Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present

I started to use discordjs/rest for some of my stuff to have less api calls in my overall code. One of those being the following
await this.client.rest.post(
body: {
name: `${[
date.getMonth() + 1,
].join("/")} - Daily Message`,
auto_archive_duration: "1440",
await this.client.rest.post(
body: {
name: `${[
date.getMonth() + 1,
].join("/")} - Daily Message`,
auto_archive_duration: "1440",
It should in theory work just fine but for some reason its complaining about a token not being set. I tried to use client.rest.setToken but that doesnt seem to work either. Is there something im missing?
12 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit13mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
536b656c6c7913mo ago
Joining in.
DominikOP13mo ago
We are using discordjs/rest v2.2.0 and discord.js v14.14.1 Well it add a thread to a message I would need to get the channel -> the message -> then add a thread I havent found a function yet where it just takes in a message id and then adds a thread I dont think that is the case for us as there is nothign else logged besides that token thing that could error Oh thanks I will look into that. Still weird it doesnt work with the rest way tho
DominikOP13mo ago
Like this where WouldYou is the class We extend the client from and call using this import WouldYou from "./wouldYou";
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DominikOP13mo ago
Oh no wait its being passed in the constructor We pass in the this keyword which should be the client we extend
DominikOP13mo ago
the same one we use to login
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DominikOP13mo ago
Yea sure one second
DominikOP13mo ago
client/src/util/wouldYou.ts at main · Would-You-Bot/client
Elevate your server's engagement with Would You, featuring user voting, daily messages, and customizability. Would You Rather - Would-You-Bot/client
536b656c6c7913mo ago
DominikOP13mo ago
I think the sharder we use sets the DISCORD_TOKEN env variable hence why login works. The one we pass into the env is TOKEN so that cant be it yes We had that removed before but then that token issue came up so we added it above the thread line This is so confusing tbh doesnt make any sense to why it would complain about the token
DominikOP13mo ago
This is the one I have from sentry which is a bit outdated cause it shows the old code there
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DominikOP13mo ago
Ill get that done tomorrow dont got much time today thanks for the help! I found the issue

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