Ping outside embed
How do I ping a user outside the embed?
9 Replies
• What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
• Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
• Show your code!
• Explain what exactly your issue is.
• Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.Few different ways;
- include the user/member object in your message content
- include a mention such as
- use the userMention(user_id)
method (import from discord.js)You can control which entities receive notifications via the
option. You can:
• Set a default on the client
• Set for a specific message
• Use the repliedUser
key to disable in-line reply mentions
I am doing it this way how can I do it?
When you send your embed, include the
One last thing, on .setDescription how can I add what on discord we normally do with
? because if I enter `` it doesn't work.
Example`You need escape the characters using backslashes, or you can use the
methodThank you.
Working, thank you so much.