
Making a slashcommand having multiple possible answer and making them completly different ( like 5 choices ) BUT it don't repeat the previous ones, and when it say the last one, it reset. and re randomize 5.
12 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit16mo ago
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SoloOP16mo ago
i'm on the last discord.js version, and i have no clue for how to do this, even with the docs
Making a slashcommand having multiple possible answer and making them completly different ( like 5 choices ) BUT it don't repeat the previous ones, and when it say the last one, it reset. and re randomize 5.
Making a slashcommand having multiple possible answer and making them completly different ( like 5 choices ) BUT it don't repeat the previous ones, and when it say the last one, it reset. and re randomize 5.
waseeeen16mo ago
so what's your problem? where are you stuck?
SoloOP16mo ago
i have no clue of how to make it
waseeeen16mo ago
what is IT? do you have trouble with making slash command or making random answers or anyhting else?
SoloOP16mo ago
Making random answers, and not repeating the previous ones until he already sent them all, then it reset
waseeeen16mo ago
quick answer: interaction.reply( anyhtingYouWantToSendAsResponseToThatCommand). the way you will get random answers is not d.js related
SoloOP16mo ago
so there is no way to do the 'random' thing? @waseeeen
client.on(Events.InteractionCreate, interaction => {
if(!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
if(interaction.commandName === "hi") {
function rndmessage(message){
var messages =['hi','yo','hello'];
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*messages.length);

interaction.reply({ content: rnd })
client.on(Events.InteractionCreate, interaction => {
if(!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
if(interaction.commandName === "hi") {
function rndmessage(message){
var messages =['hi','yo','hello'];
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*messages.length);

interaction.reply({ content: rnd })
like this but it don't work ( found it on internet. )
waseeeen16mo ago
discord bot is the way to input and output data to and from your program. same as when you create CLI application, you provide some input to command line, YOUR program does some magic with that input and answers to you
SoloOP16mo ago
Oh i see
waseeeen16mo ago
the logic between
if(interaction.commandName === "hi") {
if(interaction.commandName === "hi") {
interaction.reply({ content: rnd })
interaction.reply({ content: rnd })
is not discord related at all
SoloOP16mo ago
🤔 so you can't help me ?

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