message collector from array

I'm using an attachments and message content, to get the question and answer like this:
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52 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
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EREBUS2y ago
söyle kanka hata ne yardım ededyim edeyim*
Forhand.OP2y ago
with this code:
client.on('messageCreate', async message => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if (args[0] === `event`) {
if ( !== "222534954196664320") return;
await message.delete().catch(err => { console.log(err) });
let channel = client.channels.cache.get(Ch);
let MainCh = client.channels.cache.get(Main);
let uploaded = false;
await channel.messages.fetch().then(msgs => {
for (const msg of msgs) {
if (msg[1].attachments.size > 0) {
const collector = MainCh.createMessageCollector({ time: 60000 });
collector.on('collect', async m => {
if (m.content === msg[1].content) {
await m.reply(`Correct!`).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
uploaded = true;
collector.on('end', async () => {
if (!uploaded) {
MainCh.send(`The time is done, and no one choose the correct answer.`).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
}).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
client.on('messageCreate', async message => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if (args[0] === `event`) {
if ( !== "222534954196664320") return;
await message.delete().catch(err => { console.log(err) });
let channel = client.channels.cache.get(Ch);
let MainCh = client.channels.cache.get(Main);
let uploaded = false;
await channel.messages.fetch().then(msgs => {
for (const msg of msgs) {
if (msg[1].attachments.size > 0) {
const collector = MainCh.createMessageCollector({ time: 60000 });
collector.on('collect', async m => {
if (m.content === msg[1].content) {
await m.reply(`Correct!`).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
uploaded = true;
collector.on('end', async () => {
if (!uploaded) {
MainCh.send(`The time is done, and no one choose the correct answer.`).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
}).catch(err => { console.log(err) });
EREBUS2y ago
kanka yanlış yapıyon
Forhand.OP2y ago
so I want to wait until someone answers then it'll send the second attachment that in the chat channel
EREBUS2y ago
he kanka
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Unknown User2y ago
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EREBUS2y ago
he is Turkish i am too can i help with using Turkish
Forhand.OP2y ago
I'm not Turkish
EREBUS2y ago
oh the "test" okey my bad if i was you i'd do like this i could create a db and set the text then i'd use messageCreate again and if(message.content ==== db.text) return i think that way is way too good what is ur db?
Forhand.OP2y ago
I'm using json files if I'll use a db
EREBUS2y ago
okey i'll send a code wait What is Ch and Main ?
Forhand.OP2y ago
Ch is the channel to collect the attachment and content, Main is the channel to send the attachment and collect the correct answer from
EREBUS2y ago
should correct answer have a attachment ?
Forhand.OP2y ago
no just content
EREBUS2y ago
oh okey wait
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if(args[0] !== "event") return
if( !== "222534954196664320") return
await message.delete()
/* set db to true answer*/

client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if( !== "") return
if(message.content === data.true.answer) return message.reply({content: "Congz! You answered correctly!"})
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if(args[0] !== "event") return
if( !== "222534954196664320") return
await message.delete()
/* set db to true answer*/

client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if( !== "") return
if(message.content === data.true.answer) return message.reply({content: "Congz! You answered correctly!"})
oh i guess do u wanna like if nobody answered in 5 minutes the event should cancel ?
Forhand.OP2y ago
yes but in 10 seconds better
EREBUS2y ago
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if(args[0] !== "event") return
if( !== "") return
if( !== "222534954196664320") return
await message.delete()
await message.guild.channels.cache.get().send({YOU'LL SEND ATTACHMENT HERE})
/* set db to true answer and the*/

client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if( !== "") return
if(message.content === data.true.answer) return message.reply({content: "Congz! You answered correctly!"})
/* edit db to answered and who did it first*/

client.on("ready", () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(!db.true.answer || ! return
if( > yourtime ) {
client.guilds.cache.get().channels.cache.get().send({content: "Nobody answered true thing, event canceled."})
db delete
if(db.answered) {
client.guilds.cache.get().channels.cache.get().send({content: "Congz! " + db.who.answered + " Answered truely! "})
return db delete
}, 3000)
client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
let args = message.content.split(" ");
if(args[0] !== "event") return
if( !== "") return
if( !== "222534954196664320") return
await message.delete()
await message.guild.channels.cache.get().send({YOU'LL SEND ATTACHMENT HERE})
/* set db to true answer and the*/

