userinfo bot
does anyone here know how to make a command for userinfo for bots on discord?
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Marked as resolved by OPfetch the user
:method: UserManager#fetch()
Obtains a user from Discord, or the user cache if it's already available.then you can access its properties
it would be more in the part of showing the insignia in the userinfo message
the what
you mean the user's badges?
i wanted to know how to show the insinuities, like the boosting server, initial supporter etc
thats not possible
you can only access a few badges
not nitro or boost badges
cool, then ask the developer of that bot
it is not possible
unless with oauth2 but i highly doubt youd want that
maybe they just check the member's premiumSince value and then infer the badge from that
not sure about the nitro badge though, that's not really possible
unfortunately they don't seem to have either
maybe they're inferring that if you're boosting then you probably have nitro?
yeah :kek:
or just selfbots
no, they use selfbots to access profile info
ok ok
I'm Brazilian, I don't know much English
for the boosting badge, it's probably this
I wanted badgesDisplay to show the user's badges ; { name: ':insignias: Insígnias', value: badgesDisplay, inline: true },
but I don't know how to do that
that's what we're answering
this is how you get some of them
but nitro and boosting badges aren't exposed by the api, you must infer they exist from some other data
So in case the Nitro and Boost badges don't appear through the API, so do I have to find another way to do this?
to show these badges when I type the command in the case
you didn't understand I think
How to make a User Info Command | Discord.js V14
Hey there, in this video you will learn how to create a /user-info command getting information such as if they are a bot, have they boosted a server ect.
Get Access to pastebins?
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those arent nitro badges
those are exposed to the api yes
I'm going to read the documentaries then
Thanks for the help