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All posts for discord.js - Imagine an app
Bot cannot edit its own messages
.setName is not a function
New Question
Verification system with a button on an Embed
Editing embeds
Hidden SlashCommandChannelOption
Embeds being sent twice
Interactions Endpoint Instead?
Button that sends a form and a select menu that are updated does not work
DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
Click a button and edit the embed
Member boost counter and detecting "current active boost count" of a member
fetchStarterMessage on threadCreate doesn't work
duplicate client for shard
ActionRowBuilder in a new thread
/play command not working
Why is global_name not showing up?
Bot crashing when calling custom /suggest command
I'm getting `TypeError: ActionRowBuilder is not a constructor`
Fetch messages older than certain date
Am I able to show a .txt file in the ini language?
Not finding an announcement channel
Setting autocomplete options based on other option's value
Reaction Roles
Checking permission to create channels/roles
ShardingManager doesnt work with .ts files
Bot seems to be uploading the same media file multiple times?
Rate limits for /interactions & /webhooks
Shard 76's Client took too long to become ready.
Pagination error
Storing & retreving input from slash command strings
discord bot in same server as NEXTJS Backend
I made it look like an image, but I get the error "something went worng!"
const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] });
[MONGOOSE/MONGODB] How can I get a specific users schema?
how do i use ``Role.icon`` hash? to get the icon?
What is returned when getting the value of a .addChannelOption subcommand?
Embed Using Options Content
Assistance getting role by ID
Proper error handling with awaitMessages
awaitMessageComponent breaks if separate message is deleted
channel.isTextBased is not a function
mongodb node_module error
How to check if a member has a role with the role id?
Is it possible to fetch all messages that came after a certain message ID ?
not response without any error
package problem
automodrule command
How to limit a slash command to a specific role?
How to get the member that used the slash command?
DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
can someone help fix this? im using the latest discord.js
Emojis in slash command "choices" not appearing in DM's is null, is there a way to fill it?
Bot Ownership
Sharding is Required | Bot doesn't respond
discord.js next version?
interactionCreate events not working
Change Description?
Channel's position properties appear to be incoherent
Split a string into a list and iterate through it
How to add and remove a specific role to a user?
Quick question: would a bot be able to block a user from editing a message? Or is there a way?
slashcommand button
Fetch all channles name of specified guild
Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 unhandledRejection
Broken Command Handler
Fetching all members
tried downgrading to v13 and need help for the third time today.
Button functioning once
Used disallowed intents
help I can't turn on the bot
"config" is not defined
Autocomplete options fields of the `/` command.
Why I have numbers there?
Get username not global username
Viewing rate limits
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
How to update an embed after button click with new values?
Error: Not enough sessions remaining to generate 1 fragment; only 0 remaining; resets to 2023-06-24
how to make timelock command
get a unknown webhook error.
Get first message in thread with @discordjs/core
how to detect an embed and then resend it
Discord bot button problem.
Message not being sent to a user's DMs
Is there a way to make global app commands (/) only work via DMs?
messageCreate and database issues...
Where are the collectors?
turn off event handler
I have djs @ v12 just because everything is just getting more hard to learn every new update.
Can't read default_member_permissions from SlashCommandBuilder?
Creating/Deleting (not assigning) Channel Tags programmatically
GuildMemberAdd event not working
Markdown in embeds broken?
How to update the interaction message?
undefined error reading name
fetch error...
Interaction Failed Async
Outdated error?
Passing payload in oauth link
I am getting random undefined errors? something is wrong with discord.js
i was first useing replit but peaples keep saying its bad so i exported the code to visual studio
error with pm2 nodejs server
help with buttons
Hide Embed Content
Is there any way to know when a user has purchased or cancelled/not renewed a server subscription?
Autocomplete failing to load choices
bump reminder with discordjs
applied Tags
Exit the Client Ready event
interaction.reply and web3 library issue
Needing help with turning a discord bot online.
Bot staying online when code isn’t running
shardCreate/ShardingManager with shards: 'auto'?
How to get a list of all pinged members in a message (not interaction)
Bot role with emoji
send message to user in PresenceUpdate event
Dynamic Command Arg.
Need Help with Launching Multiple Shards Simultaneously in Discord.js
Modal is not showing after selecting an option
conversion of ApplicationCommand to SlashCommandBuilder object
discordjs managers
SequelizeDatabaseError because of array?
How does RequestManager work?
Emoji shows in a server but not on another (host on a third one)
how to add tag to thread?
help with function(?)
Weird bug (?) with typescript and SlashCommandBuilders
`guildCreate` event doesn't give the discord user ID who added a bot inside guild except super admin
guild members data not refreshing on .fetch()
Bot not seeing all users in v14
userUpdate event is not being emitted
how to add slash commands to a discord bot
Using Buttons Properly
Getting a Type Error on getApplicationCommand function
what this mean by this
Use a webhook in a forum channel
i need help
How to update a v12 bot to current
Cannot send an empty messag - embed
V12 msg.content = empty
Would i be able to get help from some people updating my older code to a newer version?
messages not being read?
cant get slash command to handle
Handling error?
Editing a button issue
Module Not Found errors, trying to use @discordjs/core v0.6.0 with nextjs v13.4.6
Why does this code result in the screenshot?
Get multiple user
The bot does not answer
How register slash commands?
Isolating interactions on Select Menu’s
looking for a collab
Why buttons doesn't worked after bot restart?
Question about GuildChannel
Where does this log come from?
Interaction failed; Unable to use buttons
Unknow interaction
Why channel.send doesn't worked
Option Choices Async function.
Can bot detect other bot message?
new usernames?
Channel permissions
Not able to get the bot to reply when I say a specific message.
good practices for project structure for a discord bot?
reply to user message
I don't know how Events works
Im a bit new to js coding, so idk how to call functions at index
how can I connect discord.js with my bot?
how can i run cmd in visual studio code
2 days and i'm still trying to fix this internal error :(
my reaction isn't being passed from one script to another.
[FIXED] TypeError (reading 'user') when creating threads
MemberRemove call when I kick my bot
Error fetching guild on client ready event
Why use @discordjs/broker rather than node-redis-pubsub?
bulkDelete error
Get interaction of an interaction
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
trying to do a starboard system
Slash Commands Cooldowns
disable select menu
Channel Permissions
I don't know how to make a conditional "if" in setTimeout() (related to roles)
How will djs handle bot tags, since they're not switching to the new username system?
[Registering slash commands]
Select menu weird bahavior
Need help debugging an error
Finding a role
component collector
if one user is already using a slash command, other users are unable to create their own instances
add/remove role to/from users with specific role
Detecting role removal
Differences between UserManager cache and GuildMemberManager cache
I cant use my anycommand
Calling a DM function from outside Discord.js
my bot is not working
button question
GuildMemberRemove not working
Cannot Edit Interaction
throw err; ^Error: Cannot find module '../commands/fun/avatar.js'Require stack:
How do I fix this? It bugs on some users and idk why?
Error: Unsupported MIME type: image/webp
opt is not defined
Commands not working
Filter not picking up when a user interacts with a static message
Handling DiscordJS API Errors
How do I get a user's display name and avatar to use in .setAuthor?
change clear-warns to remove-warn(id)
Multi Guild Error Logs
Ping NaNms
is there a way to make discord wait for a second button input after the first update?
State management
sending message when shard starts
Responding to interaction with a video from a URL
djs14 question
Reply failing on button interaction, getting no errors
logic building question (flow chart included):
Icon in embed .addFields msg
Not sure why my embed is failing.
Can anyone tell me where this is coming from?
I wanna get embed data
How to completely removing an emoji, not just the reactions
Does anyone know this "ENOTFOUND" error?
waiting for interaction collector to finish before executing another function = null
To invoke a command from another channel
Need help sending an echo to a channel without it being a reply to a slash command.
question about threads
Server Guide
Unable to collect reactions
Is there a way to hide this part of the slash command
cache expires?
disabling an interaction menu
Bot becomes unresponsive after executing a slash command
insufficient permission
Error Handling?
<Member>.voice returns null
I cannot use my any command....
Stuck trying to create a map to track votes on messages
Sending a user a DM
Check if token valid
Get member roles without member cache
How can I fetch channel?
How can I fetch latest mesages on specify channel?
deferReply not working on specific server
msg not sent to thread
Click Button Error
sharding across multiple cores
'sharding is required' error, with sharding
Failed to compileModule not found: Can't resolve 'zlib-sync'
<Collection>#get not documented? undefined in forum channel?
Unknown interaction for some commands in only one server
Multiple Interactions from collector
Role not appearing in category after adding it to permissionOverwrites.
inherit roles from a channel
Simple questioin
Limit reactions to one per message
Display all commands in guild a member has permissions on
Checking for role not working
Fetch ephemeral message
Pagination with Mongoose DB
Followed guide (Further `client.on` commands not working)
setDefaultMemberPermissions() for one of two roles that have same permissions
Can't login
Interaction Handler (Buttons)
what are zlib-sync, bufferutil and utf-8-validate for?
Is there any extensions and tools available that provide autocompletion for discord.js using Visual
Is there a way to check if server banner is just an static picture or animated?
How do i display the ping of the bot and API ping
Type 2 AutoModeration
Can't use Emoji from other Server in followUp.
read webpage and show body of page as status
how could roleat change with position(name of roleid) string change
can I mix all the bot token in a project and working
Create Forum Tags
Question relating to DMs
Enable Community using Discord.js
Interaction has already been acknowledged - yet I am not acknowledging it ?
Remove Emoji
Remove Label Not Working
Fetching Roles
Delete Interaction Message
Voice chat join event detection and handling
Button to show modal
Not enough sessions remaining to spawn 1 shards; only 0 remaining;
Embed not being sent
interaction fetchReply attachment URL is different than the actual URL
Timeout on deferReply
Message content length without Message Content Intent?
[SOLVED] Unable to source error…
Why I'm unable to send messages in Announcement type channels?
Display "Failed of the interaction" but no logs error and still running well
Command options
Ping is not defined
Accessing direct messages?
constants.json not found
How to detect if a string is a snowflake and check what type of snowflake it is?
I get this error
Getting New post from a forum?
Idk why this happens
DMs not receiving
ROLE_ID from .json file is wrong
Announcement publish
Autocomplete 25 entries limit bypass
I was doing a badword "detector" and don't works when It is to send the console.log
Disabling Components
Client Permissions
Missing Permissions
Buttons not being added
I get this error please help me !!!
encyclopedia embed type thing
How to use a own prefix instead the slash commands?
What events are sent out when someone prunes members?
How much resource discordjs is really using
Help with Understanding Cache Sweepers
Update message with images using discord.js REST
The bot doesn’t go online.
.getMember casuing an error
Webmseeker Error
Stage Bot
Sending an array but read as an object
Hello I have this error:
My Bot cant get any command on DM
New Username update.
shadow reply an interaction
Slash commands localization
cannot send private message
Disabling Components
handle newline in string for build embed
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'user')
Gateway Rate Limits
Pause/unpause all invites link via d.js
Import client variable in a SlashCommandBuilder function
AutoModerationRules : mentionRaidProtectionEnabled
Cache Customisation
Deleting messages with button action
Modal Components Maxmimum
Error when creating a button and a menu through a function
awaitMessages not returning an output
Interaction has already been awknoledged
I don't now why it don't works
Typescript: ActionRowBuilder<> is not assignable.
