The code does not change the new number

embed part
const args = msg.content.trim().split(/ +/g);

let num = args[1];

if (num === undefined) {
msg.reply("**`-` قم بوضع المبلغ**");
} else {
let regex = /^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
let matched = num.match(regex);

if (matched !== null) {
let amount = parseFloat(matched[1]);
let unit = matched[2].toLowerCase();

if (unit === 'k') {
amount = amount * 1000;
} else if (unit === 'm') {
amount = amount * 1000000;
let replaced = amount.toLocaleString();

let waistTax = 2.50;
let tax2 = Math.floor(amount * waistTax / 100);
let tax3 = Math.floor(tax2 + probot.taxs(amount));
let tax1 = Math.floor(tax2 + probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount)));
if(amount < 5000) return msg.reply(`**\`-\` قم بوضع مبلغ أكبر من \`5000\`**`);
if(amount > 300000000) return msg.reply(`**\`-\` قم بوضع مبلغ أقل من \`300000000\`**`);
let taxEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor({ name: `Bot Tax.`, iconURL: `` })
{ name: '**💰 2.5% Tax:**', value: `${tax2}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (1 Tax):**', value: `${probot.taxs(amount)}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (2 Taxes):**', value: `${probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount))}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (1 Tax) + 2.5%:**', value: `${tax3}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (2 Tax) + 2.5%:**', value: `${tax1}` }
.setFooter({ text:, iconURL: '.' })
const args = msg.content.trim().split(/ +/g);

let num = args[1];

if (num === undefined) {
msg.reply("**`-` قم بوضع المبلغ**");
} else {
let regex = /^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
let matched = num.match(regex);

if (matched !== null) {
let amount = parseFloat(matched[1]);
let unit = matched[2].toLowerCase();

if (unit === 'k') {
amount = amount * 1000;
} else if (unit === 'm') {
amount = amount * 1000000;
let replaced = amount.toLocaleString();

let waistTax = 2.50;
let tax2 = Math.floor(amount * waistTax / 100);
let tax3 = Math.floor(tax2 + probot.taxs(amount));
let tax1 = Math.floor(tax2 + probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount)));
if(amount < 5000) return msg.reply(`**\`-\` قم بوضع مبلغ أكبر من \`5000\`**`);
if(amount > 300000000) return msg.reply(`**\`-\` قم بوضع مبلغ أقل من \`300000000\`**`);
let taxEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor({ name: `Bot Tax.`, iconURL: `` })
{ name: '**💰 2.5% Tax:**', value: `${tax2}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (1 Tax):**', value: `${probot.taxs(amount)}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (2 Taxes):**', value: `${probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount))}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (1 Tax) + 2.5%:**', value: `${tax3}` },
{ name: '**💰 Price (2 Tax) + 2.5%:**', value: `${tax1}` }
.setFooter({ text:, iconURL: '.' })
button part
const collector ={ type: 'SELECT_MENU' });
collector.on('collect', async (collect) => {
if (collect.values[0] === 'amount') {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${amount}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === '2') {
collect.reply({ content: `${tax2}`, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax1') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${probot.taxs(amount)}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax1}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount))}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax2}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax1+2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${tax3}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax3}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax2+2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${tax1}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax1}\``, ephemeral: true });

const MSG = await msg.reply({ embeds: [taxEmbed], components: [row2] });
const collector ={ type: 'SELECT_MENU' });
collector.on('collect', async (collect) => {
if (collect.values[0] === 'amount') {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${amount}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === '2') {
collect.reply({ content: `${tax2}`, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax1') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${probot.taxs(amount)}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax1}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${probot.taxs(probot.taxs(amount))}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax2}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax1+2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${tax3}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax3}\``, ephemeral: true });
} else if (collect.values[0] === 'tax2+2') {
if (amount > 4000000) {
await collect.reply({
content: `\`c 1071812517690613831 ${tax1}\``,
ephemeral: true
} else {
collect.reply({ content: `\`c ${} ${tax1}\``, ephemeral: true });

const MSG = await msg.reply({ embeds: [taxEmbed], components: [row2] });
No description
4 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit15mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button! - Marked as resolved by staff
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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.mohanedOP15mo ago
he told me to come here :)
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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