlint Error
user.send both resolving and rejecting
about shards
How to make a ban command slash command
bot with no status
Get member "in-server" nickname
Can we access that through bots?
How fox this?
I need support.
How do this on replit?
Shard 0's process exited before its Client became ready
interactive data collection
'message.content.toUpperCase().includes()' it's wrong? or Im missing something
Downloading v13 Error
Discoverable servers support
Error with ticket
Slash Command Guild Permission Overwrite
Unable to import a component from a file to another
Bot spams a response that should only be send once and wont play the music it should.
get forum channel list of role permissions
Bot wont show a status. No errors in the code or displayed.
Storing Giveaway information
Wrong docs..?
onInteractionCreate doesn't get called when I select a previously deselected parameter
button label wont update after message.edit
Log if user got disconnected and from who?
problems of bot choosing the person on whome the context command was run
Response: 500 Internal Server Error when bot tries to post a message
Channel.messages.fetch(id) giving mixed results
Send to specific channel
Valid way to check if role?
Command Problem
How to pull interaction username?
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
Questions about @discordjs/core
Help with my bot
setInterval not accurate
How To check the time active
Error with Flag Guilds and more.
How many times per hour can you update role color?
Cache growing too huge too fast for interacting with members in a role
how to sync the global command manually by myself
Model to Webhook
Getting this error a lot on my self host PC
"Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role", but it is?
Security actions implemented, yet?
Bot not replying
mongodb error
How do I fire an event once a rate limit has been reached?
How to make the bot perform something every 10 mins?
Can't Edit Message in DM
How to send a DM to a specific user id on a sharded bot?
Cannot edit interaction after modal input
DiscordAPIError[50007]: Cannot send messages to this user
button not being added
Separate content into pages
Awaiting component interactions in Discord.js and optimization concerns when scaling up
Why am I getting this error?
Role in SlashCommand showing @Undefined
Interaction Managing Duty
Using @discordjs/rest to make requests using Bearer access token
Unknow Interaction
Using the base command and the subcommand as well
Mass Dm mention bot
Getting an error when deploying commands
Error While loading prefix commands
Edit message in thread
Node js not starting
Unknown interaction error when responding to RateLimitError
Cache Sweeper
Learning - Good after?
Unable to use updateMessage() on a message that has already used updateMessage()
Error running a select menu inside a modal (not sure if that's really the issue)
Says that interaction.isChatInputCommand is not a function
Mongo DB creating more than 1 collection when not being called.
Bot presence not updating
webhooks again
Ban command
Automod System
fetch replys to a message
docs not working
Slash command and message command handler complained
Incorrect typings for `.toString()` in partials?
Cannot read properties of undefined "options"
Adding emotes to a select menu not working
is all working correctly, but when I interact with the "exit" button and the dropdaw menu the error
How to delete all autoModerationRules rules in specific guild?
What is this "Text Input"?
The bot does not detect the contents of the messages
get list forums
Don't DM a user with disabled DMs?
Bot is stuck in request
How to make sure that a channels.create call followed by a channels.fetch call is consistent?
Escape Character causing issue in fetching user info
'messageCreate' not firing for DMs
how can i log discord move and disconnect when a user move another user or he disconnected user
Issue understanding collector filters
member is of type 'unknown'
expiring warn
SlashCommandBuilder error
IsJsonEncodable is not a function
My Bot won't post a .gif file from it's Assets folder
[SOLVED] Give Role on Button Interaction
Audit log event 12 get guild
Get All Users with a Role then If it doesnt match a certain custom status ex. .gg/, it removes it
channel.isTextBased is not a function?
add role
I got a question
cannot recieve direct messages
Trying to get the ban command to work
How to detect whether my bot has permission to JOIN and SPEAK in some voice channels
detect kick
why I got interaction failed on start and cancel button
Automod System
discord.js message in a function
Help fr
gen bots are against tos?
application commands
How make the bot online?
Ban command.
How to create a new channel for a guild?
What are people using for sharding?
Change message author as bot
How can I make this menu appear after I click on the link?
how can I do this? and dps he answer
hosting on raspberry pi
Why doesn't my bot always properly set/update a GuildMember's roles?
Mobile Status
Auto menu
Context menu commands not adding to the Context menu or not updating
Message content intent gets denied multiple times.
Can someone fix this? Buttons are not working for this embed
What could be the error it is not collecting my reaction is not even printing the
/home/container/src/commands/music/Play.js:21 try } ^SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
bot perms
bulk delete
Missing Access Error
It does not read the ready.js module when it is in the events folder.
How to manage channel and role permissions for context menu commands ?
