button label wont update after message.edit

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19 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
@doniczkaOP2y ago
im trying to edit the messsage
treble/luna2y ago
Update djs
@doniczkaOP2y ago
am ^14.13.0" now this is version
treble/luna2y ago
Then why did you put 14.0.3 before?
@doniczkaOP2y ago
becuse that my old project that im moving from v13 and that wont work on v14
treble/luna2y ago
run npm ls discord.js and show the output
@doniczkaOP2y ago
No description
@doniczkaOP2y ago
beacuse im updated to discord.js@latest
treble/luna2y ago
also, try wrapping your components in a new ActionRowBuilder
@doniczkaOP2y ago
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol); // Dodaj ten console.log do debugowania
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newRows = m2.components.map(row => {
const newComponents = row.components.map(v => {
v.label = `${pol.votes[v.customId] || 0}`;
return v;
return new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(newComponents);

await interaction.message.edit({
components: newRows
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol); // Dodaj ten console.log do debugowania
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newRows = m2.components.map(row => {
const newComponents = row.components.map(v => {
v.label = `${pol.votes[v.customId] || 0}`;
return v;
return new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(newComponents);

await interaction.message.edit({
components: newRows
im do that but
@doniczkaOP2y ago
No description
@doniczkaOP2y ago
nothing changes 😢
@doniczkaOP2y ago
console output
No description
treble/luna2y ago
yeah no
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
Structures from the API cannot be edited directly. To do so, you can create a new structure (a builder) using the .from() method
const newEmbed = EmbedBuilder.from(embed).setTitle("title")
const newRow = ActionRowBuilder.from(row).addComponents(component)
const newEmbed = EmbedBuilder.from(embed).setTitle("title")
const newRow = ActionRowBuilder.from(row).addComponents(component)
@doniczkaOP2y ago
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol);
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newRows = m2.components.map(row => {
const newComponents = row.components.map(v => {
v.label = `${pol.votes[v.customId] || 0}`;
return v;
return ActionRowBuilder.from(row).addComponents(newComponents);

await interaction.message.edit({
components: newRows

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
components[0].components[2].custom_id[COMPONENT_CUSTOM_ID_DUPLICATED]: Component cus
tom id cannot be duplicated
components[0].components[3].custom_id[COMPONENT_CUSTOM_ID_DUPLICATED]: Component cus
tom id cannot be duplicated
at handleErrors (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_modules\discord.js\node_
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async SequentialHandler.runRequest (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_mo
at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_
at async _REST.request (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_modules\discord.j
at async GuildMessageManager.edit (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_module
at async Object.execute (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\src\events\client\int
Emitted 'error' event on Client instance at:
at emitUnhandledRejectionOrErr (node:events:394:10)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21) {
requestBody: {
files: [],
json: {
content: undefined,
tts: false,
nonce: undefined,
embeds: undefined,
components: [
type: 1,
components: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
username: undefined,
avatar_url: undefined,
allowed_mentions: undefined,
flags: 0,
message_reference: undefined,
attachments: undefined,
sticker_ids: undefined,
thread_name: undefined
rawError: {
message: 'Invalid Form Body',
code: 50035,
errors: {
components: { '0': { components: { '2': [Object], '3': [Object] } } }
code: 50035,
status: 400,
method: 'PATCH',
url: 'https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/1027264053191655516/messages/1149419511

Node.js v18.16.0
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol);
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newRows = m2.components.map(row => {
const newComponents = row.components.map(v => {
v.label = `${pol.votes[v.customId] || 0}`;
return v;
return ActionRowBuilder.from(row).addComponents(newComponents);

await interaction.message.edit({
components: newRows

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
components[0].components[2].custom_id[COMPONENT_CUSTOM_ID_DUPLICATED]: Component cus
tom id cannot be duplicated
components[0].components[3].custom_id[COMPONENT_CUSTOM_ID_DUPLICATED]: Component cus
tom id cannot be duplicated
at handleErrors (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_modules\discord.js\node_
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async SequentialHandler.runRequest (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_mo
at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_
at async _REST.request (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_modules\discord.j
at async GuildMessageManager.edit (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\node_module
at async Object.execute (C:\Users\ziemo\Desktop\botkacpero\src\events\client\int
Emitted 'error' event on Client instance at:
at emitUnhandledRejectionOrErr (node:events:394:10)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21) {
requestBody: {
files: [],
json: {
content: undefined,
tts: false,
nonce: undefined,
embeds: undefined,
components: [
type: 1,
components: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
username: undefined,
avatar_url: undefined,
allowed_mentions: undefined,
flags: 0,
message_reference: undefined,
attachments: undefined,
sticker_ids: undefined,
thread_name: undefined
rawError: {
message: 'Invalid Form Body',
code: 50035,
errors: {
components: { '0': { components: { '2': [Object], '3': [Object] } } }
code: 50035,
status: 400,
method: 'PATCH',
url: 'https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/1027264053191655516/messages/1149419511

Node.js v18.16.0
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
ok. now its error beacuse its duplicated buttons
treble/luna2y ago
you dont need the newRow Ir well you do, just not that way Your newrow is your ActionRowBuilder.from
@doniczkaOP2y ago
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol);
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newComponents = m2.components[0].components.map(v => {
if (v.customId === interaction.customId) {
v.label = `${pol.votes[interaction.customId] || 0}`;
return v;

await m2.edit({
components: [
new ActionRowBuilder()
const m = interaction.message.id;
const pol = await polls.findOne({ message: m });
if (pol) {
console.log('pol:', pol);
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
pol.votes = pol.votes || {};
if (pol.votes[interaction.customId]) pol.votes[interaction.customId] += 1;
else pol.votes[interaction.customId] = 1;
await polls.findOneAndUpdate({ message: pol.message }, pol);
await interaction.editReply({ content: "`[ ✔️ ]` Pomyślnie oddano głos w ankiecie!", ephemeral: true });
const m2 = interaction.channel.messages.cache.get(m);

const newComponents = m2.components[0].components.map(v => {
if (v.customId === interaction.customId) {
v.label = `${pol.votes[interaction.customId] || 0}`;
return v;

await m2.edit({
components: [
new ActionRowBuilder()
i have update to like that and 0 errors displays but the button labels wont update okay solved stupid error like v.data.label is working in forEach but v.label is not working XD

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