Missing Access Error when updating Guild Features

I want to update GuildFeature.InvitesDisabled I tried this:
await interaction.guild.edit({
features: [
await interaction.guild.edit({
features: [
and this:
await guild.disableInvites(true);
await guild.disableInvites(true);
But I always get this error: (See attachment) My bot has all permissions it can have on the server and I enabled application.commands . The bots role even sits at the top of the role list
No description
19 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit5mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
LukasOP5mo ago
[email protected] & node v22.7.0
Mark5mo ago
console.log(<guild>.members.me.permissions.serialize()) and post the output please
LukasOP5mo ago
CreateInstantInvite: true,
KickMembers: true,
BanMembers: true,
Administrator: true,
ManageChannels: true,
ManageGuild: true,
AddReactions: true,
ViewAuditLog: true,
PrioritySpeaker: true,
Stream: true,
ViewChannel: true,
SendMessages: true,
SendTTSMessages: true,
ManageMessages: true,
EmbedLinks: true,
AttachFiles: true,
ReadMessageHistory: true,
MentionEveryone: true,
UseExternalEmojis: true,
ViewGuildInsights: true,
Connect: true,
Speak: true,
MuteMembers: true,
DeafenMembers: true,
MoveMembers: true,
UseVAD: true,
ChangeNickname: true,
ManageNicknames: true,
ManageRoles: true,
ManageWebhooks: true,
ManageEmojisAndStickers: true,
ManageGuildExpressions: true,
UseApplicationCommands: true,
RequestToSpeak: true,
ManageEvents: true,
ManageThreads: true,
CreatePublicThreads: true,
CreatePrivateThreads: true,
UseExternalStickers: true,
SendMessagesInThreads: true,
UseEmbeddedActivities: true,
ModerateMembers: true,
ViewCreatorMonetizationAnalytics: true,
UseSoundboard: true,
CreateGuildExpressions: true,
CreateEvents: true,
UseExternalSounds: true,
SendVoiceMessages: true,
SendPolls: true
CreateInstantInvite: true,
KickMembers: true,
BanMembers: true,
Administrator: true,
ManageChannels: true,
ManageGuild: true,
AddReactions: true,
ViewAuditLog: true,
PrioritySpeaker: true,
Stream: true,
ViewChannel: true,
SendMessages: true,
SendTTSMessages: true,
ManageMessages: true,
EmbedLinks: true,
AttachFiles: true,
ReadMessageHistory: true,
MentionEveryone: true,
UseExternalEmojis: true,
ViewGuildInsights: true,
Connect: true,
Speak: true,
MuteMembers: true,
DeafenMembers: true,
MoveMembers: true,
UseVAD: true,
ChangeNickname: true,
ManageNicknames: true,
ManageRoles: true,
ManageWebhooks: true,
ManageEmojisAndStickers: true,
ManageGuildExpressions: true,
UseApplicationCommands: true,
RequestToSpeak: true,
ManageEvents: true,
ManageThreads: true,
CreatePublicThreads: true,
CreatePrivateThreads: true,
UseExternalStickers: true,
SendMessagesInThreads: true,
UseEmbeddedActivities: true,
ModerateMembers: true,
ViewCreatorMonetizationAnalytics: true,
UseSoundboard: true,
CreateGuildExpressions: true,
CreateEvents: true,
UseExternalSounds: true,
SendVoiceMessages: true,
SendPolls: true
here you go
Mark5mo ago
can you check that the community feature is enabled?
LukasOP5mo ago
on the server?
Mark5mo ago
yes, on the guild with the id in the error
d.js docs
d.js docs5mo ago
:property: Guild#features @14.16.3 An array of features available to this guild
LukasOP5mo ago
it isnt
Mark5mo ago
should be in that array that's likely why (maybe not)
LukasOP5mo ago
okay so disabling invites works now but if I disable them by hand and then tell the bot to re-enable them like so: await guild.disableInvites(false) nothing happens I dont get an error, it just doesnt work
Mark5mo ago
Could be a rate limit But enabling community made it work?
LukasOP5mo ago
well kinda
Mark5mo ago
It stopped responding with the error though?
LukasOP5mo ago
yeah but it still doesnt work the intended way
Mark5mo ago
Like I said, it's likely a rate limit issue. I can't imagine that it's supposed to be toggled rapidly
LukasOP5mo ago
wouldnt it send an error when it's a rate limit issue? also pausing invites still works even if I rapid fire
Mark5mo ago
Nope, it just queues the request
LukasOP5mo ago
just unpausing doesnt work ah okay well what do I do if it doesnt work. I mean the feature is still in beta the error is back again. Same error and I didnt change anything. Community is enabled ah nevermind community was disabled again

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