Button confirmation system
InteractionCreate.js / deploy-command.js
how do you modularize your subcommands so their implementation is in different files?
embeds[0].description[BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED]: This field is required V14
Slash Command Parsing
Make a website interact with discord
Module not found: Can't resolve 'worker_threads'
partial channels
Buttons working on past activities
embed limits - what happens when they're reached/exceeded?
interaction user export
How do i get the current voice topic from a voice channel id?
v13.6.0 djs - getting cache error
how do I change the topic of stage Instances in the scene channel?
connect two commands
Discord JS music playback via ffmpeg on stage
How do I check that the bot is connected to the stage and releases on it?
Inline field title
Global commands push cause dev/local commands guild to have duplicates
The bot does not read the command although it does appear in the slash bar
Permission system not working
Discord bot not starting even tho code hasn't been changed for a long time
Modal input types
Send message to channel using channel ID
Message Collector Filter not working
connection_timeout when using [Register a slash command against the Discord API] 's code
Invalid body form Error
channel.messages.fetch is giving messages outside the after/before range
Get a list of all mutual severs
Multiple options but only one can be used
channel filter
key system
Button that opens a DM
The ID is displayed instead of the user.
Slash commands: choice options limit
Webhook not sending
Modal Submissions aren't working
create a SlashCommandBuilder
Cannot read properties of null.
Issues with two collectors
How do I provide a variable for my interactionCreate event in another file?
Is it possible to check if a user has 2fa enabled?
[discord-rpc] Prevent multiple listeners
Edit embed with message ID
Check if a user has Nitro or not
DiscordJS Hosting
Restrict slash cmds to admins and me
Using Commands
GuildCreate and GuildDelete iconURL when null
Giveaway interection question
InteractionAlreadyReplied even with catch
Doesn't DiscordAPI reflect the latest role position?
guildLeave fires on bot restart
Voice messages
avatar options
(Looking for advice/tips) Developing a bot for my server
Error with deploying commands
TS + D.JS Error - unable to get the options
member.pending and requirements
Webhook rate limit
My information command does not respond. Please help
Widget Channels
Deselection the option in select menu
How to make gateway shards always reconnect.
How to cache and receive User Object
.setTimestamp is not a function
How to respond image for autocomplete?
Bot Thinking error
How to get a member's discord id using javascript?
how to use proxy in djs
Private/Public Application
Directory Error
going back to previous embed
Weird Error
Button callback not working
Duplicate Message Send
messageDelete & messageUpdate issue
Is screenshare possible ?
createMessageComponentCollector on a followUp is causing all sorts of inexplicable errors
bulkDelete reason
channel.threads.create at collector creates two threads in one time
Do you think its possible to add emote in Context menu command name please ? for example `.setName('
Syntax error.
Premium services
Unknown Interaction - @discordjs/core
Is there a character limit to the .setLabel() field in the StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder?
My application does not start
Interaction Failed, buttons are not working
Creating a attachment with a link
what is this
Does GuildMemberUpdate get triggered when a user completes the onboarding ?
Any reason this doesnt work?
Can't figure this out
npm init
Error: Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present
I've created a server.js command designed to provide information about the server. However, I'm faci
Default RoleSelectMenu options
Channel is not found ?
Accessing handle functions globally.
premium services
what am I doing wrong?
timeout perms
slash command reply taking a minute or two to send message despite logging fine
Timeout Error
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
How do I distinguish an `APIRole` from a `Role`?
What's the best way to set a button to disabled?
CategoryChildManager create method not working
Message content of partial message in messageDelete event
RoleUpdate Bug
problem making auth
Hello. Do you think it could be a problem to run 2 bots in same process main.js ? with separate func
commandArray is not defined but it is defined.
TypeError: MessageEmbed is not a constructor
discord.Colors class question
messageDelete event
How to send the image inside the embed?
Discord Inpainting?
Unknown Interaction Fiasco
Command not found, when it's clearly found
Detect message and send this message to LocalAdmin.exe and then give reply from this app
bot does not responding to any command
Using d.js from a web backend
Max number of command registrations
How remove old / command from list
help with console time
Randomly Fails at creating roles
str is logged as blank when assigned, but not blank when not assigned
How do I add prefix commands to my bot mostly working on slash commands?
Is it possible in these forms instead of a text field, to put a checkbox?
How create Forms
Group DM recipients
How discord.js handle threads and posts caching
Reload Commands
unknown interaction code 10062
slash command not appearing
How to send a embed automatic, when the bot is started
Help with autocomplete and JSON.
How to access interaction.options inside button callback
Twitter streaming
Category isnt private ?