Verification Question
Get user who clicked button
Any integrations with the Discord soundboard?
interaction already replied
what is a good template to start with
button click
[TypeScript] - The VS Code alert a ghost error when i inset a ActionRow in message components array
Events enum vs ClientEvents interface
Buttons not adding roles
Asynchronous user fetching causing issues with embeds and buttons
Jsonencodable is not a function
Default selected channel
Action Row not being sent
author only buttons
DM Slash Commands
Quote Color
Incorrect type in TypeScript?
path is not defined
How do you delete an embed after 60 seconds?
Is there a way to setAutocomplete(true) in function of another option value?
How do I make my bot have an invite to server button
Token removed because bot connected more than 1000?
I Have Installed Ubuntu But Bot Isnt Running Here Is The Erro
setActivity not working
get member role cache crash
Trying to get users displayName, returning unknown user
sapphire shapeshift don't works
Update presence @discordjs/core
Get list of users (usernames or user IDs preferably) in a voice channel to loop through
Realtime Member Count of Every Voice Channel
Fetching Messages
autocomplete choices not being shown
GatewayIntentBits seen as index.js property
Fetch more than 100 messages from channel
Problem with GuildMemberUpdate
how to reset selection on menu after passed interaction
Global Commands
Question about interaction
Rich Presence not being set
Using GitHub Pro, how do I make the bot always running?
create channel doesn't return channel object
ERROR - Discord.JS everyone is able to see the channel
ForumChannel webhook scope
EmbedBuilder troubles
Including Discord.js for the web?
Channel Update Event
storing images for output
Slash Command, setName() doesn't allow many of characters
AttachmentBuilder and MessagePayloads
Shard Connections
Running 2 differents files on the same bot ?
Select Menu
Command not running despite meeting the requirements
Djs variable question
register slash commands doesn't work
Time not processing
Difference in server numbers
Token Invalid
How do I get the user out if we clicked on him in the menu?
Member Roles Update Logs Problem
Not enough sessions
Incorrect reaction.count
Autocomplete is not a function
'client.user' is possible null
New Username Update
Index.js won't run
how to connect discord to localhost
I am trying to get DMS to debug print
buttons not working
Slash command option 'autocomplete'
Welcome message send twice
thread create error
ping command doesnt work
bot doesnt add reaction
ReactionCollector discord.js reasons to stop/end
Fetching Channels v13
Bot Not Seeing DMs
file being sent with content object object
channels not creating
Bot Shards Keep Reconnecting After Reboot
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') discord.js
help discord api error 20012
Unknown Interaction
Attachment sending in wrong channel.
Help with file/send
Why add role says invalidtype
Checking to make sure a message still exist (Unknown Message Errors)
unknown interaction
message.webhookId issue
Weird error
How do I get the referenced user id from a referenced message?
Discord.js Error
Discord emoji question.
Can you tell if a User was added or removed in a User Select Menus?
AuditLogEntry.executor is null
Sharding support
How to avoid interaction listener mixing commands
Easiest way to lock a channel
How can I turn off the microphone on the bot itself?
does the message create event still trigger when a followed channel publishes something?
bot spams
How do I check the bot's permissions?
Examples and Templates
How code I send the discord.js version as a message?
Bot Stops Song
rest.put(Routes.applicationGuildCommands(clientId, guildId) stopped bot from working
Handling StringSelectMenuInteraction
Bulk Deleteing Bot Sent messages only
Add field to Guild Rest
Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir 'C:\Users\k_der\developing\JS\bots\commands\ping.js'
checking server boosters without roles
[Resolved] Cannot find module '.../node_modules/discord-api-types/v10.js'
Super Reactions
Trying to get the content from the parent message in a forum post
Automod api
Max Messages Per Fetch
How can I use custom emoji with my bot?
DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
Remove user from all private threads
No handler available for this interaction (ApplicationCommand > add)
data.choices[0][MODEL_TYPE_CONVERT]: Only dictionaries may be used in a ModelType
Custom Status
Autocomplete Question
Are those checks enough to avoid a "missing permission" error?
How to tell if I'm hitting Discord's rate limit
How do i access an embed of a message trought its message id?
Get number of channels in category
Can bots have server-specific profile pictures?
whats the limit for automod rules on one server
PayPal API
Best way to use Lavalink with djs v14?
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Bodydata[BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED]: This field is required
Specific Words from message content
Random disconnect from websocket
Ban Logs problem
DJS Caching Support
TypeError [InvalidType]: Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role.
Second step confirmation
what are the advantages/disadvantages of using djs Collection or js Map over a regular object?
.setImage EmbedBuilder
Attachment in embed
Expanding the message cache
cant get the user option
Auto Embed
Ratelimit question.
Is there a way to calculate the total character count of all fields of a message before it is sent
Max Memory Restarting on Traditionally Sharded Bot
Audit Log Channel Update Event
Why can't use async execute(interaction, client)
Cant upload commands
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')
Problem with the loading of 3 commands
Ready event randomly stopped working
Client Question
Guildmemberspeaking event
Need help with an error idk what it is
Traditional Sharding w/PM2
Interaction Collector Not Firing Collect
Error aftering updating to 14.9.0
Resending image in embed doesn't work on production, but works on dev
DiscordAPIError[40005]: Request entity too large
Ping outside embed
Sending a video embed
Context menu trigger either creates or edits a message
How to timeout
How to mute
Emoji select menu
Slash command for 1 user?
Mention Spam Protection Activation / Deactivation Detection
What are Partials?
bot doesnt send anything when i send a command
Easiest way to check if an emoji is default or belongs to the server
Sharding RAM (switching from internal to traditional sharding)
Select menu emojis
messageDelete events can't read "id" of the user(message author)
How do I make the code?
Sending messages from a forum channel to database, but unable to grab the tags
Using d.js package for other projects that doesn't involve a bot.
send channel not working
Auto Mod Create Event not working
Ignore channels from a category using filter
How to I turn Permission numbers into a string / array?
Button in bot activity
How to specify the ID of a forum channel?
How to use UserSelectMenuBuilder?
Can't get started with @discordjs/core
Adding an entire role to a private thread
Application Command Permission Update Event
Deleting all channels in a category
How do I make newly created channels automatically show up for everyone with onboarding enabled?
Fetching and Deleting all threads within a channel
Retrieving an already running Client
Deploy Commands
incorrect presence display
Random disconnection
Checking roles of user in server from their dm message
Slash commands are not registered
/stop Music
"Could not extract stream for this track" err
How to use FLAGS
Command localizations in guilds
Command localizations
Is it not possible to use a boolean with a user option?
It is not being possible to send array?
slashcommand input issue
Avatar error
Dm user Error
find a customid
Updating permissions in already deployed bot
DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access. In private threads
external emoji in string choice
attachment option
Deleting commands followed but still appear on Discord
Const messages
How do I fetch a member?
I need more help
how to I do : Watching × Servers status
Bot crashes after running a servercreate command
Best approach for this ?
delete messages on ban
Is there a way to unselect a reaction in a select menu?
Cannot read properties of undefined.. (Error)
Select menus & label name
Cannot get online users
I'm using typescript, but my code has loads of errors.
How to use the value of .addChoices
New Bot faster with editing
Permission to add role?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'FLAGS')
Where can I find the options for creating a thread?
Syntax Error, unexpected token m
i have a problem with guildMemberAdd event , is repeated twice .. how i can fix that ?
Why channel.type is not working for me without any errors
How to import "JoinVoiceChannelOptions"?
Stop the cap
My SlashCommandHandler isn't working..
How to use the .addChoices command
D.js bot using 8gb ram
Trying to start a scheduled event
Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'file-type'
Interaction aint saving
High usage leak after updating to v13@latest (13.14.0)
This code no longer works when it worked before!
how could I use autocomplete with mongodb
TypeError channel.isTextBased/channel.isText is not a function
how do you get access to your instantiated `discordjs.Client` from imported files?
How can I prevent the messageDelete event from emitting if the bot deletes the message?
Get author of thread channel
TypeError: channel.isText is not a function
Same post after updating discordjs channel.isText
how to remove tag from thread?
Suddenly I got this error on every Interaction
New error magically appeared xD
closing a DM channel between bot and user
Can I CrossPost a webhook?
what's the boolean in Client<boolean>?
How can I detect that the message is ephemeral message?
Monitor or Log Channels & Roles
Does a bot can fetch discord user connections ?
passing more arguments to slash commands
Discord.js general question
how would i check if a certain post in a forum has a certain label and then close that post if it do
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'BanMembers')
How to attachment in message stream.pipe?
Receiving button interactions
should I use Sapphire.js?
My Embed isn't working
Members not a valid property on channels.fetch?
How do I write code that performs commands to other channels with '.addChannelOption'?
Can't I fit the button size to the embed size?
Is there a way to auto subscribe a set of users to a GuildScheduledEvent?
Leave message (VPS Host)
New in discord.js
is there any way to fetch an interaction by it's id?
How can I get a voice connection object from an interaction object?
Server Insight Question
Is there a way to get a Discord video (attachment) thumbnail?
Ping command help - Beginner
Manually runnable scripts
Radio music
What's the difference between GatewayIntentBits.Guilds and using 'Guilds'
Getting TextInput Value
Message Attachment
how to create guild channel? (djs/rest)
How to create a channel ?
Unarchive thread error
Coding in Intellij
How can I edit channel description?
Unknown application command permissions
[TypeScript] Non required option for slash commands
Channel Slowmode
event guildDelete
Does .partial then .fetch fix .guild being undefined on a message?
Autocomplete shows everything when nothing is typed
Problem deploying slash commands
Autocomplete case sensitive
can you make slash commands with a slash command
Is there a way I can allow someone to upload a file to my bot outside of a slash command option?
threads.fetchArchived({fetchAll: true}) is misleading
how do i get a description of CombinedPropertyErrors in vscode?
Get interaction options values through ModalSubmitInteraction (Modal listener)
Get name of other bot's command from ID
ShardingManager Woes
Message fetching
Basic commands/features?
How do i fetch a threads link?
My bot don't receive direct message
Discord or D.js bug?
Did Discord.JS support modifications for rules screening (and how can I do that) ?
Defer reply to have the 3 seconds be longer for an edit reply.
Does anyone know precisely how the cache works ?
Enum for possible AuditLogChange keys?
ActionRowBuilder error for Modal
Space appears before a new line only on mobile
check if channel id is in guild id
guildAuditLogEntryCreate not firing , New intent available ? something?
Do I have to run "npm install" with all the "@"s?
Will v14 be v14 after 14.9.9? or will it be v15 with many new changes like when v14 was new
Cant access #Guild.members from ForumChannel
roleUpdate multiple fires
AudioPlayerError: aborted
TypeError: this.dispatch is not a function
Rate Limit sharing between Shards?
How do I wait for a Collector to finish before executing lines below?
interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('inputLink')its getting undefined why?
No error stack trac
The application did not respond
Multi select menu
message.createdAt.toISOString() returns a date in 2021
Make embeds smaller in any way
Missing Access
Which Event is fired when a tag of thread (Forum Channel) is updated ?
How can I prevent the Error [ShardingInProcess]: Shards are still being spawned.
Send a message every minute
Issue with using a proxy
How do you kick mentioned people using Discord.js
Why were some builder patterns removed in favor of passing json objects as function parameters?
Give User Roles with SelectMenu
What is color format when using "embed.color"?
