delete channels

How do i delete channels fast? Becausen when you normally make a loop and delete channels its kinda slow
22 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkitβ€’2mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
darpβ€’2mo ago
why you need it?
ZombieSiegeEventβ€’2mo ago
For a self destruction mode For my server Why ur asking U thought im making a nuker bot?
darpβ€’2mo ago
ZombieSiegeEventβ€’2mo ago
K But how do i delete channels fast
brncrayβ€’2mo ago
Why would you make a self destruction mode
ZombieSiegeEventβ€’2mo ago
If ppl get acess to my server. Then i can just type a command and puff they cant do ansthing
brncrayβ€’2mo ago
Make your server whitelist only? Create a role that can access all the channels you want, then give people that role
axiprimeβ€’2mo ago
Make your command admin only or server only You can also disable them in the server.
Unknown User
Unknown Userβ€’2mo ago
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ZombieSiegeEventβ€’2mo ago
No??? Like realtalk i thought about a lockdown like u said but just thought thats the easiest way Ok
d.js docs
d.js docsβ€’2mo ago
:event: (event) Client#channelDelete @14.15.2 Emitted whenever a channel is deleted.
besides there's no channel bulkDelete is there? so like.. no way around rate limits side question though.. is it possible to restore deleted channel somehow? or make a backup or something? or prevent things from deleting them in the first place (if they have the manageChannels permission) like.. manage channels is such a broad permission.. maybe you wanna give someone perms to edit channel permissions and overrides for you etc, but that's all reversible stuff, even if they do troll. but deleting the channel is part of that,... so like..... I mean yea that's just discord doing the hell what but is there a way to prevent the deletion?
-CarlosπŸ‘‘β€’2mo ago
not possible
ahmoodβ€’2mo ago
Just don't give manage channels permission to untrusted people
-CarlosπŸ‘‘β€’2mo ago
you don't even need Manage Channels to let other users edit channel permissions/overrides, you just need Manage Permissions
Doesn't change that problem of discord putting a dangerous action into the same permissions with a bunch of managing and reversible ones It's like giving change server profile perms only in combination with delete server... I don't see "manage permissions" anywhere in my role settings
-CarlosπŸ‘‘β€’2mo ago
Manage Permissions only exists on channel overrides
Thank you, that actually helps a lot is there a list somewhere which permission you need for which action? is "edit roles" also enough to manage integration permissions or does that need "manage server"?
-CarlosπŸ‘‘β€’2mo ago
this question would be better to ask in the Discord Developers server
right, I figured it out with the "view as role" thingy