Does anyone know why this is happening?
give the javascript code
Bot Discord V14 - Ticket System
edit ephemeral message without access to interaction object
about me
client.getChannel() only returning a response twice
1. Is it worth it to switch from DPY 2. How long would it take me to have a decent knowledge(JS&DJS)
buffer.File Warning
Creating a message based on Roles
How can i make a captcha system like this?
discordjs/voice & Basic HTTP Authentication
Can't join voice channel
Cannot schedule event in the past
Message.startThread: Missing Access
Userinfo Command
train a bot
Interaction/Button question
Editing Message Rate Limits
Message Username
Invite a Guest
@discordjs/opus issue when rebuilding for electron
Discord refusing to add user to channel when channel is moved to another category
Slash command channel types
Start Error: "The user aborted a request" #9804
how can filter roles by bot role in guild
why am I getting those errors?
Updated my bot to the latest version of djs
info in component custom id
Error with Ping command
Handle button press without interaction
Detect replies and edit own message
Building and running create-discord-bot causes an error
Duplicate messages in multiple shards
I know the issue but not how to fix it
quick question about module.export aliases for commands
This Library Is Not Handling Member Joins
Slash Command redirect
ExpectedConstraintError: Invalid number value
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'GuildVoiceStates')
Guild Member cache doesn't contain all users
Updating a set of buttons in a reply
How do i make a disscord bot cmd
Streaming external websocket backend state to a discord channel
Dynamic options for a slash command? Wizard-esque UI
discord payment system / integration w/ tap n go?
Attach files with @discordjs/rest
Receive webhooks without setting up the server
Discord.JS Temporary ban
Error 50013 thrown when giving and removing roles
Enabling / commands
Mysterious modal error that's got everyone puzzled: Cannot properly serialize component type:
giveaway bot
How to close scene?
Optimizing Image Processing, Storage, and Strategies to Prevent Alts and Botting: Seeking Advice
Why isn't my bot restarting?
Is it possible to make a bot that opens the stage and starts performing?
Fetch the user who deleted the message
Use `client` in multiple files?
How to `update() ` the same interaction multiple times?
getting esque information
I don't understand what's going on
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Is it possible to send a message later so that it is sent as if it was sent by the user?
Something with BitFieldInvalid error on my bot.
Issues with sending embeds
how do I set the send Typing() timeout?
Audio Not Playing
A certain command crashes the bot.
my bot cannot be connect to discord
New application commands not appearing.
TypeError: client.handleEvents is not a function
shard error
How can I pull which invite the user used to join the discord
How to get messageID of message with button components
Application commands not registering
Get formatted error from CombinedPropertyError
MessageCreate -> message.reply({....
Invalid Form body
Error: ENOTDIR for no reason
Resend Messages in Another Chat
Command Autofill Picture
embed with copy bar
Reference Error.
Duplicated Application Commands
Is there something like a "converter" to update old Discord.js?
Would it be possible to make this have a generic type?
Unexpected end of input for no reason.
Code Not working
How do I create buttons under messages?
Custom Status
DiscordJS & Discords Voice Notes
Is it possible to fetch a message after the message you fetched by id
Direct message not being sent
SlashCommandHandler - Not answering
Error using slashcommandbuilder
Best way to handle ready event failure
discord.js ignores select menu input
Add role to user
Error checking member role permissions
Is it possible to set a "global" bot status instead of a per-shard status?
Best way to get userIds in a role without hitting API limit Hourly
Does anyone know what it is every time I delete it, It fills me up on its own
Trying to detect if a shard goes offline
InteractionResponse#awaitMessageComponent is not working with modal
How do I remove a role from a member
More concise way to edit sent embeds
How do I send Discord Embed?
How do I get the bot to respond to DM messages that are written to it from the user?
select menu emoji
Can't Disable EmbedBuilder Validators
Best way to take a second argument for slash commands?
Events vs Audit Logs
.setColor() doesn't work for me
peoples my bot, dont work. Event 'messageCreated' the bot return nothing
How to get first message in thread/channel?
Message collector not working in thread
Typescript build failure
npm packages
Shards are dying and re spawning again nd again
current discord.js version
Bots setting Vanity
unknown interaction when trying to defer interaction
No roles getting returned from interaction
idk how to fix it
Regex question
.setActivity not working for me
Trying to create a game lobby of sorts
create channel in another server when command ran in other server
Very quick question
multiple creation
Multiple création
Typing issues with discord.js
Snipe Command
how to create a custom status for my bot
I'm trying to create a collector but it doesn't work
Check if a user have the permission to execute a command.