Unhandled promise rejection: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
Discord API Error: TypeError [ModalSubmitInteractionFieldNotFound]: Required field with custom id "
emojis not completely working in .setTitle in embeds
Discord API Error: TypeError [ModalSubmitInteractionFieldNotFound]: Required field with custom id "u
how can i get mutual guild between user and bot?
Disable after a click button
Is there any disadvantage when registering global commands on bot startup?
Need help with slash CMDS
GuildMember (options.getMember)
No `Ready` event dispatached
Ping not working
Api error??
Event to detect whenever the member accept (or not) the rules on Rules Screening screen
Handle multiple Autocomplete Events on the same Interaction
Weird Autocomplete Error
user ID from command
Check if guild member can use slash command.
How to get the person who banned another ? v13.7
Changing command options doesn't update autocomplete
Last message BOT
Retrieve the last message (reply to a specific user) the bot sent
Reply to the command author on a 2nd message
Limiting gateway data to reduce traffic usage
Error making embed pagination
I am attempting to allow a user to update the topic of a channel to include a unix timestamp
How to create an embed with pagination?
How do I check if a messages user has a specific role?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'reply')
Reason for timeout
Internal error while fetching text channel
Loading slash choices from file
Bot treating register-commands.js file like its not there.
Is there a way to show modal on a ModalSubmitInteraction
data.limitSpotify -= 1 substracts 2 instead of 1 (MongoDB)
Sending a text attachment
How to defer an interaction.update?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_add')
How are db handled with Sharding?
How to create commands with "alternative" names
Prefix stdout with ShardingManager
How to edit a embed field directly?
Getting guild members on a sharded bot
Does the guildAuditLogEntryCreate event work on v14?
How to have cooldown on commands based on conditions
What can cause FetchedThreads.hasMore to be true?
Voice channel reactions
Trying to make a command that replaces all the channels and categories in a discord
How to fetch all online users in a guild, including idle and dnd
slash command string limit
Detect bot's inviter
How can I make slash command NSFW?
Mongo Bd
can't get avatar per server with user.ID
Bot Disconnects From Discord
Event when the bot is kicked from the server
Tags in Webhook forum post
Webhook not creating/sending
discord.js error codes
Bot crashes if there's an interaction before it refreshes / commands
Interaction already awknoledged
Discord.JS ShardingManager and Fastify
Set forum defaultReactionEmoji
GuildMemberUpdate didn't work
No console log and no errors...anyone can help?
Error with options
How can I make slash commands available in dm's?
Channels within a category
Deny send messages
Bot stays offline/unresponsive after reconnect
Change voice channel name
How to edit a embed message using buttons?
Channel permissions
Select menus with several options at the same values
autocomplete not working
Unable to create a new channel
Issue with making a Dynamic Help Command
WS dies and never reconnects
cooldown added to command not working
Can't edit a message in DM sent by bot
Skip Trust This Domain Button
interaction.update break emojis
Error is null when fetching recommended shard count
Are interactions effected by rate limits?
Better way to plugin slash commands support with existing msg content commands
Automatically revive archived threads
How can i get all members that have a specific role?
What is the best character set and collation for MySQL databases for Discord bot purposes?
How can I display 'Bot is typing...' ?
Adding options of select menu in if statements using select menu builder before it is sent
The `GuildBan.reason` dont work for me (v13.7)
Using djs types globally
[Solved] guildMemberUpdate event only firing after second nickname change
Problems with setting command permissions using bearer token
Guild's member by id
RangeError: URL and custom id are mutually exclusive
Can I get user ip address?
Get subCommand value
force fetch user using their tag (username#0001)
Speed up the Bot response time.
Fecth a user to edit a permission
Get All member in guild
CombinedPropertyError: Received one or more errors
InteractionCollectorError ignores try/catch block
Why don't events like this appear using the Events.GuildBoost module
Interaction class
Awaiting user to finish onboarding before doing something
Find a player in a client by id
Verify member on User option
Remove String Option
Can I get only id from value?
Is there an event to detect create a server invite link?
Fetch user that isn't in current server
How to check if user has a role?
Onboarding Event?
shard.broadcastEval gives me a reference error even tho all vars are defined
Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]: Only URLs with a scheme in: file, data are supported
Error [TokenInvalid]: An invalid token was provided.
How to learn discord.js
Connection Timeout Error
Can't fetch owner on guild join
Getting objects from client cache after sharding
GatewayIntentBits is not defined
Clean code without nesting on('collect'
Best practices with awaitInteraction
How can i attach an mp3 file to a message?
Intents Undefined
modal followUp
Replying to a message
userUpdate when banner change
Customize your experience
webhookUpdate event not received
Message Commands and Actions
Cache after restart
Creating a class for events
Is it possible to add entries to the audit log for command usage?
About BaseFetchOptions
Does discordjs support mjs?
Possible Bug In Validate Name
fetch video stream
Embed Question
Bots custom emojis not working in some guilds?
bow do filtet cached members based on their presence
How to check if the user has the permission "manage posts"
d.js not able to fetch message from channel.
Dynamic event loader not working properly
Event : messageDelete gives a message object with content and author as null
Websocket closing after some time (unable to reconnect)
Modal Listeners "stealing" Interactions from each other
check if author of message has roleId
Reactions count are different of the discord showed ones
Await reactions stop at 4 reactions of 4 different user
Possible to spawn for a single server with sharding?
Using raw APIInteraction data with DJS
<function> is not a function
is it recommended that all embeds are placed in the index.js file?
Trying to send buttons with embed
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
What are possible causes for "DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction"
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'process')
ChannelSelectMenuBuilder with type AnnouncementThread issue
Problem creating new embed object from received embed object.
I have a problem add bot my servers
deploy commands folder
If im using shards, can I have the bot go offline for a specific guild?
timeout permission
Package/lib for easly mocking djs ?
send a screenshot
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')
Error using GuildMember.roles.add()
How to add choice to slash command?
Webhook is not working or too long to send messages.
bot won't make commands and gives weird errors but still comes online
Unknown interaction error
I am trying to send a local image
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')
How to specify the path to the image from a folder on the computer in .setImage?
Get channel by id
Get the voice channel the bot is connected to
2+ Clients = API spam?
deleting/hiding message within channel for specific user
awaitreactions on message 14.3.0
get emoji with his id in 14.3.0
i.update() not working at collector.on('end')
clean exit - waiting for changes before restart
Get embed data from discohook link
.editReply() not working with no error.
Interaction already been acknowledged
Update interaction as well as reply to it
Buttons in messages
Not authorized?
Get Voice channel
Error while reading a directory [CANVAS]
message on reaction add event v14.3.0
How can I know when a user has disconnected from a specific voice channel
Checking bot permissions in a channel
use other bot slash commands
Embed with multiple Images
Buttons respond a certain number of times
Why do I keep getting DiscordAPIError[40060]: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
Get variable to other file
manage slash commands and originals commands in the same time
Error: SyntaxError: Indentifier "options" has already been declared, how can i fix it?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'user')
error undefined slash cmd
DiscordAPIError: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
Bot doesnt recognize message
There's someone know how can I make my boy restrict a command per roles?
The button collector is not working, I'm doing something wrong
Do shards stay consistent?
Discord bot that disconnects after a few minutes/hours
Multiple lines in slash command arguments
Hide private threads to members
How to get members in VC?
Filter for Message Collector is not working
Check if message was sent in a thread
Enable or Disable Application Commands for specific Channels
Missing author in message object
where is the spliceOptions() method on v14's main version?
Banning a previous user by ID
Receive DM from user to Bot
Can you find location of member? (v14.5.0)
everyone not working
ticket system breaking because of reactions overloading
Disable button method not working?
Commands dont get executed somehow
Get the second message in a channel?
autocomplete not working
transfer ownership from bot to user
Get emoji
Avatar format
forum posts closing
how do i get the channel where a slash command has been executed?
how can I lock & close a forum post?
Idk which error is, the request body contains invalid JSON
Discord is trolling me !
How to solve invalid form body
Slash command not registered
set the tags of a forum channel
How would I set as the params for the ActivityType.Custom?
Get all messages in channel
Discord Linked Roles
Do not have permissions to use my own bot the second time
Is it only possible to display the ID of an added tag in the console?
Listing new permissions with channelCreate event - permissionOverwrites
Set image to spoiler in embeds
Light Weight Version of DiscordJS
Button UserID push through
AutoComplete Function doesnt get Called
how i can handle discord ratelimits?
Problem getting channel
ButtonBuilder, but ButtonStyle not exported from DJS?
context menus not working
Passing MessageContextMenuInteraction data to other interactions?
How can I get the precise time at which a request is sent?
Lost Bot Member due to Cache Options?
User Badges
What is the difference between guildMemberAdd and guildMemberAvailable?
Message doesnt exist
How is it possible that the Message's author is equivalent to null?
Anyone know why my command isnt working?
Bot not starting
custom filter of Channels with their according Type
How would I convert a URL into an attachment?
Attaching already existing attachments to message
How to wait for all shards to startup using traditional sharding?
Passing metadata from bot OAuth2 Invite link?
Slash command handler
Best way to find and delete user messages
what does djs v14 support that does not support djs v13
HTTP interaction library or framework
Command not working ( no errors on console , only your app hasnt respond )
IntentsBitField is not a constructor
Issue with command info cmd
Is there a possible way to see who unboosted the server?
is there a way i can get all the messages in a channel and get the message content of each message?
message embed doesn't display Hindi characters properly
Is there a builder for user or message application commands?
HTTPERROR [FetchError]
Discordbot.js (sockets and bridge)
How do I get the current guild id in a client ready event?
Channel naming
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cache')
button cooldown
Select menu default selection
how do I tell the bot that it needs to delete its last message sent
How to know if a slash command is executed in a thread|post or in a channel ?
guildMemberUpdate only firing on 2nd event
How to get message boxed like these?
Client.on(guildMemberUpdate) - Check who added the role
problem displaying avatar per server
Why does this be not working?
How does one temporarily disable a Button?
Issue with sharding after 4 shards
How can I switch all of my code to v14, is there a way to do it automatically?
Invalid Form Body embeds[0].image.url[URL_TYPE_INVALID_URL] Not a well formed URL?
Is thhere a way to create paragraphs in an embed?
There's Something with running
Is it possible to have two collectors on the same message? Are there any examples?
How can I make an application webhook (webhook type 3).
how to get user permissions(like send message, and admin)
when will discord.js stop supporting bots that do not use slash-commands?
find user, in the cache or not ?
Can't deploy slash commands!
Can you get more interaction info from the ButtonInteraction object?
I have a problem with the refreshing application commands v14.7.1
Hey, is discordjs is working with typescript? or do i need to compile the application first?
issue with lockdown command
DiscordAPIError Unknown Interaction
rate limit question
Is there an event for when a user accepts a community gateway.
.startThread Disable after creation message
Anyone know why my command isnt working?
[✅]lastMessage is null when lastMessageId is not ? [DM channel]
button spam
How to make collector for select menu?
Go to the next song with a button
command not respoding
Using discord.js to work with interactions on a Cloudflare Worker
button to go on with the song
channel.createWebhook is not working right
modal doesnt work
Why is it bad to `ApplicationCommandManager.set()` app commands when the bot is ready?
function will sometimes not be called
Unable to create a pronoun bot that allows for ONLY predefined OR custom pronouns.