client.on("messageCreate", async(message) => {
if( !== "") return
if(message.content === data.true.answer) return message.reply({content: "Congz! You answered correctly!"})
/* edit db to answered and who did it first*/

client.on("ready", () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(!db.true.answer || ! return
if( > yourtime ) {
client.guilds.cache.get().channels.cache.get().send({content: "Nobody answered true thing, event canceled."})
db delete
if(db.answered) {
client.guilds.cache.get().channels.cache.get().send({content: "Congz! " + db.who.answered + " Answered truely! "})
return db delete
}, 3000)
is this what u wanna ?
Forhand.OP2y ago
it's isn't possible to collect from chat because it's gonna be allowed for everyone to add he's own image + content (which is the answer) that's why I had to do it like this
EREBUS2y ago
it is possible
EREBUS2y ago
i checked here the message content if it is true answer
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Forhand.OP2y ago
and after someone answered it'll continue to send the second and third attachments and so on untill the bot sends all the attachments in the chat
EREBUS2y ago
so please tell me clearly what you wanna ? You tell me it is just message content and u re saying there are attachments too
Forhand.OP2y ago
I'll show you an example
Forhand.OP2y ago
So the bot's gonna take the attachments from here to send it in the MainCh and will wait for 10s to answer and the answer gonna be The Attachment's message content
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Forhand.OP2y ago
if someone got it right or the time ends it'll wait 10 seconds then send the second attachment and so on untill the bot send all attachments
EREBUS2y ago
in MainCh, will you write manuelly
Forhand.OP2y ago
yes the people there will try to guess the correct answer, which is the message content for the attachment's message
EREBUS2y ago
okey that code'll work . but i'll edit wait
Forhand.OP2y ago
okay mate
EREBUS2y ago
Okey that'll work But that it'll work like Channel 1 Channel 2 You write "Try" in Channel 1 and it'll delete that then bot will send a attachment Channel 2 and time'll start if they write, time'll delete and game done if they don't bot'll send a message to they don't write correct answer
Forhand.OP2y ago
it shouldn't done before the bot sends all the messages that contains an attachment the Ch chat
EREBUS2y ago
Oh i guess you wanna if it able there are many question for answer and if all question is sent bot should start time
Forhand.OP2y ago
no no for each question there's time, if they didn't answer the correct answer in time or they did. it'll wait 10 seconds and it'll send the next attachment and start another 10s untill the attachments are done
EREBUS2y ago
The questions did sending but bot should start their time in order am i right
Forhand.OP2y ago
this the best way until now but I couldn't made it like send one attachment and send another after answering the correct answer or after the time is up
EREBUS2y ago
okey if you know "the best way" you can finish it bye And i know %100 you are turkish anyway
Forhand.OP2y ago
I'm not and why ur mad?
EREBUS2y ago
i am trying to help but u still say the best way is mine and then how can i help you
Forhand.OP2y ago
okay I'm sorry, help me are we good now?
EREBUS2y ago
? is it true
Forhand.OP2y ago
no it should send one question and send another after the time is up or after someone answers the correct answer
EREBUS2y ago
okey then the code'll work but You write question 1 and the time done you write question 2 it is manual way you wanna automatic way but idk how it can be possible
Forhand.OP2y ago
oh, okay
EREBUS2y ago
it is manual way i hope i write true thing
Forhand.OP2y ago
I prefer to do it in automatic way
EREBUS2y ago
i don't know english %100 yeah i understood but idk mate sorry
Forhand.OP2y ago
you did help me so much so thanks you for the help
EREBUS2y ago
love you
Forhand.OP2y ago
no worries love you too
EREBUS2y ago
i hope you'll get automatic way have a nice evenin'
Forhand.OP2y ago
you too ❤️

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