How do I create buttons under messages?

I have a message how to link buttons to it? I understand MessageActionRow, Message Button, Message Embed are outdated
const { Client, Intents, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');

const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGES, Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS] });

client.once('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);

client.on('guildMemberAdd', async member => {
const flags = [
{ name: 'Test1', emoji: '🇷🇺' },
{ name: 'Test2', emoji: '🇺🇸' },
{ name: 'Test3', emoji: '🇩🇪' },
{ name: 'Test4', emoji: '🇹🇷' },
{ name: 'Test5', emoji: '🇮🇷' },
{ name: 'Test6', emoji: '🇺🇦' },
{ name: 'Test7', emoji: '🇯🇵' }

const row = new MessageActionRow();
for (const flag of flags) {
const button = new MessageButton()

const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Test Title:')
.setDescription('Test Message')

try {
const dmChannel = await member.createDM();
await dmChannel.send({ embeds: [embed], components: [row] });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error sending message:', error);

client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if (!interaction.isButton()) return;

const selectedLanguage = interaction.customId.split('_')[1];
await interaction.reply(`Your Answer: ${selectedLanguage}`);

const { Client, Intents, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');

const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGES, Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS] });

client.once('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);

client.on('guildMemberAdd', async member => {
const flags = [
{ name: 'Test1', emoji: '🇷🇺' },
{ name: 'Test2', emoji: '🇺🇸' },
{ name: 'Test3', emoji: '🇩🇪' },
{ name: 'Test4', emoji: '🇹🇷' },
{ name: 'Test5', emoji: '🇮🇷' },
{ name: 'Test6', emoji: '🇺🇦' },
{ name: 'Test7', emoji: '🇯🇵' }

const row = new MessageActionRow();
for (const flag of flags) {
const button = new MessageButton()

const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Test Title:')
.setDescription('Test Message')

try {
const dmChannel = await member.createDM();
await dmChannel.send({ embeds: [embed], components: [row] });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error sending message:', error);

client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if (!interaction.isButton()) return;

const selectedLanguage = interaction.customId.split('_')[1];
await interaction.reply(`Your Answer: ${selectedLanguage}`);

5 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit•2y ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
treble/luna•2y ago
pass them in as components: [yourcomponents]
Dmitry Batkovich
Dmitry BatkovichOP•2y ago
limit 5 buttons? all right bypassed the problem by creating an additional row
Unknown User
Unknown User•2y ago
Message Not Public
Sign In & Join Server To View
Dmitry Batkovich
Dmitry BatkovichOP•2y ago
embeds: [exampleEmbed],
new ActionRowBuilder().setComponents
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ActionRowBuilder().setComponents
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
embeds: [exampleEmbed],
new ActionRowBuilder().setComponents
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ActionRowBuilder().setComponents
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()

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