Can’t create channels
my bot was working perfectly but after a while it won’t create any more channels:
5 Replies
- What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
- Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts.
- Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question!
- Explain what exactly your issue is.
- Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
- Show your code!
- Issue solved? Press the button!
- ✅
Marked as resolved by OPAdditional notes, idk if it will help but my guild is kinda big it has about 12k members and they open a lot of channels by the bot
Guilds can have 500 channels maximum
For tickets private threads are better
I checked that earlier it should ping me in the console but no nothing
it’s kinda old style server that’s why
After they clicking the button the bot will reply with
interaction.deferUpdate().catch(err => { console.log(err) });
then it’ll stop without creating the channels, btw it was working perfectly so idk what is the problem here
Tbh they creating a lot of the channels but I didn’t face this problem before
it’s not like 1 minute between each channel
like right now it’s been like 20 minutes away from last channel created and it still won’t create any
it’s less than 500 for sure, but lemme double check
and by the channels you mean all of them?
I used channels forEach to calculate them and that’s the result
Total channels in the guild: 619
so the threads aren’t counting in the limits?
Total channels in the guild (excluding threads): 448
I recheck the number without the threads; However even if I reached the 500 limit it’ll ping me in the console as it was before
but right now it’ll not log anything
I tried
But nothing in the console
it’s listening to dropdown menu interactions
also here it replies with interaction.deferUpdate().catch(err => { console.log(err) });
but it won’t create the channel idk why
do you think I need to fetch the guild or channels or sth?
Rate limit hit! Timeout: undefinedms
Request Route: /guilds/:id/channels
Request Method: POST
Global: false
Limit: 2000
It’ll reset the RateLimit after 15 hours
and how do I skip this Rate limit?
does the verified bots has a higher rate limits?Ratelimits are dynamically assigned by the API based on current load and may change at any point.
- The scale from okay to API-spam is sliding and depends heavily on the action you are taking
- Rainbow roles, clock and counter channels, and DM'ing advertisements to all members are all examples of things that are not okay