Registering commands
Panel command doesn't create the channel
is structured.extend still a thing
all online users
Help me pls
In the GuildMemberRemove event, are the cached roles of the guild member all there?
how can I load commands dynamically without require
Type error: cannot read properties of undefined
I can't use permissionOverwrites methods
Custom 4 stats
What is the correct way to allow my bot to join a voice channel?
my bot doesnt respond when i input my command?
kick cmd err?
I'm confused
Create a player loop for a blackjack game
SlashCommand Naming
newPresence returns undefined inside presenceUpdate event
UserInfo js v12
I get an error about the interaction
Is it possible to add "streaming" text feature to text via Discord.js? Would that be allowed?
How to find a specific word in a sentence
How to make it auto stop
Creation of a selection menu
Some issue with the code that doesn't allow the creation of slash command error code 400
`fetchStarterMessage()` doesnt give me the first message of the thread
channel.send('content'); error ponying to .send
ChannelNotCached Error when make thread
Getting User Guild Avatar/Banner
GuildMember.setNickname weird issue
Multiple Schema creation on message for level???
Getting "Unknown interaction" error even with interaction.deferReply()
Unknown Interaction on awaitModalSubmit()
member.dmChannel.awaitMessages() breaking when updating from v14.11 to v14.12
Updating an embed following interaction with a button
Creating a word counter with mongodb and discord.js
Check if user that sent a message have permission
Slash Command Builders
Leveling system not working
Get the list of roles for a server and browse it.
Doesn't run with systemmd
Question about message edit limitations
JSON File Counter
Find what role was added/removed with guildMemberUpdate
.showModal is not a function
Interfacing with call video
unable to make changes
command.execute is not a function
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Client')
Is it possible to create the backend of a dashboard with discord JS?
how to this type of advanced help menu
Problem: Preparing to connect to the gateway...
How do i make commands
Fetch more than 100 messages in a channel
Embed with slash command
How can i kick all members who doesnt have any role?
I can't download discordjs opus
Get around deferReply's lag
Giving a member permission to change permissions in a selected channel
Edit a database when mute/warn is over
How to limit my fields (embed)
MessageCollector not working
What permissions does the bot need to have on the guild to detect the 'interactionCreate' event?
Modal imput question
why the icon icon_url not working
Embed with discordjs/rest
Missing permissions while trying to ban someone
why this is not working?
how to do the invisible status but online
How to use "Events"?
The expected type comes from property 'content' which is declared here on type 'InteractionReplyOpti
Ram issues with new version
Re-run bot command
Unkown Interaction Error
channel.send() sending duplicates
UNHANDLED_REJECTION: DiscordAPIError: Unknown Message
i get this error but i don't know how to fix it
Max messages in cache is not working
General question
jackpot balance keeps making new data?
setAvatar() setInterval()
I want to make an audit log to my server.
How to shuffle my warnlist ?
sharding rate limit
Listing of notes doesnt work
i have error
Extending EmbedBuilder class
@discordjs/core interaction create type error
Check Ban list
Best way to update bot
Forking Discord.js
Attached image sending before embed? Not within
`interactionCreate.js DiscordAPIError
Route specifc ratelimits
mobile bot
Hosting public bot
Rate Limiting
Receiving HTTP Requests
Pressing button results in TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'execute')
Authenticate a discord-rpc app only once
Running slash command returns "ExpectedConstraintError > s.number.lessThanOrEqual'
Embed catalog
Spotify Activity
What happens to threads that you lose access to?
Help with canvas
Emit command not emitting the event
How to capture Mouse clicks on Channels in the Channel list in the left-side Panel?
Slash Command Permission
Please try this command again later. Possible bug reported to bot developers.`TypeError: Cannot rea
Thread access lost
How to make a command handler for both prefix commands and slash commands
Best way to delete certain guild commands.
How to upgrade
GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages problem
Recoursive Error
Paginationn Questions
SlashCommandBuilder#addStringOption: set(Min/Max)Length is unnecessary when using setChoices
bot spawning multiple instances of the same shard and rate limiting
Sending a messages to a channel without fetching the guild
Variables/Changeable Data in Custom ID's
Does anyone know how to setup userselectmenu listeners?
fix pagination
delete bot messages
Permissions Issue?
Get a guild object inside an express API route
Weird issue with GuildMemberUpdate event
Username bot
Get every User in a Voice Channel with REST/CORE
Type 'X' is not comparable to type 'APIApplicationCommandOption'.