Button inside embed
Forum Post Tags
please help )
2FA is required, but I don't know how?
Is it possible to have a button and a select menu on the same action row
error when running node bot.js
how to send webhooks in forum posts?
How to get most recent messages from channel
ExpectValidationError expected
Replying to interactions that wait for modal submission
rate limit documentation
issue with a lock channel command
Introduce a timeout on Slash Commands
Author missing from oldMessage on MessageUpdateEvent
Is it possible to have an autocomplete user command ?
Infinite Rate Limit & Global(...) ?
Managing command access depending on roles
Stickers in Embed or Message?
2nd row of description in embed
Test if user is banned
auto complete
Role command
Discord Bot doesn't react back.
How far back does Message.delete() work?
Dev Environment with Sharding
Modal interactions
Seeing if my bot disconnected with voiceStateUpdate
Discord Embed(Fields) Bug
Many slash commands with the same beginning
How can I get the text channel a thread is in?
Issue with messageCreate event
How do I edit a message using message.edit()?
give roles off arguments in an array
Types of options
Resume gateway session after full restart
Unable to use anything in DJS
No duplicate tickets in discord.js
How to add additional information to Buttons other than customId
InteractionNotReplied when I replied?
Using slashCommand to modify data in an Embed
Anyone knows why my interaction isnt working?
How can i send buttons to an message without using an ActionRow
Editing embeds
Anybody know how to fix this?
Interaction Failed to Reply
Anyone knows why my interaction for my modal isnt working?
deferUpdate while waiting for api response
Update original Interaction reply from ButtonInteraction
Can you help me with this error?
Parse emojis to string
How can i make this code not be case sensitive?
how to add a role from a user ID and a role ID
Visible choices
25 choices
Autocomplete not working
Interaction type not defined
Not a singlecommand working
How to debug bot disconnect
advanced auto complete aearch
DM messages not triggering events consistently
Send a const in a code block
Has this button in the user right click a new discord feature or created by discordjs, how if so?
How to check if all shards are online
roleMembers.slice is not a function
HTTPError [FetchError] request to httpsdiscord.comapiv9channels
Button clicked inside forum thread returns missing access
Error with
guildMemberRemove uncached members
Sending file without file
Unknown interaction?
Fetching data from a database, filtering it by only guilds handled by the shard
How often should client.user.setActivity() be used?
Want to setup and confirm the rateLimit(ed) event
discord.js 13 vs discord.js v14
Not a single command working
Localizations (stupid)
oAuth2 using Refresh Token
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Channel')
Autocomplete not working
Autocomplete not working
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Channel')
Max number of choices
Create threads
How to do two interaction
GuildMember.fetch loading 15s-30min but fetching manually using REST works instantly
Where can I find the SlashCommandBuilder and all related subfunctions in the documentation?
How to make sharding and caching work together?
How can i create threads in certain posts?
Amount of messages deleted
Find a role by name then update it
Trying to ban and unban a user directly after each other
DM a guild owner if the Bot does not have the correct perms when it joins a guild on guildCreate
How to remove all permissions of the 'everyone' role?
Slash commands not showing in some servers
Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'commands')
Make a stats file?
Discord Welcome Button
MY Code is not working
Why is it logging every channel?
Help with json
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getTextInputValue')
How to get a server on Shard 1, from Shard 2?
Can't sent direct message
Determine what page the current embed is in when a button was pressed
How can i automaticly create a choice on a command option when a new variable is created ?
im dumb how do you see what discord.js version you're running?
Undefined variable
deleting specific user messages
I was wondering if the value of the option can be used in the command.
If-Elses with buttons and embeds
Custom Emojis not working
Invalid emojis
Passing an external arrays as command option choices.
Shard 0 will stop sending heartbeat
Discord.js Tags
Strange error 10 min after running command?
when checking for the number of characters in the argument, I ran into a problem that the bot sends
Error when handling commands
SlashCommand with space in name
Custom emojis on buttons
Shard limit per machine?
Permissions overwrite for channels
Buttons interactions
modlog system
message crosspost 'missing access'
userUpdate for global users
Filter role options in new RoleSelectMenu
Command Interactions Handler
What did I need to write in redirectUri?
How to only cache the guilds
.bannerURL() is undefined
Discord Bot Command IDEAS
message collector
how to make the command accessible only to the person with permission to manage messages
Change Presence Modal
How to make a click-to-navigate logging system?
Do I have to keep deploy-commands running?
Help about music bot
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toJSON')
Bot not connecting to gateway. (Deno)
Options is not working for me
Problems with server statistics
Get server link from a guild_id does not match message id
SelectMenu reset
Modal Submit, how to edit triggering ephemeral?
What do I have to do to store how many upvotes and downvotes people have?
MessageUpdate gets triggered whenever another bot posts a message with embed
.setNickname returning Missing Privileges error
Error during channel creation
Sharding Error Prevent Bot Start (Heartbeat Loop)
Create TextChannels
Difference between interaction.guildId and
Text inputs
When getting a list of roles for guild; is there a way to filter out roles with admin permissions?
Attachments - Proxy URL vs. URL?
How to make a slash command parse multiple arguments?
can subcommands have subcommands?
Is there a way to listen to timeouts?
Discordjs error when executing index.js
How to multi-select roles in a slash command?
Button issue
Autocomplete options - what is the value property for?
Suppressing specific embeds
Fetching a Member by id.
On VoiceStateUpdate determine if change was not caused by the member themselves
custom cache effects
Difrent data with sharding?
Automod events
How does a bot do this?
Embed doesn't list fields on discord but does in console
Check if optional argument in commnd was provided
I had a problem with the 'body' of handleCommands (v14.6.0)
Is it possible to get displayAvatarUrl from User interaction option?
Why would this not work
MessageComponentCollector within a MessageComponentCollector
What are the differences between normal slash commands and autocomplete commands?
Sending Embeds in correct order.
How can i edit a message by its id?
kick command
Manipulating Images
Anything I might buy?
Any ETA on when the next v13 build will be published?
Message.attachments.size or Message.embeds.length always returning 0
How do I move from specific server bots to multiple ones
MessageUpdate event triggered on interaction reply
how would i make this work
User Badges
error message does not tell me the error
how to detect is the button pressed or no
how to fetch an array of users using an array of user ids? (from user manager not guild member)
Error OAuth2 Error invalid_request Missing redirect_uri in request.
How can I use image from my assets folder in embed ?
discord API notifications
How to edit a message by its id (discord.js v.14)
Getting Number of Members with particular role
Problem with intents
Abort error ever since djs v14. Extended timeout but that hasn’t helped.
Validation Error - Expected a string primitive
How to get the attachment path?
Message embeds are empty for image link
Error getting when running unrelated subcommand?
Interaction type is too narrow
Is requiring intents deprecated or something?
rate limit prevention
Embed making errors
GuildMemberAdd Not Workingg
setTimeout with an async function
Trying to get the emoji from a forum tag
When can be null?
[Question] How to create application Commands (Apps)
.setAvatar() Help
Autocomplete - return an error instead of options
Unable to get all Webhooks - Permissions?
Crash with new select menus
What’s the best free option for hosting a bot?
log bot out without errors
Check if user a can manage user b?
Calendar as a command option
Need help with NaN
member presence is undefined
Non-ephemeral reply into an ephemeral reply - vice versa
Get all users who have a role
RPC invalid_scope
Problem with Interactions
inconsistent 'interaction not found' errors
Disabling Button while Modal is in use
Presence Intent added, Shard now takes too long to become ready
Interaction already Acknowledged??
member presence is undefined
Problem with MessageActionRow
If I want to make a command that restarts my bot, what is the new client.destroy(); ?
How does one retrieve the URL of a webhook?
how to get forum tags id?
Making an Autocomplete 2nd Option Display Differently Based on 1st Option?
How to remove link embeds?
DiscordAPIError [10065] Unknown Voice State
How to Throw an Error when Bot Can't Invite Itself to Speak in Stage Channel
voiceChannel.speakable not available?
Set slash command only visible by user
DiscordAPIError[50035] Invalid Form Body - but WHERE
Message Component Collector Component Types
Bot crashed because of message with no 'guild' property
how to get bot in app directory
Let bot join forum threads
How to remove this listener in another file?
removeListener of anonymous or imported function
How to check if a specific user is streaming (screen share or camera) in any voice channel?
dynamic volume levelling
get message from Context menu
How to register Context Menus
what code is represented by Random in embed.color
Check if user has write permissions in channel
Where do you set permissons to use contextMenu?
Autocomplete is slow
voicestate is undefined
add role to a member
Discord.ThreadChannel.lastMessageId null
Check if a custom emoji is a valid emoji my bot can use
how to add a text option
how to create a command that only a role that can use the command
switch statement not triggering in catch function
Getting a member list on new guild event
createMessageCollector doesn't work, but only in one guild
Handle Subcommands in SubcommandGroups
How do I write a `isVoiceChannelEmpty` function?
Why i can't send mutiple images in one embed
how to get guild name
Why isn't PermissionsBitField.Flags.Administat admin?
fetchStarterMessage DiscordAPIError[10008] Unknown Message
How do I use a text input select menu in DJS?
Shard Presence
how should i get user data with multiple inputs
Problems after having 2 shards
Event listeners
Calling promise function twice causes error
any body could find a error on this const?
how to get server member amount
Creating multiple instances of Client
Is there a way to simultaneously use awaitMessages and awaitMessageComponent?
Sharding process Weird Error
awaitMessages filter firing off even though it returns false
How do I fix this issue?
deferUpdate with MessageComponentCollector
Server Suggestion
Creating first modal, not sure why it is saying it timed out?
Interaction already submitted
awaitMessageComponent 'Interaction has already been acknowledged' Error
Ability to not respond to slash commands without an error popping up?
emoji button not working
Sharing information across a chain of interactions
Error when trying to delete a bot
Client or message undefined
The reply to this interaction has not been sent
Accessing .addUserOption Pfp and bot pfp
Is it possible for an embed field to span multiple rows?
Unknown Webhook Token
Show modal and remove previous ephemeral
Multi-page embed navigation code
Modal Timeout
Slash commands being duplicated in global registering
Slashcommands disappearing after a few minutes
AddRole RateLimits
ModalSubmit error
Open locked or archived post
message with back and forward buttons
Clear embed
Respond to specific message with slash command rather than modal.
MODALS - check all fields?
Prefix not detected
Try to detect member
Get Member ID or Object from an embed that they are the author of.
awaitMessageComponent method on InteractionResponse
Error with Documentation
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getTextInputValue')
Specific profile for specific guild?
How to fetch the commandID of the command that was just executed
ThreadChannel.setName and .setLocked issue
Is the description of a command with subcommands seen anywhere?
why set event return type to void instead of any?
TypeError - currency.set is not a function
Is there a way to check if a channel already has an active event on it?
How can I grab bot sent messages in a users dm with the bot if I dont have message intent?
How to create an attachment without using AttachmentBuilder?
Can you do multiple 'interaction acknowledgements' to one interaction?
Is there a way to see the join date of someone
Is there any way to see the raw HTTP requests D.JS is doing towards the Discord API?
401 error when editing command permission
Automod + Interactions
Request aborted error?
Image outside embed, only when image is a buffer.
can we hide slash commands in certain channel?
How to edit a value inside of a collection
rotating status
Select menus?
Collections problem
No focused option for autocomplete interaction
Using unicode emojis in buttons.
