Is it not possible to use a boolean with a user option?

I have this command: I am receiving an error on the senddm option TypeError [CommandInteractionOptionType]: Option "senddm" is of type: 5; expected 6, 9. I understand what it is saying but I wanted it a boolean because it makes it easier to tell whether someone wants this to print in the server (as a reply) or send the info to the user as a DM. This way I don't have to account for caps lock being on or anything else with a string. Is this not possible to do ?
2 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
• What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? • Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! • Show your code! • Explain what exactly your issue is. • Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.
ErinOP2y ago

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