Trying to change a variable inside a CATCH

well i have a piece of that im trying to send message to a specific amount of people and im trying to find out how many people didnt get the message. so im trying to +1 to a number variable in my CATCH when sending the message but it never gets added. ( if i console.log it shows the error , but my variable doesnt change )
9 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit13mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button! - Marked as resolved by OP
VioletOP13mo ago
var error = 0
var notError = message.mentions.users.size
var users = ''
Mentioned.forEach(async (User) => {
await User.send({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
}).catch(async (err) => {
error = error + 1
users = users + `\n <@${}>`
var error = 0
var notError = message.mentions.users.size
var users = ''
Mentioned.forEach(async (User) => {
await User.send({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
}).catch(async (err) => {
error = error + 1
users = users + `\n <@${}>`
ShompiFlen13mo ago
your approach is wrong, all im gonna say is that you shouldnt use a forEach while doing async stuff, since this is not working the way you think it is. use a for of loop instead with async await. I dont think i can help you too much because this is potentially api spam, also potentially mass dming users which is against Discord developers TOS
VioletOP13mo ago
well it cant be called api spam , i mean i can also set a delay between each message. and dming the users is something they want actually ( its a feature for a community so they get important messages in their dms ). ill try it with for of loop , will post the results here , thanks will also read TOS carefully to see if my case is excluded or not 😉
duck13mo ago
even in non-spam use cases, discord has explicitly advised against mass dms regardless of consent mentions and announcement channels are preferred
d.js docs
d.js docs13mo ago
Mass DMing users is not allowed as per developer ToS, considered spam and can get you and your bot banned. - Mention @everyone to inform all your users at once instead - Discord Developer Terms of Service: learn more | FAQ summary
VioletOP13mo ago
well i did it with for of loop and it still had the same result , i dont know if i said it wrong , but also i used to do it without async while using foreach . and that variable error doesnt change in the catch its like it kinda skip it. its not only in this case , its also in other cases that i wanna show to the discord manager to tell them how many didnt people didnt get the message , ( like for notification messages , ( those who pop in and get new notifications and i wanna know how many users didnt ). but that variable never gets changed in .catch , is it even possible to change a varriable in .catch?
ShompiFlen13mo ago
yea there are multiple ways to achieve it if you chain a .catch() to the promise, just return something like null from it and then check the return value value = await promise().catch(() => null) if value equals null variable++ continue
VioletOP13mo ago
well yeah thanks , the issue was mainly with the await , async promises , but yeah its fixed now ^^

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