Choices on slash command
Failed to find guild, or unknown type for channel
wait post
Responding to chooses
I have this delete-commands.js for slash commands and it isn't working.
Expecting a string primitive for SlashCommandBuilder
How can I get the voice states of members?
Adding a role to owner of a server.
How to see which option was triggered from an interaction
Sending files from vue front end to custom discord bot through express backend.
Embed not working (since update)
Is it possible for a bot so send a message before it goes offline?
Mismatched parameters and command handler not to optimized.
How do I get target message
Implementing slash commands with options - choices
Shards Interaction
my bot but a lot of time to move a person !!!
How to publish guild specific commands while having global commands
how do i check if an command's interaction has a subcommand that i can read with getSubcommand()
Implementing global commands
Getting a text channel id and name
Discord.js 14 ping is returning -1
Prune member options
How do I fix session termination when running with
my script cannot require('.config.json')
how to get user role that mentionts and avatar and id?
Button URL profil
Authenticating and Integrating with another API
command permissions
Proper way to handle Close + Lock Forum Posts
unban reason not working
Modal Invalid Body
createMessageComponentCollector has been removed???
uptime command
is there a way to set a whole command ephemeral
How can I delete all reactions?
How can I cache messages?
Trying to start up my bot but it is getting AbortError Request aborted
bulk delete messages
Getting unknown message when the message ID matches the message?
Message ID of first message in channel
Using djs without making a bot?
emoji events not emitting
How to listen to button interactions for any message
TypeError [INVALID_TYPE] Supplied parameter is not a User nor a Role.
PermissionOverwriteManager using a Partial Record
Get Bot amount in a server
Cannot send messages to this user
memberCount filter only Users
TextChannel.permissionsOverwrite.set working once only
Is there a way (with slash commands) to press shift+enter to add new lines to messages?
Select menu in modals
Command handler error
The third options arguments are not working properly.
Fetching users with ShardManager
How can I add commands in the bots profile
creating channel under specific category
Tagging everyone with interaction.reply() does not work
ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission does nothing
Can unverified discord bots dm anyone?
Fetch archived forum threads in recent activity order
Can't DM My Bot But Other People Can
Share Screen Permssions error
[ws] Receiving guilds is not consistent
Create button dynamically?
membercount as activity precence
How can I set slash command default perms using the command manager method?
Weird unknown message error
[ws] Accessing list of unavailable guilds when shard turns ready
Turn Audio Download URL Into Attachment
Embed not sending- option value
How to use an option value- so its executing something
which configuration to choose for a bot between 100 and 1000 servers?
Embed is not showing emoji, only the name
How to NOT respond a slash command?
modal error
Embed error
ExpectedConstraintError Invalid string format
ValidationError Expected a string primitive
I try to understand what is meaning t he word handling
Can a bot report a message to discord like a user can?
Ban Command Not Working
Some roles were not mentioned or added to the thread.
use mysql values for export const
Message Component Collector Issue
For collections
TimeStamp slash command v14.5.0
Fetching all threads in a forum
How to get user status
Banner undefined
Error registering slash commands discord.js v13
always reply to a specific user's messages
Role checking user does not work
No ready event
Check if user has a role
Check if a ThreadChannel is a forum thread
interactionCreate slash commands not firing
Fetching webhook breaks inconsistently
welcome error
Bot does not recieve any messageCreate event
When i start my bot
Select menu reporting old id?
An exclusive question!!11one
Cannot register slash commands discord.js v13
'unable to get local issuer certificate'
Config.js slash command file causing an unknown error
Error registering a command
Discord.js v13 Slash commands are duplicated
I need help with rest api.
[V 14.5.0] using the official DJS guide for a currency system, `getBalance` is giving me grief
Can buttons and action row be created as objects?
AutoComplete event not firing
I have problem with adding new option to my command
How to catch 'DiscordAPIError Unknown Message'
how come when reply to an interaction twice within ~5 seconds it gives an error
.remove() not properly removing thread members
CategoryChannel permission overwrites
Check for Slash Command Permission
How do I delete a message from a select menu?
can you use commands while replying to a message?
deselect a select menu outside to edit the message
How do i get all the roles that one member has?
Discord.js v13 Slash command's option depends on the option
shardCount client options
can you make a bot run a bot command
Max number of daily application command creates has been reached (200)
How to detect which choice is selected?
get undefined on channelsmanager.fetch(forumChannel) but not on normal channel
Slash command options limit
ChannelCreate with my bot TS
Cannot send file
input.iconURL error TS
Error when launching bot
Discord New Auto Mod Features
Merging two bots together
Add custom emoji to button
Pinning forum threads
Webhooks in forums
VoiceState channelId is null
How can I delete slash commands?
Help with checking if member can be DMd
Can you accept a thread channel as an option in a slash command?
Help with banning member from command
Anyone else having problems with interactions and buttons right now?
I am in a bit of a predicament!
Callback function for 429's?
help with discord cdn link
Collector timer
Help with Bot handler modules
Can a higher role 'deny' permissions of a lower role?
guildMemberUpdate doesn't fire for users that joined when the bot was offline
Error when sending bot to host
Create new forum post?
Slash Commands
Enums exported as Snowflakes
DiscordAPIError - Invalid code in request
[DiscordAPIError] Unknown interaction (MessageButton v13.6.0)
Interaction (De)Serialization
Collector Filter
Keep Forum Posts Open Indefinitely
HTML File In Embed?
Making interactions persistent after bot restart
.setActivity() stops events from firing
Discordjs v14 Collector not working
Is there a event for roles' name change? (v13.6.0)
Pause Invites
Is there a maximum number of select options?
Forum un v13
Departializing in typescript
ModalSubmitInteraction.update error
Iterating category children
ButtonBuilder setEmoji with a valid emojiID is throwing an error
Is there any difference between IntentsBitField.Flags and GatewayIntentBits?
SlashCommandBuilder is not defined in compiled TypeScript, but the TypeScript file acts like it is
Collectors not working
Missing cache on bot, but works from Eval
InviteCreate not working fully
Selection Box in a Modal
Send ActionRowBuilder as Message
modalsubmitinteraction message null
Roles and users missing from Integration permissions?
messageCreate event (help system)
Question - Support of All Intents
Forum Channel
Multiple Collectors
Any tips for optimizing work on converting all bot commands to slash commmands.
Bot (shards) keeps rebooting, causing me to hit the identify limit of 1k
Interaction already acknowledged
Interaction Timestamps
on slash commands, execute command
Syncing channel permissions
Error [GUILD_MEMBERS_TIMEOUT] Members didn't arrive in time.
spliceOptions() alternative
Wrong Node Version
how to play youtube audio on a voice channel ?
Forum channel creation
Is there a way to get the id of a channel by finding it using it's name?
avatar.js Cannot send an empty message
Ratelimit behavior
Plan I want to Verifiy - Bulk Messages
webhook buttons
Builder Name localization error
Emoji collection doesn't work
Properly Defining Types for Interactions
Internal shards stopped reconnecting after 8d uptime
set image of embed from local file
Im migrating from python, what should i do, i have so much difficult try to understand the handlers
Converting opus to *.wav or *.mp3
context menu for user and message
Get my bots webhook ID and Token on ready
Not registering events
Strange error with help command
Slash Command Cooldowns are not working
Message Content problems
registering commands problem
guildMemberUpdate - not working first attempt
discord.js snippets
Command Cooldowns, is there a way to have a cool down for slash commands?
I am updating my bot to slash commands and reading them...
Logger for discord.js
Set Locally commands to 'null'
GuildMemberAdd Problem
how to reset selected option in discord select menu
autocomplete option based on other options
my bot is taking a lot of MB
Mismatched Parameter Fix
Discord.js no autocomplete
running a Discord bot on multiple hosts
Is it currently possible to fetch forum channels
Discord.js stylesheets
How and when is considered API spam?
Editing Permissions
Can't creeate category
With this new change with the bots, is DJS slowly going to require bots to use slash commands?
Custom Bots
Update slash commands
Autocomplete - don't start until X characters have been entered?
'autocomplete' field not available in command JSON body?
RangeError [EMBED_FIELD_VALUE] MessageEmbed field values must be non-empty strings.
Collector componentType
I keep having an issue with my webhook.
detect new members
This is my help command... for some reason I am getting these errors which I can't understand
Is possible I hide global commands, and show them to a specify userId?
Problem about command handler
AutoComplete attachements?
Even if interaction is not replied - Interaction has already been acknowledged
Delete bot Message in a DM Channel !
Is possible change the application name (in developer portal) by code?
Typo on website
Did Discord change something about roles?
Someone forgot to update the docs
Converting argument `interaction` to `this`
Can't access Message.content
missing access to disable buttons
Ready event never called
How to get message by id
Tutorial Not Working
null ownerId
check if thread channel is in a forum
Access error using a channel deletion method
Import all commands from folder with ES modules
Does modal contain select menu?
Getting values from a Modal and then use it on an Embed
is there an oauth2 endpoint that would show the amount of members for each guild?
can i do otherwise than `node index.js` to relaunch my bot ?
Should threadUpdate fire when threads are auto-archived?
Dropdown emojis
Convert discord.js collection to json with keeping keys and values
Why is it telling me DisallowedIntents when they are enabled in the Dev Portal?
How can I check if I can overwrite channel permissions?
reupload image
it cant read .toJSON
Why Textchannel.send allow string as option parameter
user data
message not being sent if missing perms
Problem with a gide
Provide response if missing perms?
What is problom there
How do I invite a bot with only applications.commands scope?
Discord.js v13.10.2, Handling with forums.
Modals timeout
Struggling with awaitMessageComponent
Question about modals
Image doesn't work in embed
Select Menu Collector
Silently respond to interaction?
Issues with interaction.editReply()
Djs - commandsender to variable
Content-Type error when registering guild commands
Rate Limit
(SOLVED) Issues With Slash Command Integration
Gracefully stop the bot
Issue with Modals
Embeds not added to the message
autocomplete emojis
Check if my bot has perms in a channel?
how to check command group and subcommand
max options
Retrieve all server messages and filter results for bad words
Can't get permissions on interaction command working
Remove or disable buttons after the collector ends
Mention Permissions
best way to keep a timer going even after my bot restarts
How can I use custom status in my bot?
Bot memory consumption
loading Slash Commands with REST dont works
Sending an error to the channel the error was caught on
How to prevent people from spamming my slash commands
guys i tried doing rich presence (running on ubuntu ARM64 (armcord))
Slash Command Permissions
I'm trying to work on perms for my bot.
name_localizations[STRING_TYPE_REGEX] String value did not match validation regex.
Filter execution fails
how to use ButtonBuilder.from
how do you update a button?
description_localizations official for desktop ?
Voice Text message send
Does discord.js v13 not let you fetch more than 100 reactions per message?
Add a role to a message author
Discord Autocomplete
Client Actions Dispatch
2 Part Modal
[TS] Command not found when trying to deploy commands after switching filter from .js to .ts
Checking Reactions
How has this line changed from v13?
autocomplete slash commands matching feature.
How can I check the height of a member's first role?
Property 'commands' does not exist even after module augmentation
How do I check if user has permission to execute command
Weird emoji behaviour
Possible reasons on why slash commands don't show up in server
New member randomly happening
Sticky Message
messageCreate embed content
Creating a MessageComponentCollector in a function separate to the base command
set guild-only commands
My kick slash command not function
permissions_new from API
Wait until link or image embeds appears on message
Is it possible to generate the default thread name from a message with djs?
