setAvatar() setInterval()

what would be too fast to update the avatar? i would like to make it as often as possible without getting ratelimited would every 15 minutes be too often?
21 Replies
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d.js toolkit•11mo ago
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Unknown User
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Asega•11mo ago
that seems like an API ban no?
BOSSx•11mo ago
would once every 12 hours be alright? just to be on the safe side?
Unknown User
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Asega•11mo ago
other than being rate limited cant you be api banned for stuff like that like nuke bots and spam bots and stuff that spams the api right?
BOSSx•11mo ago
i am yea, made this when i was getting no reply my bad fellas i mean it's not spam, it's just changing it's own profile picture once every few hours
Unknown User
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Asega•11mo ago
so the answer to my question is yes?
Unknown User
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Asega•11mo ago
oh ok
Unknown User
Unknown User•11mo ago
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BOSSx•11mo ago
it's cool fellas, i'll just stick with one lol thanks tho
Asega•11mo ago
i was just interested if you could get in trouble with it i couldnt help you if i wanted to lol oh i see what you were trying to do @bossx yeah that would have been cool i had that with statuses
BOSSx•11mo ago
yeahh, like once every 12 hours change the profile picture to one of these
BOSSx•11mo ago
6 is the one i use regularly
Asega•11mo ago
all of them look nice did you hire a designer or designed them yourself
BOSSx•11mo ago
well the image it's self i found online 😭 but the colors i switched up
Asega•11mo ago
oh lol
BOSSx•11mo ago
just until i can think of a design remotely the same with a little more bijazz to it
Kinect3000•11mo ago
Just follow d.js guidelines by using all of the colors on the rainbow