OAuth2 URL + Bot Permissions + Discord Intents

I don't fully understand the relationship between OAuth2 URL creation, bot permissions url creation and the intents required in the code. I think there might be a permissions issue that's preventing my both from passing 'signalling' and 'connecting' status Code for init and part of the 'listener' functionality below: client.once('ready', async () => { console.log('Bot is ready'); client.channels.fetch(voiceChannelId) .then(channel => { if (channel.type === 'GUILD_VOICE') { try { voiceConnection = joinVoiceChannel({ channelId: String(voiceChannelId), guildId: String(guildId), adapterCreator: channel.guild.voiceAdapterCreator, debug: true, }); console.log('Bot joined the voice channel'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error with bot joining: ', error); } voiceConnection.on('stateChange', async (state) => { if (state && state.userId) { const user = await client.users.fetch(state.userId) if (state.connectionStatus === 'ready' && state.type === 'join') { console.log(${user.username} joined the voice channel.); handleUserJoin(user) } else { (state.connectionStatus === 'destroyed' && state.type === 'leave') console.log(${user.username} left the voice channel.); handleUserLeave(user) } } else { console.error('Voice channel not found.'); } }); } }); });
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2 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit•11mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
geeksOP•11mo ago
Overall, my bot needs to have the following permissions: - detect user join/leave a room - mute/unmute user - detect user start speaking/stop speaking - send messages to channels (both all users and single user) my client with intents are as follows: const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: [ Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MEMBERS, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_PRESENCES, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_VOICE_STATES, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES ] }); First real question is - Do I also have to follow the steps for OAuth2 URL permissions? (even though I have intents coded) Have included screenshots to show what I'm thinking I should tick. Am I missing anything? What should I be putting into the field for Redirects? Further, do I also need to follow steps for the Bot Permissions URL too? I'm not sure why I would be doing this, so any explanation would be great :) If so, similarly, what should I tick to achieve the above permissions functionalities for the bot? Great info, appreciated 🙂 @Qjuh To provide more context, the start/stop listener is switched on and off for a specific user within this function: async function startTimer() { if (queueActive && queue.length > 0) { try { const currentUser = queue[0]; await unmuteUser(currentUser); userActive = true; unmuteTimestamp = Date.now(); const listener = speakingListener(currentUser); voiceConnection.receiver.speaking.on('start', listener); voiceConnection.receiver.speaking.on('end', listener); while (userActive) { elapsedTime = Date.now() - unmuteTimestamp; if (!startedSpeakingTimestamp && elapsedTime >= startedSpeakingLimit) { console.log(${currentUser.user.tag} did not start speaking.); await muteUser(currentUser); queue.push(queue.shift()); userActive = false; } else if (elapsedTime >= speakTime) { console.log(${currentUser.user.tag} reached maximum speak time.); await muteUser(currentUser); queue.push(queue.shift()); userActive = false; } // Repeat after userSwitchInterval await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, userSwitchInterval)); } voiceConnection.receiver.speaking.off('start', listener); voiceConnection.receiver.speaking.off('end', listener); startedSpeakingTimestamp = null; stoppedSpeakingTimestamp = null; unmuteTimestamp = null; if (queueActive) { await startTimer(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in user timer:', error); } } } Regarding the bot being the target that connects, am I correct regarding the following two points: 1. I can write some conditions to prevent the bot from joining 2. Regardless, the voiceConnection will continue to listen for join/leaves? No, the while loop isn't involved where I've got the bot issue - I only showcased it to illustrate where the speaking start/stop listener was. Oh I see! So would I actually need "two bots", one being the regular bot gateway and a totally separate one to for start/stop? (The fact I'm running join/leave through a VoiceConnection is likely to be my current trouble huh?) So if I have my speaking listeners loaded: botConnection.receiver.speaking.on('start', (userId) => { if (!startedSpeakingTimestamp) { client.users.fetch(userId) .then(user => { startedSpeakingTimestamp = Date.now(); const startedDate = new Date(startedSpeakingTimestamp) console.log(${user.displayName} started speaking at ${startedDate}); }) } }); botConnection.receiver.speaking.on('end', (userId) => { if (!stoppedSpeakingTimestamp || Date.now() > stoppedSpeakingTimestamp) { client.users.fetch(userId) .then(user => { stoppedSpeakingTimestamp = Date.now(); const stoppedDate = new Date(stoppedSpeakingTimestamp) console.log(${user.displayName} finished speaking at ${stoppedDate}); }); } }); But they are triggering repeatedly, start and end, multiple times a second (which obviously isn't representing the fact that a user has finished and starts speaking again). You mentioned the blocking while loop (see below for it in context) - is it likely to be 'cutting off' the speaking stream thus causing these multiple speaker triggers? async function startTimer() { if (queueActive && queue.length > 0) { try { const currentMember = queue[0]; await unmuteUser(currentMember); userActive = true; unmuteTimestamp = Date.now(); const unmuteDate = new Date(unmuteTimestamp) console.log(unmuteDate) while (userActive) { elapsedTime = Date.now() - unmuteTimestamp; if (!startedSpeakingTimestamp && elapsedTime >= startedSpeakingLimit) { console.log(${currentMember.displayName} did not start speaking.); await muteUser(currentMember); queue.push(queue.shift()); userActive = false; } else if (elapsedTime >= speakTime) { console.log(${currentMember.displayName} reached maximum speak time.); await muteUser(currentMember); queue.push(queue.shift()); userActive = false; } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, userSwitchInterval)); } startedSpeakingTimestamp = null; stoppedSpeakingTimestamp = null; unmuteTimestamp = null; if (queueActive) { await startTimer(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in user timer:', error); } } }

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