Interaction is undefined when calling editReply
Responding to Select Menus Options
Bot won't join Voice Channel
bulkDelete returned map
voiceStateUpdate returns same channel IDs when disconnecting a user via right-click.
How to filter permissions based to the usage?
Add an event listener to variable change
What is the Difference?
How to give Manager Permission Override to a user?
Best way to stay in the same context with awaitModalSubmit?
Message Reactions Length
Webhook Creation Logs
Why it doesn't show the right member online?
Why does the library export an object twice?
Cannot use GIF url as an embed's image.
How can i check if a members Is in a guild?
What provides ContextMenuCommandBuilder
why isnt the send method listed on the docs
Discord.js permissions overwrite not working
Receiving specific buttons
TypeError [CommandInteractionOptionType]
Discord Intents
How can I check if a user has a certain permission?
How can I consistently get the parent channel of a public thread?
Interaction has already been acknowledged
Get Default Emojis
Code Update
Getting user from a message link
Does this code still work for v14.1?
Undici ConnectTimeoutError Connect Timeout Error
Does sending a remote file download the file
ChatInputCommandInteraction.awaitModalSubmit() has a required time property in its options
erlpack Issues
Cannot catch the correct offline members
VC Text Channel Logging
Rank Card (Client Error)
Accessing a property from each shard.
command cooldown
ActionRowBuilder not working properly
Select a default value for Select Menus
Client Error
Get ModalInteraction reply message
Verify Checking
Create Events
TypeError Cannot read properties of null (reading 'interaction')
Check if user a role id from array
NPM-Node Auto Update
Undici UND_ERR_ABORTED when fetching channel messages
How do I loop an audio?
channel.send is returning an error
how do i detect if an interacion is a button?
Get null from a reaction?
Custom member util methods
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
Error WebSocket was closed before the connection was established
Add empty value to embed field
YouTube sub count
`defaultMemberPermissions` not working
Reply to interaction with custom avatar webhook
Does forums premium and all other things comes to v13 also or are we required to have v14?
[solved] Build Embed with an .json file
How can i get all activities available on a guild ?
Command PErmissions
Videos in Image Section of Embed
How send message to specific channel by channel id?
Access Discord.js documentation
TS - Typing issue with ModalSubmitInteraction.member
Receiving modal submissions through collectors
Collector Strange Error
See servers bot is in
Error with create invite MaxAge 0
Get the options as array from interactions.options
Invite bot with metadata?
Does d.js offer an easy way to validate commands?
Guild Forum support?
Get all tags and ID's users in voice channel by channel ID
Can i add a select menu' to a modal?
How to make a multi bots in one project like a premium system
Mentionables breaking on mobile
Code structure question
Error with discord subcommand type
bulkDelete doesn't delete messages 2 weeks old?
Errore with permission
Error fetching channel
DiscordAPIError[50001] Missing Access
All guilds are unavailable on shardReady event
How to test who invited a Bot?
why not always use fetch?
data.components[0].components[BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED] This field is required
Wierd error whilst sending a modal
Long Blank Space in Embeds
My anti-raid function doesn't work
Last message will not get deleted
How to get the content of a message?
How to send DM to role members?
Activity Type not setting
can discordjs do popups
Unit Testing DiscordJS Types
Messages ID fetch system from different guild
(known issue on v14.1.0) messageLink is not a function
messages fetch doesnt show up older messages
Has the end() method been removed from InteractionCollector?
Is there an API for the Docs that I can fetch data from?
Token invalid on one machine but not another?
Was Util removed from discord.js?
embed data is a bit strange
Disabling Mentions
Canvas formating
Shards not automatically respawning after error
Timeouts on large uploads
Default Permissions
Create & Deleting multiple embeds
Property Undefined
how can I check if member has avatar by server or normal avatar?
Members didn't arrived in time.
get EmbedBuilder from Embed object
setInterval in an event
Creating types for slash command options.
Database Error
Balance slash cmd not working
guildMemberAdd problem
Undici error
Warning Checker
Interaction Failed
how can I catch this?
GuildMemberRoleManager.remove() removes more than one role
Video format support in embeds
Modal help
How are colors supposed to look with v14?
Audit Log Trouble
show images
[Resolved] how do you mention a user
[Resolved] interaction.user.createdTimestamp is returning the wrong year
Send Ephem. on member add now working
What's the type for 'SlashCommandBuilder' in Typescript?
Error on color code?
[RESOLVED] repliedUser in MessageMentionOptions not working
Does ShardManager work with multiple machines?
djs permissions
Subcommand group types mutually exclusive
[SOLVED] TypeError (intermediate value).setCustomId(...).setTitle is not a function
Detect user profile picture update
Implementation for something like …Manager.forge from discord.js-light
DiscordAPIError Interaction has already been aknowledged
Context Menu command for channels?
Bot Permissions Vs Intents
Slash Commands (Subcommand)
Bot joins audio channel, turns green, still no sound
TypeError db.all(...).filter is not a function
Leaderboard problem
In what cases can message.member be null?
when my bot joins another guild and fires the guildCreate event
[RESOLVED] DiscordAPIError Invalid Webhook Token
How long do global command stay active?
await for modals
Slash Command Option type 3, expected 4
Console logging interaction object returns the raw command string
General question
Slash Command (Command Options) String Error
Get a role
discord.js v14 intents
Using timestamp to fetch messages history
D.JS v14 - Is the shardCount client option good to use?
Adding a new field to an existing embed
Button not displaying
what does this mean?
Undefined when I try to pass objects to another file.
channel.send() is not a function
MessageActionRow is not a constructor
Delete Messages in a Channel (Not Purge)
Interaction problems
What is the MessageActionRow with djs v14?
help.js file not working - not interaction
PM2 Configuration File for Sharded bot
How to exit all shards and main process?
How to restart after bot crashes
Listen to button clicks again after server reboot
Select Menu Reply
Queuing operations with lower priority than usual
Determining if the client is currently in a specific voice channel
cache members
Embed mentions in interactions
Fix Connect Timeout Error
messageCreate.js not working
Bot doesn't respond to messages (nothing logs on messageCreate)
How are Discord.Collection()s handled with v14?
send channel message with id in interactionCreate
Get specific data from a .json file using djs
Getting original userID of slash command via Button Interaction
Regarding ActivityPlatform
How to properly send components with a message?
TS - Setting colour on an embed doesn't work with variables?
GatewayIntentBits.Guilds - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Guilds')
Constants for max pins | threads?
How would I go about making automated pagination
Why does guild not exist on interaction at one point?
Unbanning all members
Product File Solution
What is APIInteractionGuildMember?
Trouble editing buttons in ActionRow
BulkDelete error 50034
ButtonBuilder.setEmoji() Error
Error [InteractionAlreadyReplied] The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.
Using Modals with CommandInteraction
problem with interaction type checks
Change in ActionRow stuff
help how to use SlashCommandBuilder without discordjs builders?
problem with slash commands handler
customId for Buttons
Slash command
Maximum call stack size exceeded
TypeError SlashCommandBuilder is not a constructor
Webhook avatar missing
EmbedBuilder random .setColor()
Convert an array or map to a discord collection?
messageCreate isn't firing when bot receives a DM
Automod in v14?
problem with reactions
Problem with boost detector
DiscordAPIError Interaction has already been acknowledged.
Remove Emoji from a Button?
How do I make a Button role for add only one role only?
Type DiscordAPIError [discord.js]
err when message sent to a user.
Grabbing an emoji from a guild on a different shard.
Select menu option value of modal returns 'undefined'
Setting the default permission for commands built using discord.js builders.
Update interaction on Modal Submit
No-XP channels
Fetching a forums channel
MessageAttachement isn't working
help buttons r confusing
hyperlink to trigger a command
Can someone help me by this Error | TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cache'
Stumped with GuildAuditLogsEntry & TypeScript...
What's the difference between users.fetch() and users.cache.get()?
Fetching audit logs when there is an AutoMod blocked message event throws an error
AutoMod event when a message is flagged
setDMPermission is not a function
Are Embed Objects addFields 1024 characters total or per field?
Event for membership screening
Cached or not
message.delete is not a function (while deleting a reply to a command in DM)
Counting Game Question
Discord command option lengths
Sending a DM to a user who the bot does not share a server with
Message Channel Array
Not an error, but what's a 'SubcommandGroup' in slash command builder??
Get the embed of a link
Sending a JSON file as an attachment through a bot
CommandInteraction Option max_value
Responded a ButtonInteraction but at same time it's an unknown interaction
post messages automatically per x min
discordjsrest don't add the rest folder wen i install it what can i do ?
Trying to delete all of my slash commands so I can re-add the singular one I now have but err
How do I add fields to message embed objects?
Button send to channel
Slash Commands
Invalid role ids, but everything is correct
Suggestion for Guild if possible
is it possible for .catch() to contain sensitive data?
what is Guild.setOwner()
The Message object returned between .editReply() and .fetchReply() behave differently
How does giveaway auto end
What hash discord use when providing Image Hashes.
Is there a way to create a custom logger for Discord.JS errors.
Finding members with specific emoji in their name problem.
Should I wait until Discord.JS 14 to start working on my bot?
Oauth2 bot reply
Does it run? Like does the v14 work so a bot can use it?
Application Command Permissions - Bearer Token required
Embed not populating?
Been a while since I coded with DJS. How do I listen for the (not as new but still newer) replies...
Weird DJS err... something about cannot use 'in' operator to search for color?
Been a bit since I worked with DJS V13, How do I add multiple buttons again?
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'permissions')
problem with timeout
modal don't show
interaction.replied returns false when the interaction has been deffered and followed up
Edit ephemeral followUp?
TypeError on my discord bot when i run it
Is it possible now to interact with the automod mode on servers
Fetch all invites from all guilds
.awaitMessages isn't working
internal channel.messages.cache.(...) is crashing the bot
TypeError guild?.fetchMe is not a function
Odd TypeScript Error with D.JSv13.7
ActionRow type error
Not Affect SelectMenu Default Option When Editing a Message
resource.volume.setVolume returning error
Constant holding a collection of invites changing without being changed
Error when submitting modal
Error when creating Channel
TypeScript Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ColorResolvable'.
How would I listen to DM messages?
Manufacture PermissionOverwrites object
Auto Moderation Update
GuildAuditLogsEntry Can't read property of null
Shards are Still being spawned + Sharding Ready died
Property 'user' does not exist on type 'never'.
Localizations not applied on slash command
REST randomly forgets token set with setToken
interaction.commandName, does not exist on 'interactionCreate' emiited type
'TypeError this.options.components?.map is not a function' when using spliceComponents() function
Help with Slash Commands
messageReactionAdd not fired
Fetching Messages from Discord's API
Collection with TypeScript.
'DiscordAPIError Invalid Form Body' when creating channel
Get Message a button is attached to
My bot can't show 2 modals
Force fetching a guild
Create thread linked to message
How do delete interaction message?
Issue with reaction role with buttons.
Which errors do I have to handle for discord.js functions?
Auto deselect option when clicked on dropdown menu
(Solved) Access channel webhooks from interaction?
Types for discord.js with TypeScript
Discord bot very slow at random times
Is there a alternative in v13.8?