MongoDB is not working
Sending ephemeral messages on another message
fix pagination
Get Guild Rules Channel
Closing modal after submitting
Sweeper interval
How to get title of the modal in Modals.ts (handler file)
Bot changes nickname, and after the nickname reset itself.
application did not reply
message.reply() function takes more than 10 minutes to send message
Typescript bot using 14.11.0 claims unknown interaction, fails to compile with 14.12.1
Bot posts randomly 1 - 3 welcome messages for the same member that already joined.
interaction has already been answered
A typeguard to check if the received message is from inside a guild.
Bot no register slash commands
Building .exe file with pkg results in "Failed to make bytecode"
Made a command for user information, gives an error
Getting data from Oauth2
trying to create a message counting bot
@discordjs/rest requests behave differently when deployed to a serverless node environment vs. local
Edit message according to selected value
Attaching local image file to embed
Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
DMs with shards
v14 reactions adding
having a few issues with this command?
Property 'getMember' does not exist on type 'Omit<CommandInteractionOptionResolver<CacheType>, ...
Accessing Specific Guild from Bot's Cache is not working
how do know how many channels my bot connected ?
GuildMemberRemove and roles
Discord Bot ID Locker problem
How can I get all users with a role ID, then scrape their nicknames on the server
Modal Help
Autocomplete Command not sending update
trying to set up a bot but it doesnt work
create-discord-bot issues
Numbers in front of text.
Emojis on SelectMenu
Typings build errors node_modules/discord.js/typings/index.d.ts
Change TS type of Client
dungeon game
threads, forums. parent ID
ComponentType.SelectMenu not working after
[email protected]
REST dont make Slash Commands
Is there a way to use a context menu builder and then get the message's author?
suggest me
What's the best way of storing an interaction in a Redis instance for a later reply?
Display Attachment in Embed
Is there a way to ping/show an ephmeral message to numerous people after like a set time
Copying a slash command execution
If user has higher role than bot
Unknown Interaction for buttons
Rate Limit
Bot won't connect to client or deploy commands with no errors
don't know how to go about getting rid of this
event for all shards being ready?
editing webhook message sent in thread
Regarding the buffer.File
[TS] message member is possibly null
How to get Interaction choice name? (djs v14.7.1)
Issue with the implementation of a custom TextInput class
Problem with AuditLogs (MessageDelete)
Discord Invites
client.on is not a function
slash commands code
getting partials for reactions when only ID is guaranteed
Waiting the end of a collector (response or timeout) before sending another one
[TS] how come .send doesn't exist?
Problem with my slash-commands.js
Discord.js Visual Studio Code Extensions
Hey problem w my embed
TypeScript .getSubcommand() issue
Is it possible to get the last message of a guild member?
send a message to random channel on join
Giveaway code
CommandInteractionOptionResolver broke since updating to v.14.12.1
Embed images no longer loading
broadcast eval
How to know who pressed a button?
having a queue
Time of Role Assignment
Problem updating to v14.12.0
Can I edit an embed in a different channel when clicking a button?
Hesitation between two microservice architectures
Slash command not executing
Looking for information about "managed" emojis.
Confused with the versioning system still
Disabling threads sweeper
How do I send a message in a seperate channel from a slash command?
Problem with buttons
module not found error
how do I edit my followup?
Add ephemeral reply to this SelectMenu
i'm using slash commands and it do not work for me on a my server, but on another server it work wit
how can i tag a command slash type by its id
Somehow getting forum posts from a completely unrelelated forum channel
Slash Command Permissions
Sharding is required
Adding a slash command to do the same thing a button already does
About Me
my buttons do not work
what is the event for logging people joining and leaving voice calls?
`MissingPropertyError` when making a select menu
I fucked up. literally
[CLOSED] Question regarding Unicode and Custom emojis
Unmute button not working
How to convert code to js14?
Where are the docs
Forum Tag Listener
how to set my bot status to "watching"
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isChatInputCommand')
sending messages code problem
guild icon url not working
Context Menu
[TS] Argument of type 'GuildMember | APIInteractionGuildMember | null'
Questions about editing ephemeral embed messages
discord.js soon deprecated by @discordjs/core ?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'applicationGuildCommands')
idk what
Autocomplete + Other options involved that make the autocomplete dependent on those option values
Property 'cmds' does not exist on type 'Client<boolean>'
Error when creating embed
i need js code for my bot status
Select Menu Question
there is a problem with the app
Discord.js Old Theme
Help with collection filter
How would I fetch a message..
Question regarding GuildMemberAdd and GuildMemberUpdate
many many errors
error 405 method not allowed
Rest returns 404 error
Channel Select Menu doesn't seem to function?
How to do something like that?
