How do I make a Button role for add only one role only?

I have make like this
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');
const { MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require('discord.js');

// This file is only for creating buttons only!
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Create button role (Only Harshfeudal can use)'),

async execute(interaction) {
const row = new MessageActionRow()
new MessageButton()
.setLabel(': Shikimori Pink')
new MessageButton()
.setLabel(': Azure')

if( !== '622450109317251088') {
return interaction.reply({ content: "Harshfeudal only!", ephemeral: true });

await interaction.reply({
content: `Menu created!`,
ephemeral: true

content: `Choose your role:`,
components: [row]
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');
const { MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require('discord.js');

// This file is only for creating buttons only!
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Create button role (Only Harshfeudal can use)'),

async execute(interaction) {
const row = new MessageActionRow()
new MessageButton()
.setLabel(': Shikimori Pink')
new MessageButton()
.setLabel(': Azure')

if( !== '622450109317251088') {
return interaction.reply({ content: "Harshfeudal only!", ephemeral: true });

await interaction.reply({
content: `Menu created!`,
ephemeral: true

content: `Choose your role:`,
components: [row]
Another file:
// This file is only create for interacting with buttons only!
module.exports = {
name: 'interactionCreate',
async execute(interaction) {
if (interaction.isButton()) {
const ShikimoriPink = "996997651872628847";
const Azure = "997181348475322418";

const member = interaction.member;

if (interaction.customId === 'Pink') {
// Shikimori Pink
.then(role => member.roles.add(role))

return interaction.reply({
content: `Your role will be added shortly!`,
ephemeral: true });

} else if (interaction.customId === 'Azure') {
// Azure
.then(role => member.roles.add(role))

return interaction.reply({
content: `Your role will be added shortly!`,
ephemeral: true

// This file is only create for interacting with buttons only!
module.exports = {
name: 'interactionCreate',
async execute(interaction) {
if (interaction.isButton()) {
const ShikimoriPink = "996997651872628847";
const Azure = "997181348475322418";

const member = interaction.member;

if (interaction.customId === 'Pink') {
// Shikimori Pink
.then(role => member.roles.add(role))

return interaction.reply({
content: `Your role will be added shortly!`,
ephemeral: true });

} else if (interaction.customId === 'Azure') {
// Azure
.then(role => member.roles.add(role))

return interaction.reply({
content: `Your role will be added shortly!`,
ephemeral: true

So, if i want my member can only choose only Pink or, if they change their mind, and they press Azure color, so how do I make a button that it can add only 1 role, and check if they have another role so it will be removed and add a new role that they've selected?
1 Reply
harshfeudalOP3y ago
okay i got it thanks!

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