How can i add no prefix system into my bot??
I have to create a full no prefix system along with no prefix add remove list command how can i do that
15 Replies
- What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
- Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts.
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- Issue solved? Press the button!I have no idea what you mean. What is a "no prefix" system?
like owner or admin of a bot doesn't have to use prefix for command and they can add member in this system
Well that would just be exactly the same as prefix command system but without the prefix check. Instead do a member check. It's not really discord.js related as there's no specific Discord functionality for this other than listening to messageCreate events
like can we not define a user to to just if message come from this user then the prefix will be "!", " "
Of course you can
but for all commands in one
can we just do it for all commands with one code
Check the
Some example to how can i just do it
We dont have any examples for this, no, because slash commands are the recommended and officially supported method
Can you make a code for me just for example
We dont spoonfeed code
Unknown User•9mo ago
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