[CLOSED] A question regarding discord.js with types. (TypeScript)
how to make this concept work?
create context menus
Bot get crash if import external list with/without async
Question about v0.6.0
My bot is running on only Node.js v16 not v18
Migrating to v14 (Typescript)
User being displayed as [object Object]
Spams the shard log and does not write what it says in 'disconnect' when it starts to initialize
ActionRowBuilder type in interaction.reply component
Problem with onboarding my bot.
Problem with incorporation my bot.
messageCreate not working in dms
Why i can't find my user data in 'Message'?
Documentation on Collection
Does it good using collector inside a collector?
Creating a modal after a button click shows an "Unknown Interaction" error
I have a issue where if my bot is turned off and back on it isnt catching who is leaving at all
How to import images in a embed message?
Is there any way to edit an ephemeral by message and channel id?
Edit Embed
discordjs can webhook send message with \n?
Bot not responding to prefix or anything but is online
Send lightning network lnurlp link
Don't include lib.dom.d.ts
Which version of discord.js?
locales in interactions?
Can't send attachment from buffer
Internal queue causing too much delay in front end
Authorization code grant flow
Deno support
Getting Clients Connected to Voice Channels without Cache
How to make a slash command that disable/enables other slash commands?
Detect if an Ephemeral message is still onscreen?
Discord.JS Feature Request
Moving from v13, autoArchiveDuration no longer accepts 'MAX' as it requires int32
Bad typings
Need help with subcommands
Typescript template/support
"chartJS.register is not a function", why?
Need help with setting up a Role option in a slash command
Guild ID from audit log entry?
token is not present
how do i make a command where the bot picks a msg to send with a whole bunch of other msgs
Application command Route
Client not able to edit a channel even with all permissions
[WARNING] The command at C:\Users\.......\addalliance.js is missing a required "data" or "execute"..
Can I use discord.js as an ES modules? And make use of import and export statements?
Discord Slash Embed Message
Auto remove file
How to access interaction.options.getSubcommand()
How to use @discordjs/rest dev release
Upgarding ChannelType from djsv13 to djsv14
Any ways to edit the MSG sent from application command interaction?
when user get focusedValue in discord.js how to get which choice did user select in autocomplete
Need help with Economy system using slash commands and redis database
How to make your bot run slash commands and prefix commands?
Error after following the cooldown guide
Building slash commands differently
Get the id of the user who disconnected from vc
Message collectors
Find by "About me"
Set deafen
Error when trying to show modal after clicking button.
problem when I switched .reply to .editReply
New Bot Dev Struggles... Any Tips?
How to do an action in a slash command after a specific amount of time.
Number Option
Problem w my /ping Slash command
Keep the bot online
why doesn't he find a role?
why doesn't he find a role?
Interaction replying with string works but doesn't work when I return a button
Dont understand the guide
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
Typescript: Missing type guard field for button components?
How can I change the status from "playing" to "listening" using the `discord-rpc` npm package?
Help with @discordjs/core - interactionCreate argument passing
Hyperlink mask as a chat message works in certain servers?
ReferenceError: Member is not defined
how many / commands can a bot have? and how many context menu commands can it have? same question fo
why am i getting this error?
Flag like (--help) approach with /slash-command
Error with send files using `@discordjs/rest`
Im getting an error that i dont know how to solve
TypeError: isJSONEncodable is not a function
Pulling reactions not working when the message has a button attached
Can anyone help me with the discord intents
any one help??
Does internal sharding still exist?
How can I respawn a disconnected client that was not spawned from a ShardingManager?
Bot not responding to slash commands
Error from guilds flags (?)
Weird issues with different computers
how to create a simple /modal form command
getTextInputValue not working :C
Delete Channel With Button
channel.isTextBased() is not a function
message fetching
member permissions to readable format
intellisense not working
How to create timestamps
Many typing issues with Typescript
How to get last messages from a text channel ?
I want to ping a role from config.json with discord.js
Custom identifier for fields
setPresence of the bot but it's not visible
How to make Typescript recognize type files
Unknown interaction
Embed: Wrong image in iconURL
slash command type issue
Guild#disableInvites returns 403
Get all users which have permission "Connect" on false in a specific voice channel
this interaction failed
Get All users banners
Upgrade help from 11.3 to 14
do not remove the role
How to create an event that fires on express server PUSH
Problems with the Export of modules in v14
Issue with Discord.js command deployment script
Problems with the Export of modules in v14
New slash commands not registering
Applications commands are registered throug rest api but not working
TypeError: (intermediate value).setToken(...) is not a function
`channel.permissionsFor()` does not take timed out guild member permissions into consideration
Slash Command - Webhook Avatar Not Setting Correctly to User's Avatar
How to make embeds send correctly
How to make SlashCommand Args
Bot not coming online
Edit an interaction reply after StringSelectMenu choice
error on handelcomands though i didnt wrote anything there
Making empheral embeds
My Bot down why?