Slash commands
streaming from url
Discord voice doesn't play remote audio on linux
How to use setTransportOptions to set voice bitrate, and 2 channel stereo
Decoding Opus packets from `AudioReceiveStream` using @discordjs/opus
Audio player suddenly ends.
Player plays fine using string but not via createReadStream
Errors compiling discordjs/opus for ARM64 with gcc14
Player State = idle
No audio on Windows 11 when playing mp3 file
RangeError: offset is out of bounds [@discordjs/opus]
Inline Volume not working after starting to play the resource
Am I missing something completely?
No audio on Ubuntu 24.04
No music playback on arch linux.
Trying to make my bot play .mp3 for directory
Error with createAudioResource()
Audio Issues
Audio not playing despite properly retrieving URL to audio. No errors.
Not emitting audio received from websocket (webm opus)
Add FFmpeg Args when creating an audio resource
Bot goes online but doesn't play any commands it says (bot interaction failed)
My bot doesn't play music sound
IP discovery - socket closed
IP discovery - socket closed
Commands fail to load / refresh if I require client
Opus is missing node-gyp how to fix
Receiving Channel Audio
Bot connect but doesnt play anything
Bot does not play any music, with no error message at all
Audio from websites other than a file
Detect Move
not playing
Getting poll results.
vulnerable dependencies versions
can we edit the voice channel status ??
Player state changes to "playing" when resource ends
encryption does not work
Bot don't join VC (err: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'set') )
Typescript complains about adapterCreator after upgrading to v0.17.0
The bot says it's playing the audio but I can't hear anything on discord.
@discordjs/opus: make: g++: Command not found
bot leave voice channel after a while
i have an arraybuffer how can i trasform it to use in createAudioResource()?
Play audio problem
FAQ: Cannot play audio as no valid encryption package is installed (After installing sodium-native)
ffmpeg potential memory leak
How do you get a voice channel's user list?
AudioPlayer goes from buffering -> playing -> idle and warns that resource is not playable
Live playback of audio coming from discord causes crackling issue
Playing a single audio
I can't get the audio to start
After disconnecting once, audio starts audibly buffering
member.voice.channelId undefined on client ready.
RTC region Null
Type 'InternalDiscordGatewayAdapterCreator' is not assignable to type 'DiscordGatewayAdapterCreator'
Trying to play a clicking sound effect in a voice channel, however I get this instead.
how to set voice channel status?
need help with this code
AbortError: the operation was aborted
what does this error mean?
The bot join and then disconects when there is a new vc to join (diff guild)
voice is playing on local but not on server
YTDL gives error
how to know if the bot is in the vc?
Bot plays audio sped up
Bot disconnects after rejoining.
Random latency spikes?
player not work
Voice reqs
Receiving this error when I'm trying to join the voice call.
How can I have a "real time conversation" as a bot?
Cant play the same audio resource again
How to make a slash command allowed to be used in user dms and external servers
Getting this error when booting up the bot.
How to include silence in vc recording
running multiple bots with one script
Voice Typescript error.
connecting bots to vc
Seek option removed
Trying to record VC but the out file is static
How can I record voice from a VC using discord.js?
Bot wont talk & no error, how do i debug?
Proper disposal of a PlayerSubscription, and AudioPlayer
How to properly play audio/webm;codecs=opus buffers to a voice channel sent via WebSocket?
Is this the correct way for the bot to clear cache
Getting started with Typescript and discord.js/voice
Voice Stream for personal radio
Checking the is bot already joined the voice channel
My bot does not run the audio
Crashing on connection.destroy();
Listening to Player Events + Removing References + player.stop() & Memory Leaks
Bot is not playing
Mp3 audio not playing
how do i find my AUTHORIZED_USER_ID
кто Русские?
Delete audio resource
Audio not playing
Error when joining a voice
How to get voice data from multiple servers simultaneously?
Bot didn't speak in voice on an host
createAudioResource has stopped working for me, only getting Status code 403
Bot is joining the vc but bot is silent (TTS)
different player in different guilds
Bot not connecting to voice channel
No sound ( no green circle)
Bot not playing audio
Voice issue reciver !!
How can i recive the voice of discord user from the bot please ???????????,
How can i recive the voice of discord user from the bot please ???????????,
No audio are played (no green circle)
Change stream without stop
Audio stops randomly
Voice not playing
Discord bot wont play audio file(no green circle)
Troubleshooting tips for AudioPlayer stuck buffering
Set the custom activity of a bot in VC
Cannot find module @discordjs
Full voice logging
User Flow Diagram for Music Bot AudioPlayer Behavior
Recording a user
Merge audio buffers
Bot is silent in voice
Bot Doesn't Start Playing (Green Circle)
Probleme Player
The operation was aborted
Possible to modify buffer as it is streaming?
Voice Question
Playing sounds from blob or URL
Discord Speech to Text Bot
Playing Base64 Through Voice
bot stuck in signalling state
Reduce playing audio latency
to find my chat
Not playing audio on linux machine
Error installing @discordjs/opus
AudioPlayerStatus Stuck in Buffering State
Bot is not joining voice channel after executing function in voiceStateUpdate event
joinVoiceChannel is not a function. But its in dependencies
Trying to play an audio file
Unable to play from external URLs on linux based systems
Audio Player and Voice Connection
Stop playing audio without voiceStatesUpdate event
On start playing audio event
I tried to play ogg but it doesn't play
Voice Ports blocked
Speaking 'start'/'end' events trigger continuously - Caused by while loop?
How to check if a user is in a specific guild
How Can I make the bot leave a channel without having the connection that was created on his join ?
set undefined
unknown interaction
discord voice engine
Bot joins the vc but audio doesn't play
Audio Source
Low audio quality issue
Where about in connection am I able to tell if the bot is paused/unpaused
NPM Installer Error For Opus
Bot Works Locally, In Production Player States Goes To Idle Straight Away?
play is not a valid method
Record users with high input sensitivity
Audio recording stream
Bot dont Play audio
Voice Connection Issue
wait for bot to play audio
How to check if user join the voice
Error: Cannot play a resource that has already ended.
Does anyone wanna make a remix of a this song and send it to me please
How do i close a receiver subscription (opus stream)
the receiver subscription (opus stream) haves the end method = 0
Bot stops playing when rejoining another channel
Voice receiver doesn't pick up soundboard sounds
Retrieve voice channel reference from voice connection
How to make it so the bot is ablke to set voice channels as private.
Audio Resources immediately goes from "playing" to "idle" despite having NoSubscriberBehavior.Play
Check if user is banned
Cannot perform IP discovery
cannot seem to download @discord.js/opus
Problem saving audioBuffer to file - whisper api
Bot joining voice channel but not playing audio
Error connecting to mongodb, others
The Voice Help
multiple event listeners
Maintaining connection after restarting node
joinVoiceChannel does absolutely nothing
Delete voice channel if 0 user
Why does @discordjs/opus only build properly with yarn?
Weird error
Playback stops for a moment and then resumes while sending request to websites
Discord Voice doesn't play anything when join voice channel
audio duration
VC join embed
Getting "ValidationError > s.string Expected a string primitive.
Anyway to stop the audioPlayer from playing in another file?
npm install @discordjs/opus
npm install @discordjs/opus
Why is there no audio playing
having issues with discord voice during `npm install`
can you simplify the voice connection and how to connect the bot to voice channel i suffered very
receiver end event not triggering
AudioPlayerError: aborted
Is there anyway to see if a discord bot is not playing anything
Opus stream
Bot joins channel but does not play audio
for some reason, the commands stopped registering
Does `AudioPlayer#play` Immediately play audio to voice without using `joinVoiceChannel` method?
URL Audio Resource Streaming Stopped Working
how to check if the message author is in a voice channel?
The compressed data passed is corrupted
How do I get a stream to the voice that the bot in
AudioPlayerState randomly turns to Idle after a while
cannot install @discordjs/opus
how do you play audio
"Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!" but i have FFmpeg
Auto pause
Bot recognizes speech event twice or more
Can a bot find the value of a field in a embed?
why i am getting this and how to fix ?
Set Path to custom ffmpeg binary
bot joins voice channel but doesn't play the resource
Permission Overwrites on Voice Channels
help fix error
AudioPlayer amd VoiceConnection life and listeners
Is it possible to create a bot that translates a person's speech in a voice channel into another lan
Discord bot to translate speech from one language to another in real time
geis, how can I rewind audio for example 20 seconds forward or backward in @discordjs/voice
Missing opus packages
Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!
Does audioplayer buffering state ever time out?
Users in voice channel
Stuck at connecting
Saving an opus stream from a voice channel to .mp3/.wav/.webm
How to save a user's voice to a local file? (.mp3 or .ogg)
Whether to play audio
bzioam fiaoq
example.mp3 Audio doesn't play
2nd time joining problem not playing sound
Error: Cannot play a resource that has already ended.
Volume normalization
Message reaction event
voice discord.js
I have an old alt account of mine but i put a fake email and a random password but i have the token
Audio duplication issue
Audio file does not play
Send audio from one channel to another one in another guild
discord.js and deno
forcefully stopping player
Problem with play cmd
Voice connection dropping after 3-5 min with ECONNRESET error
record the voice
Trying to delete messages that don't contain images and it's not deleting them
question about voice receiver
How to get access to player from different file
How to remove event listener from player
Cannot stream an audio stream on ubuntu 22.04 but on windows.
Tried to make voice listener in a VC and it didn't log anything
PLS FIX IT IN THE CHANL FOR 1S AND LEVSconst { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js');const
the bot is not playing the mp3
piping from udp stream into an audio resource
i so i need a muisc slash command and i need it to wrck i can give my code but it dos not wrck
music command
Auto stop music in between
its not allowing me to use it
redirection voice from one channel of guild to another channel in another guild
Node.JS V20.X with Oups
Bot doesn't stop playing
Discrepancy between .playable and .subscribers
Problem installing @discordjs/opus on ubuntu 22.04
Forward audio
Bot doesn't stop playing if I try to change what it's playing
Bot connection state ready but sometimes i don't hear it
is there a way to align text to center automatically in an embed?
How do I fade audio out?
Problem with voice
How really @discord.js/voice receives audio?
voiceAdapterCreator not working
How define button const row = new ActionRowBuilder()
Voice player sometimes doesn't start playing music
Bot joins but does nothing
i don't know, never happened before
Can't install on Node JS 20
Voice keeps crashing
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "chunk" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buff
How to make the bot leave a voice chat?
ETIMEDOUT Exception Error (voice server connection issue)
Play Sound from URL
Music bot autopause
cannot hear my bot
Relay audio from a channel to another
trying to install npm install opusscript libsodium-wrappers @discordjs/opus
Help with discord js voice
how to fix error "Cannot performIP discovery socket closed"
Player Auto-Pause
Automatically join voice channel
@discordjs/opus is not installing
Help with audio stream.
doubt about voice status
doubts about joinVoiceChannel
i can't install @discordjs/opus
ffmpeg EAGAIN
How loop music queue?
[commonjs] Unexpected token
FAQ: Voice connection disconnects after a short time
After 40/50 seconds it automatically disconnects
Bot suddenly stops playing music
Trying to convert audio to different format
Recover audio and mute user
Is it possible to have 2 bots in voice channels in discord js?
Get existing connection with endpoint, token and session
The bot is stuck at the "connecting" state and not going to the "ready" state
The bot is stuck at the "connecting" state and not going to the "ready" state
Issues with getting an guild ID
Get if audio is played in connection in other file.
