Modal not opening

is there something wrong with my code? whenever i try to run the command it tells me "The application did not respond" here is the bot code:
6 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit14mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button! - Marked as resolved by staff
BybyOP14mo ago
const { ActionRowBuilder, ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle, SlashCommandBuilder} = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Sends the Embed'),

run: async ({ interaction }) => {
const modal = new ModalBuilder({
customId: `mymodal-${}`,
title: 'creating the embed'

const embedtitle = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedtitle',
label: 'embed title',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embeddescription = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embeddescription',
label: 'embed description',
style: TextInputStyle.Paragraph,

const embedcolor = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedcolor',
label: 'embed color',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embedverifybuttontext = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedverifybuttontext',
label: 'embed verify button text',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embedhelpbuttontext = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedhelpbuttontext',
label: 'embed help button text',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const firstActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedtitle);
const secondActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embeddescription);
const thirdActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedcolor);
const { ActionRowBuilder, ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle, SlashCommandBuilder} = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Sends the Embed'),

run: async ({ interaction }) => {
const modal = new ModalBuilder({
customId: `mymodal-${}`,
title: 'creating the embed'

const embedtitle = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedtitle',
label: 'embed title',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embeddescription = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embeddescription',
label: 'embed description',
style: TextInputStyle.Paragraph,

const embedcolor = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedcolor',
label: 'embed color',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embedverifybuttontext = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedverifybuttontext',
label: 'embed verify button text',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const embedhelpbuttontext = new TextInputBuilder({
customId: 'embedhelpbuttontext',
label: 'embed help button text',
style: TextInputStyle.Short,

const firstActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedtitle);
const secondActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embeddescription);
const thirdActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedcolor);
const fourthActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedverifybuttontext);
const fifthActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedhelpbuttontext);

modal.addComponents(firstActionRow, secondActionRow, thirdActionRow, fourthActionRow, fifthActionRow);

await interaction.showModal(modal);
const fourthActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedverifybuttontext);
const fifthActionRow = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(embedhelpbuttontext);

modal.addComponents(firstActionRow, secondActionRow, thirdActionRow, fourthActionRow, fifthActionRow);

await interaction.showModal(modal);
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
Tag suggestion for @Byby: If you aren't getting any errors, try to place console.log checkpoints throughout your code to find out where execution stops. - Once you do, log relevant values and if-conditions - More sophisticated debugging methods are breakpoints and runtime inspections: learn more
BybyOP14mo ago
i dont think i did it right
await interaction.showModal(modal);
await interaction.showModal(modal);
. I dont know js that good, as im following a tutorial. I only know the basics
chewie14mo ago
You don't seem to know the basics if you don't know how to place console.log's throughout your code. Please brush up on your fundamentals before continuing with discord.js #resources #rules 3
BybyOP14mo ago
thanks ig:FeelsBadMan:

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