EmbedBuilder thumbnail issue
My bot scrapes data from pages on archiveofourown.org and uses it to build an embed. Recent changes to their server structure have led to a change in their image hosting url convention.
Previously, the icon for a collection, for example, would have been something like
And now it is:
When I send this url as the thumbnail of an embed, nothing is displayed. When I send this url directly as a message through the discord client, it renders correctly. Is there anything that I can do to troubleshoot why this would fail? I have a feeling it's related to the ==--
portion of the url, but I have no way of knowing as no error is generated.
Here is the console.log output of what I'm sending to the EmbedBuilder function. It worked correctly before the url change.
"title":"Bagginshield Book Club",
"description":":orange_circle: Link posted by @shantismurf",
{"name":"Description:","value":"This is a collection of stories that the Bagginshield Book Club on Discord has read and discussed since we started having weekly discussions in June of 2023. If you would like to join in on the discussion, please come check us out!"},
{"name":"--------------------","value":"-# Restricted works are not included in counts:"},
{"name":"\t","value":"Works (0), Bookmarked Items (69)"},
{"name":"\t","value":"Subcollections (0), Fandoms (0)"},
{"name":"Recent bookmarks","value":"- [think about all the places we could go](https://archiveofourown.org//collections/BagginshieldBookClub/works/3530120) by bellamysblakes (puddingandpie) (T)\n- [Lost Hopes and New Beginnings](https://archiveofourown.org//collections/BagginshieldBookClub/works/57658606) by Wildpoet (E)\n- [We were lovers in a past life](https://archiveofourown.org//collections/BagginshieldBookClub/works/675894) by westofnowhere (E)\n- [Er... Mistletoe?](https://archiveofourown.org//collections/BagginshieldBookClub/works/2820644) by bubbysbub (G)\n- [A Yuletide Wish](https://archiveofourown.org//collections/BagginshieldBookClub/works/35503927) by Slow_Burn_Sally (M)\n"}],
"footer":{"text":"Status: (Closed, Moderated)"}
8 Replies
- What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
- Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts.
- Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question!
- Explain what exactly your issue is.
- Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
- Show your code!
- Issue solved? Press the button!
- ✅
Marked as resolved by staffdoesn't sound like a djs issue
djs simply sends it, it doesn't do anything with the url
I wasn't aware of that! I'll look into it, thank you.
I've reached out to their IT team to find out if the url change is temporary or if there's any other way to access the images. The thumbnail works with one url, and not with the other. I dont see how it's not a djs issue?
but the image renders correctly when sent as a message
how the client renders something is outside the control of the library
I'll take a look at the debugger output and work from there.
that makes sense
if you want you can ask in ddevs #useful-servers since it's more of an general api/client issue