Local Audio Streams
Question regarding djs/voice
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\rocko\Desktop\.ospreyMusic\node_modules\@discordjs\voice\dist\in
Controlling volume
Issue w/ Opus -> Ogg recording voice with
[email protected]
Bot don't play audiostream (shoutcast)
Bot joining but not playing
bot not joining
Find music but don't play
Yet another "no voice" thread
Audio not playing
Fetch palyer from voiceConnection
Having an issue during installation
Bot Joins Voice Channel but Doesn't Play Audio File (ogg)
Create a "radio"
Trying to play a local wav file in a vc but it doesn't play more than a min.
Script plays local files well but can't play url streams, why?
Error [ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END]: write after end
15 second pause when initializing Decoder
The system does not work when the bot is on have voice channel and when someone enters the sound
My bot doesn't play any sound, he has permission to speak and the intents
The guide also shows it this way but it doesn't open the mp3
How can I use opus to make my bot playing a specific mp3. in a voice channel with the command /play
How to get the audioResource
Problem installing @discordjs/opus on arch linux
system bot
Shard Reconnection and Voice Connection
Error streaming from IceCast server (Live Broadcast)
how to repeat music once it's finished
is there a way to send voice to specific members in channel simultaneously?
Error [ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END]: write after end
AudioPlayer not working, not sure what's wrong
Stuck in 'Signaling'
issue slash comand is not conductor
Joining the user's current voice channel
Playing a soundfile
Bot join voice but not playing anything? discord.js 12.5.3 node 14.17.1
play-dl stops playing from youtube after a while
Audio Not Playing
Tips on creating a transcription bot
how to make echobot
Player loop for blackjack game
Bot isn't playing any Sound
record and play audio
musique in loop
using commands not working
<VoiceState>.speaking feature
Not adding money owed when they win
Bot doesnt recognise the voice channel
How Do I Make It So the Thread just looks like 1 channel
Audio not playing
Audio non playing on Linux
Getting voice adapter with @discordjs/core
Is it possible to fetch a subscribed AudioPlayer from a VoiceConnection?
Trying to make an automatic join to VC but wont work
I want to build a music bot. Bot finds the song but does not play the song
Lagging on voice channels
Problem with play external URL
OPUS Buffer is too large
The problem with connecting two bots.
AudioPlayer auto pauses on Ubuntu VPS but not on Windows?
How to return player in external function
Audio Won't Play
Message event listener
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Flags') what do i do
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Flags') what do i do
how making room but not for chat in my sever
How would I merge opus streams
the audio does not want to play and i dont get any error
the audio does not want to play and i dont get any error
to failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFO
Can't install @discordjs/opus.
I want to record audio from Discord's audio channel in Node.js.
Bot not automatically leaving the voice channel even after the user leaves
i'm allowed to create a spotify music bot on discord?
Discord bot not playing song from an custom mp3 api url
Huge error whilst trying to install opus
radio bot on docker container doesnt work !
How do I check how long a resource has been playing for?
(node:37) [NoExtractors] Warning: Skipping extractors execution since zero extractors were registere
Spotify music bot not playing audio
Cannot play .mp3 user attachments
Player emit idle event without playing
audio file that does not play from the beginning, skips and stops after a few seconds.
Getting user's speaking data that are connected to the same voice channel as the bot.
Event not triggered in server
djs/voice sending end if too slow to get data
@discord.js/opus vulnerability in dependencies
Not hearing audio
Error: Cannot probe a readable stream in object mode
Custom TTS bot cutting off early
Not receiving events
Opus not working on mac
Trying to make a tts join command, getting invalid string format error gives null response?
Creating a leave voice channel command for a bot
Stop streaming audo after a short time
Connected but no sound
Error: Cannot perform IP discovery
Bot not outputting sound after joining the channel
Why this message spamming in the log
How do I get my bot to join a discord vc
AudioResource not playing on Linux
I have an error
Issue with ffmpeg/avconv
Issue with Running Multiple Music Bots in Discord.js 13
what library would you recommend for music from soundcloud
Did not enter state ready within 5000ms
Is it possible to fix so that the bot can include music in YouTube with limited access?
Constant in and out of VC
How do I check who in the VC is talking?
receiving audio from a user and playing it with ffplay
Have speaking's data
Ogg files with no sound
voice message
how to set and track audio player states?
Can someone help me with managing audioplayers (streaming different audio to each server same time)
bot joins to voice channel, doesn't play any sound, times out and disconnects
TypeError: Cannot create property 'audioPlayer' on string 'study'
Listen to user vocal input using connection
im getting the classic AudioPlayerError: aborted.
another bot not joining the voice channel
Weirdest bug i've encountered, probably need a discordjs/voice contributor help here.
Destroy player when session is finished.
Bot disconnects from vc after a few days on external host
AbortError: The operation was aborted
[SOLVED] 🤦Bot doesnt join the voice channel
How do I make an event listener for when someone speaks?
subscribe a connection and convert pcm buffer response to mp3
Incorrect client joins channel when using joinVoiceChannel()
[SOLVED] Playback ends after ~1 minute without any errors emitted
Bot joined in channel but is fullmuted, why?
Audio Player state changes to playing when resource ends
Won't play if source takes long to send more data
Won't play please help
Error Spawn E2BIG
How do I even begin to do this
Say smthing in vocal to text.
I have a question. Why doesn't my bot turn on music if there are no errors and it is connected?
Voice memory leaks
Rate Limit
Too rough audio with voice recoder bot
How can I create recording discord bot with discord.js
Problem with reconnecting to voice channel and resuming of audio.
Error & Not able to seek
Check whether resource is valid
"Could not extract stream for this track" Err
Fetch URL from audio resource
When the bot play AudioResource as first time, it will finish immediately
How can I play audio resource in DM channel?
"Cannot perform IP discovery - socket closed"
Connecting a specific client to a voice channel
Core Dependency showing different than a version number
Question about connection.on
Play command
Cannot join voice channel
If I wait a while and then resume, nothing plays.
502 crashes the bot
Is there an way to install seek function on my bot?
SpeakingMap stops triggering 'start' events after some time
How to seek an aduio
AudioPlayer#stop method
Multiple Voice Connections
connection destroy, disconnect
Connecting to voice connecting
discord opus error
Audio stops playing
retrieving a subscribed AudioPlayer on a voice connection
No Audio Is Played
player.on(AudioPlayerStatus.Idle, async () => {} not emitting when the song finished
yt audio player aborted
Mix receiver streams efficiently
How can I add seek function to my discordjs music bot?
Audio Dying after some Minutes of Playback
Pipe something into a AudioReceiveStream
How do I create a continuous opus stream?
Bot stops listening after 1 minute
How can I play live audio stream?
Play from mp3
Cannot perform IP Discovery - socket closed
What is PlayerStatus.AutoPaused?
AudioPlayer stop playing right after play started
How can I resume auto paused audio?
AudioPlayer plays audio about 30s and stop working. Some time it doesn't play any audio.
70/74-byte UDP packets
audio problem
Connection VS Player
Why is there no musik?
Audio Resource Playing on Client but not on server.
How can i loop an audio resource?
get screenshots of streams?
Voice Audio Detection Problems...
How do I detect once the music has finished (djs v13.12.0) [Solved]
Join Channel with different Client
How can I install bass config on my Discord.js/voice music bot?
How to check if user is talking
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "body" argument must be of type function or an instance of Blo
How do I stop an autopaused audio player?
how to detect audioPlayer is playing audio resource right now?
How can I change audioresource's volume while playing?
AudioPlayer.playable includes undefined channels
what does joinVoiceChannel return when there's already an active voice connection?
Won't play the given Stream
Cannot Find Module
What library to use
after some times, the bot retrieve an error
How can I skip the resource being played by AudioPlayer to a desired position?
How can I know if a member manages another member?
When I started playing music with my player, an error occur.
playing music legally
user presence
Play local file
connection.receiver.createStream in v14
Error when selecting a radio with a selectmenu
How can i know when a resource has become readable
Unable to require opus
how can I make a bot a speaker of the stage channel?
Speech To Text
How can I detect when a resource has finished playing?
Elapsed audio resource duration
How to record VC with discord.js voice?
How to handle Audio Receive Stream Pipeline on Connection Destroy (bot disconnected)
audio aint working
Metadata for createAudioResource is null
Server mute and unmute
How to leave my Bot from a voice channel with djs voice?
couldn't be built
How do you write an mp3 or playable file when getting voice-input from an user
Is there a way to specify encoder args when playing audio
Offset out of bounds
How can I make a custom adapter for djs voice
Get AudioPlayer
Check if bot is in voice channel
How to seek to a point in audio timeline?
Bot does not play audio when audio source is changed from stream to string URL
get volume
Audio not playing
How to properly restart a voice connection after bot restart?
Replaying spoken audio
bot finished playing
Cannot play audio as no valid encryption package is installed
Getting existing audio player
aborted error
not joining voice channel
Getting amplitude value from pcm stream
How te get buffer from opusStream
How can I change the volume of an Audio Resource playing with discordjsvoice?
Getting amplitude from opusStream
Radio stream don't start with inline volume
Receiving and playing back voice
After several hours of operation my bot does not want to launch the radio. Do you have a solution?
A function that can show bot ping connection (Voice Channel)
member presence is undefined
Opus wont install on Termux environment
DJS-voice Required Packages Not Found
enterState error
Problem with my radio bot
dynamic volume levelling
voiceState is undefined
Good way to get the progress of the current song?
not playing audio
My bot take a lot of seconds to start playing the music
No one else can hear my music bot lagging.
not playing anything
Error FFmpegavconv not found!
when his bot is inside a voice channel, moving others takes about 5 seconds, whilst when it’s not in
Creating-deleting vc on join-leave error
The package returns the wrong State.
Bot don't plays audio
join members voice channel
tts not reading without undefined
All element play can be inlineVolume ?
Won't play any audio
Spotify to play music
bot mute when join voice channel.
Where can I find how long an AudioPlayer has been playing an AudioResource?
Play audio from URL (mp3 stream)
Bitrate selection
Converting opus to *.wav or *.mp3
Checking if a connection is already established.
Does PlayerSubscription automatically destroy if I call VoiceConnection.destroy()
List of events emitted by AudioPlayer?
Headers Timeout Error
ENOTFOUND a lot of times
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'voice')
How do you manually end an AudioReceiveStream?
VoiceConnection always return undefined on discord.js V14
Bot joins vc but doesnt play nything
Very weird error from YTDL
bit won’t join voice channel
Bot won't join vc
Optimizing Playing Audio
Cant install discordjs opus
Error [VoiceNotStageChannel] You are only allowed to do this in stage channels.
Getting- Cannot destroy VoiceConnection - it has already been destroyed
get user audio and resend in channel
How can i send multi audio in same channel
Receiving error 'Cannot destroy VoiceConnection - it has already been destroyed'
Not playing audio.
receiver.speaking.on start and opusStream not in sync
Duration Paramater with Voice Receiving
What protocols and ports are used for audio streaming?
why is voiceStateUpdate not working?
FATAL ERROR ErrorThrowAsJavaScriptException napi_throw
I get a very big error while doing npm install discordjs opus
Somehow getVoiceConnection(guildId) returns undefined
about Stream
volume questions
Bot joins audio channel, turns green, still no sound
Offset out of range when voice receiving, received 11...
Why isn't the bot playing the audio
Seek command