GuildMemberUpdate's oldMember doesn't have correct roles.
deploying commands
By hovering over an embed, an 'X' icon appears. Clicking it deletes the embed (doesn't hide it).
50001 and 50013
AutocompleteInteraction#respond takes a long time to return
Custom Emoji formatting issue
Need help for storing and access Token from data.json
How can I use an prefix instead of slash?
I'm coming from BDFD I'm Gonna Try And Make A RR Bot
Client only deploys 3-4 slash commands
What is the easiest way to edit multiple permissionOverwrites?
Member timeout event?
function is not a function???
Does discord.js update a guild's scheduled events cache if one is changed
Bot not editing embed as expected
Managing roles with name/id
slash command: list with addMentionableOption
What is the "remove role from member" code
one time command
Duplicating Embeds
How do I make a role system
How to let the bot read the chat history?
The Docs website is not working?
Detecting user select menus
Slash command error
Discord Voice Bot
get client from interaction
Attaching a select menu to a message
How to fetch a guild from the cache on another shard
discord bot geneateur error
help discord bot generator
Property 'description' does not exist on type 'ApplicationCommandData'.
Help me with python and code this bot
Would allocating functionality to separate bots increase performance
editReply after deferReply don't works
Catch deleted messages with Events.GuildAuditLogEntryCreate
Help me
How to fetch discordjs, mdn, nodejs docs and return something below
Error shows when i type in "node. /src/index.js
presenceUpdate event emitter doesn't return activity channelId
How to change a user's server profile name using the bot
Bot won't respond
Unknown interaction
Dublicate shard. Many client instances for one shard.
Get number of messages Member sent in the Guild
Counting Deleted Channels
extremeley weird issue with closing DM's between bot and user
Does djs/rest just wait until the cf ban is over?
Send welcome message in random channel when bot is invited!
`Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')` when fetching guild members
Slash Command Question
Modal Field Not Found (for field that was never on there to begin with)
Code saying the command doesn't exist
What is the difference between autocomplete and string input options?
Emitter Not Firing
How can I retrieve messages from a channel with a script
i need help to make it work.
can someone check my bot file and fix some errors? thank you so much dms me
Can you help me?
Can ho support
are the isCommand() is isText() etc, functions are going to get deprecated?
Discord bot not playing audio
Help on code
Problem with oldMessage
user undefined
Bot works on windows, but not on ubuntu.
can someone help me with this doubt
500 on editing thread parent interaction reply
Lightweight PermissionsBitField package
Why do I have my commands twice?
Discriminator showing up as #0
Why isnt my eventHandler being loaded?
How to allow a bot to receive DM's from server members
How to respond to events that aren't messages?
How do i make my bot welcome users when they join the guild?
Check If Channel Permission is null
Why isnt this working.
How to send embed and common text in one message?
discord.js bot help
Commands not working for some reason
Assistance with registering commands and typescript
need help for register / commands (error)
how to verify if the DM of an user is open/close?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Flags')
Is there a way to send a message when the bot is about to turn off ?
client is not defined in interactionCreate.js, but it is defined in main.js
How do I get the number of roles that a user has on the server?
I tried to repeat the "Registering slash commands" page on discord.js guide
So, i tried to repeat the Registering slash commands page from djs guide website
Modifying internal functions
Structuring within discord.js
env is not grey
Trying to receive and log individual responses from two servers.
Forum thread tag not working
Collector filter editing after creation
What property is display name
Guide doesn't match up with my needs.
Getting an error when im trying to node main.js
An error when i try node main.js, im absolutely new at javascript and i wanna try to do my small bot
need help with my bot
Message Specific Collector
Edit button for only one user
Can I ask what are the all errors that can happen when bot DMs a user?
Getting error TypeError: client.actions.InteractionCreate.hasPermissionshandle is not a function
discord api error 50001
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
Question about menu builder
i need help on fixing this error please
Discord API Buffering edits to embed?
Error Events
How do I use Client.updatePresence()?
execute function not ending after return statement?
hi ı update my bot v12 to v14. my bot online but not working. what is the problem
How to begin with Discord js
User Content
How can discord.js cache all users, channels, guilds into Collection?
