Log if user got disconnected and from who?

Something aint right. I am currently trying to make something like: Yeah user x disconnected user x. But when I try to do like newstate(voicestate).guild.fetchAuditLogs({type: discordjs.AuditLogEvent.MemberDisconnect}) then it simply just waits like 5 seconds and after that says that Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'guild') at the newstate
6 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
progamersischuOP2y ago
voicestateupdate : async function(oldstate, newstate) {
await newstate.guild.fetchAuditLogs({type: discordjs.AuditLogEvent.MemberDisconnect}).then(audit => {
let first = audit.entries.first()
if(!first) return;
console.log(first.createdTimestamp, Date.now() - 2000, Date.now() + 2000, Date.now())
if( first.createdTimestamp == Date.now() || first.createdTimestamp > Date.now() - 2000){
console.log(newstate.member.user.tag + " was disconnected from " + oldstate.channel.name + " by " + first.executor.tag + " (" + first.executor.id + ")")
voicestateupdate : async function(oldstate, newstate) {
await newstate.guild.fetchAuditLogs({type: discordjs.AuditLogEvent.MemberDisconnect}).then(audit => {
let first = audit.entries.first()
if(!first) return;
console.log(first.createdTimestamp, Date.now() - 2000, Date.now() + 2000, Date.now())
if( first.createdTimestamp == Date.now() || first.createdTimestamp > Date.now() - 2000){
console.log(newstate.member.user.tag + " was disconnected from " + oldstate.channel.name + " by " + first.executor.tag + " (" + first.executor.id + ")")
And the guild obj:
<ref *2> Guild {
id: '583370607920545854',
name: 'ssssssssss2',
icon: '428e0939f68c4b38762bffcccedc9ccd',
features: [],
commands: <ref *1> GuildApplicationCommandManager {
permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager {
manager: [Circular *1],
guild: [Circular *2],
guildId: '583370607920545854',
commandId: null
guild: [Circular *2]
members: GuildMemberManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
channels: GuildChannelManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
bans: GuildBanManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
roles: RoleManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
presences: PresenceManager {},
voiceStates: VoiceStateManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
stageInstances: StageInstanceManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
invites: GuildInviteManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
scheduledEvents: GuildScheduledEventManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
autoModerationRules: AutoModerationRuleManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
available: true,
shardId: 0,
splash: null,
banner: null,
description: null,
verificationLevel: 0,
vanityURLCode: null,
nsfwLevel: 0,
premiumSubscriptionCount: 0,
discoverySplash: null,
memberCount: 8,
large: false,
premiumProgressBarEnabled: false,
applicationId: null,
afkTimeout: 300,
afkChannelId: null,
systemChannelId: null,
premiumTier: 0,
widgetEnabled: null,
widgetChannelId: null,
explicitContentFilter: 0,
mfaLevel: 0,
joinedTimestamp: 1677287925024,
defaultMessageNotifications: 0,
systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlagsBitField { bitfield: 0 },
maximumMembers: 500000,
maximumPresences: null,
maxVideoChannelUsers: 25,
approximateMemberCount: null,
approximatePresenceCount: null,
vanityURLUses: null,
rulesChannelId: null,
publicUpdatesChannelId: null,
preferredLocale: 'en-US',
ownerId: '539044928953516032',
emojis: GuildEmojiManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
stickers: GuildStickerManager { guild: [Circular *2] }
<ref *2> Guild {
id: '583370607920545854',
name: 'ssssssssss2',
icon: '428e0939f68c4b38762bffcccedc9ccd',
features: [],
commands: <ref *1> GuildApplicationCommandManager {
permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissionsManager {
manager: [Circular *1],
guild: [Circular *2],
guildId: '583370607920545854',
commandId: null
guild: [Circular *2]
members: GuildMemberManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
channels: GuildChannelManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
bans: GuildBanManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
roles: RoleManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
presences: PresenceManager {},
voiceStates: VoiceStateManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
stageInstances: StageInstanceManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
invites: GuildInviteManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
scheduledEvents: GuildScheduledEventManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
autoModerationRules: AutoModerationRuleManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
available: true,
shardId: 0,
splash: null,
banner: null,
description: null,
verificationLevel: 0,
vanityURLCode: null,
nsfwLevel: 0,
premiumSubscriptionCount: 0,
discoverySplash: null,
memberCount: 8,
large: false,
premiumProgressBarEnabled: false,
applicationId: null,
afkTimeout: 300,
afkChannelId: null,
systemChannelId: null,
premiumTier: 0,
widgetEnabled: null,
widgetChannelId: null,
explicitContentFilter: 0,
mfaLevel: 0,
joinedTimestamp: 1677287925024,
defaultMessageNotifications: 0,
systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlagsBitField { bitfield: 0 },
maximumMembers: 500000,
maximumPresences: null,
maxVideoChannelUsers: 25,
approximateMemberCount: null,
approximatePresenceCount: null,
vanityURLUses: null,
rulesChannelId: null,
publicUpdatesChannelId: null,
preferredLocale: 'en-US',
ownerId: '539044928953516032',
emojis: GuildEmojiManager { guild: [Circular *2] },
stickers: GuildStickerManager { guild: [Circular *2] }
Because somehow I get undefined sometimes with newstate.channel or smth else when it's defined when I log it. A bit bugged I guess client.on("voiceStateUpdate",async (oldstate,newstate) => { await betterlogs.handler({type: "voicestateupdate", oldstate: oldstate, newstate: newstate}) ....
progamersischuOP2y ago
No description
progamersischuOP2y ago
Want to do it in different files. Because otherwise my main file is going to be super big
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
guide Creating Your Bot: Event handling - Individual event files read more
progamersischuOP2y ago
Yeah. But still...doesn't make sense. I mean. I get a value for newstate and newstate.guild but after 5 seconds it tells me that its undefined I will do that thx Found the error. But like I do it, it isn't possible that way. I thought that every action is logged seperatly in the audit log but it just counts to 1,2,3,4,.. till like a certain time passed

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