Button message not working

I want when other users who arent the interaction user get met with this message 'only user can use these buttons', but this doesnt work.
const filter = (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, time: 60000 });

collector.on('collect', async (i) => {
try {
if (i.user.id !== interaction.user.id) {
// User is not the original user who triggered the command
await i.reply({ content: 'Only the user who triggered the command can use these buttons', ephemeral: true });

if (i.customId === 'prev_page') {
if (currentPage > 0) {
await updateEmbed();
} else if (i.customId === 'next_page') {
if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) {
await updateEmbed();

// Acknowledge the interaction
await i.deferUpdate();
} catch (error) {

collector.on('end', () => {
const disabledButtonRow = createButtonRow(currentPage, totalPages);
disabledButtonRow.components.forEach(button => button.setDisabled(true));
interaction.editReply({ components: [disabledButtonRow] });
} catch (e) {

const filter = (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, time: 60000 });

collector.on('collect', async (i) => {
try {
if (i.user.id !== interaction.user.id) {
// User is not the original user who triggered the command
await i.reply({ content: 'Only the user who triggered the command can use these buttons', ephemeral: true });

if (i.customId === 'prev_page') {
if (currentPage > 0) {
await updateEmbed();
} else if (i.customId === 'next_page') {
if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) {
await updateEmbed();

// Acknowledge the interaction
await i.deferUpdate();
} catch (error) {

collector.on('end', () => {
const disabledButtonRow = createButtonRow(currentPage, totalPages);
disabledButtonRow.components.forEach(button => button.setDisabled(true));
interaction.editReply({ components: [disabledButtonRow] });
} catch (e) {

3 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit10mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
mallusrgreat10mo ago
remove the filter you're already filtering out all the people who isn't the user of the original interaction
BakeWithMeOP10mo ago
oh okay i will try that thank you

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