Command Handler Issues
Image still shows
Banning doesn't delete msgs
does any one know how to get discord to display your bots command for auto complete
slash cmd doesn't work
get "Global display name"
Expected a string primitive
Cannot read 'edit'
Pass variables into <ShardingManager>.broadcastEval
Embed interaction replys
Embed Help
ReferenceError: client is not defined
Member count help
bot is online but not resieving messages
I wanted to make a code to start the bot and get it online, I tried all the ways but doesnt work
Anchor GUI Menu to bottom
Error ActionRowBuilder() and TypeScript
send base64 string on Embed
Error: Not enough sessions remaining to spawn 1 shards; only 0 remaining; resets at <time>
Who working with Distube? Can you help me?
@discordjs/rest question
How can I check if an ID is a category?
I don't understand...
Error - Following tutorial and BONKERS
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
an autocomplet with more than 25 help-me options
AuditLog Grouped "event" ?
Newlines in `message.content`
Reaction button sent only once
slash commands
hi my bot v12 but ı upgrade to v14 but nor working beacuse ı cant do intents who can help me ?pls
Application failed to respond
Issue adding and removing roles in same command
Cannot use `{data.length}` (Typescript)
how do I handle modalsubmits in typescript?
discord js core issue
Issues With Permissions
Having choices as both strings and numbers for the same option?
Button Interaction
Could anyone help with a question? :D
V13 - <User>.global_name
Does anyone know why the choices do not appear?
button interaction doesnt work (d.js 14.11.0)
Edit message on button click DJS14
where is the documentations of this?
Can we shorten the emojis?
Typing Oauth2Guild
How Collection() works?
Help width interactions
adding a button to a ticket bot
I wanted to know if the way to send an axios is correct
Error with Action (.\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\actions\ActionsManager.js:75)
My discord bot is not reply messages
prefix command not working
Pagination problem
Anti spam
Discord Embed inline field gets out of line
Fetching Guild Commands returns nothing
Label Character Limit
bot can't manage roles on user
TypeScript Logical Error Not Syntax Error
emoji react message
Question about integration
Does anyone know if the defaultMemberPermissions can set a job id or just PermissionFlagsBits?
adding role problem
unknown interaction
Post video link with hidden URL (preferably without downloading the video)
how do I access the forum channel a thread was created in
Shards Error
Getting Gateway Ratelimited.
CombinedError upon embed creation
Not getting presence events for server owner
No handler was found for this command
Is it possible to make an event to check if a file is created/edited/renamed/saved
embedbuilder is not working ...
Discord.js bot on server dont start
Multiselect dropdown list collector doesn't trigger
Demote Command doesn't work.
Replaying missed events after shutdown
so i have a doubt my system is giving "interaction failed"
command interaction with another command
Permission for disableCommunicationUntil
embed message setcolor is not working
messageUpdate Event
ContextMenuCommand same name as a SlashCommand
How to get Member Object with message
ModalBuilder() is not working !
blacklist system not working
Modal Error
Creating a bot that automatically posts new emails from a gmail account
weird error
TypeError: require(...).config is not a function
How to start
Issues with button builder
How can I check user roles
Create Users Dms
TypeScript client.cooldowns
Slash Command Interactions Doesn't Work
How can I change this About Me by code I've seen some systems that change automatically just by code
Anyone can help me?
Which things are always cached with the Guilds intent?
getting new display name
Deselection in Select Menu
oldMember and newMember timeout issue
Ban specific users from using my bot?
fetching command choices
Weird colorfull error while constructing embeds (djs14)
Help with command!
body: { error: 'invalid_client' }
Best and easiest way to store data for a bot/host one
Question about context menus
Cannot read properties of null on guild.commands.create
Not recieving heartbeats, killed after ~50 seconds, zombie connection, do recieve guildCreate event
Attachment content type support
RCON Response
how can i search for a member using an id?
ReferenceError: interaction is not defined
CombinedPropertyError? when trying to use a function that uses JSDOM to return a string for embed
Autocomplete Error!
how to get user’s displayName
a general question about autocomplete
I have a simple doubt
Fetch an array of message IDs at once
Unknown Message
Embedded errors
Unexpected string in JSON
How to make a bot execute a file
Activity Filtering
How to Respond to the interaction without displaying anything
Automated soundboard on user join
Creating an Update Handler
How do I limit the number of roles that guild.roles.cache shows (It crashes bot)
Reliably Fetching Roles from Member in Guild
Preventing some guilds from being cached
"BitFieldInvalid" error
command handler not registering commands
Owner Commands
Ports that discordjs is using?
Kicking a user
Hello, how to make a modal in djs v13 please
Creating a join/leave message
More Builders in Modals
Change user nickname
Linking guild to a specific member based on dm with bot
Command that runs every millisecond - Discord.js V13
How to display "TRY MY COMMANDS"
getTime is undefined
I can't make the new mute
how can i make button Bot Discord
Fetch every thread ever in a forum channel
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