Getting user's speaking data that are connected to the same voice channel as the bot.

Hi! I am trying to make a speech to text bot but i have difficulties to get speaking data... i have almost everything i want but cannot get something working like voiceConnection.on("speaking", ...) or anything like this. If a bot is in a voice channel how can i add the functionality of getting each speaking user's voice data/packets? Is it even possible? I am trying to figure it out but cannot find a way... "dependencies": { "@discordjs/voice": "^0.16.0", "discord.js": "^14.11.0", "ibm-watson": "^8.0.0" }
7 Replies
_drad_OP2y ago
1. [email protected] /home/hugo/Dev/VanProject/DiscordBot/SpeechToText/npm └── [email protected] v20.4.0 2. No error, only debugging logs. 3. Attached. 4. As the description above. 5. - 6. - Also i am on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
_drad_OP2y ago
DiscordBot help - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
_drad_OP2y ago
voice-examples/recorder/src/createListeningStream.ts at main · disc...
A collection of examples of how to use @discordjs/voice in your projects - discordjs/voice-examples
_drad_OP2y ago
but i don't know what else and how to exactly...
duck2y ago
<VoiceConection>.receiver.subscribe(<userId>) returns an opus packet stream for the given user this can be decoded to pcm with the opus.Decoder class from prism-media (which is a dependency of @discordjs/voice) you can detect when a user starts and stops speaking with the start and stop events on <VoiceConnection>.receiver.speaking
_drad_OP2y ago
Thank you! I'll keep this open until i try the things you said. With the information i managed to get buffers when talking. Is there a "free" speech to text service (that converts hungarian speech) that i could use? If yes how should I? Should i concat the buffers into one and send it on speaking stop or should i send the buffer stream as it comes?
duck2y ago
Is there a "free" speech to text service (that converts hungarian speech) that i could use? If yes how should I?
that'd be a question for google
Should i concat the buffers into one and send it on speaking stop or should i send the buffer stream as it comes?
that's entirely up to you

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