Way to listen for MessageReactionRemove when the messages aren't cached
I am trying to detect when reactions are removed from a post in a forum channel. The relevant code looks like this:
However, if I react with the 🍉 and then boot the bot up, and then remove it, it doesn't detect it. On the other hand, if I add the reaction while the bot is already up and then remove it, it does detect it.
11 Replies
- What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
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Marked as resolved by OPEnable Reaction partial
as far as I can tell I have enabled them
So does that log you have there logs when you remove an uncached reaction?
It does not
there is no response at all from the event listener
And it works for cached ones?
as far as i can tell
Hmm, not sure then, it should be working. Ideally you'd need to check if reaction is a partial (and fetch it if it is), but since you are saying it doesn't even fire the event.
well ill keep experimenting then
this seems to be related
but others weren't able to reproduce it
and its on an outdated version
@NyR I have solved it
I needed the User partial
solution found here: https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/issues/6662
Unknown User•11mo ago
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