Modal Help

I have created a Context Menu Builder using Reciple (TS) with the file name 1️⃣ AddIt.ts, I also have modals handler 2️⃣ Modals.ts. I want to show the modal (from 1️⃣, already did that part of code), then wait for user input and when the user submits the modal, I want the information back from 2️⃣ to the command file (1️⃣)
10 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
LightAndyOP2y ago
[email protected] v20.5.0 This is my code. It includes both 1️⃣ AddIt.ts and 2️⃣ Modals.ts
grass2y ago
so, you want to show the modal, and when it is submitted, pass that onto 2️⃣? and then what 2️⃣ returns, you want to send back to 1️⃣?
LightAndyOP2y ago
No, when it is submitted, it passes that onto 1️⃣. Because my MAIN problem is, that I can't access the targetMessage data in Modals.ts (or idk how) So the "command" (Context Menu) should do this: 1. Right click on the desired request and go to Apps and then click on the Context Menu 2. Open a modal where I add name of the request, picture of the request and a download link (Google Drive) 3. I submit and then it should send to "content-download" channel an embed containing name, picture and downloadLink 4. After that sends another message to "content-news" where it should say something like:
Content Name Done! (link [to the "content-download" message that was send on Step 3]) (requested by [author of the message I right clicked in the first place])
I can't figure out (and I'm stuck) at grabbing the author of the message I used the context menu on, because I can't access
in 2️⃣ Modals.ts (as it's not the main interaction and is a different function) I have done getting the link for the message sent in Step 3 already
grass2y ago
you might need to pass the targetMessage to AddIt.ts
LightAndyOP2y ago
I can access targetMessage in AddIt.ts, just that I can't do that in Modals.ts
grass2y ago
oh, i read it wrong then, you might need to pass it to Modals.ts or store it in a database
LightAndyOP2y ago
Yh, but how can I do that? Ooooh That's easier for me Thank you! I completely forgot about databases But if I were to pass it, how can I do so? That could help me learn some more JavaScript/TypeScript/discord.js ;)
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
method ContextMenuCommandInteraction#awaitModalSubmit() Collects a single modal submit interaction that passes the filter. The Promise will reject if the time expires.
LightAndyOP2y ago
Thank you! But I solved it using MongoDB

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