How to NOT respond a slash command?
my goal is not to send a respond after me using a slash command. I just want the message.
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✨ You can't ✨
Just use ephemeral messages
I want to send a "welcome information" embed for every new user
So not ephemeral
Use the guildMemberAdd event
Not a command
Can I let the Slashcommand send a message to another channel?
You can use an interaction to send a message to another channel, but you still need to reply to it
i will use a ephermal reply then
Yes, but you should to respond to the interaction to let the user know that everything is ok. Or how user will know that?
The User dont "use" this command. Its just me who want to send a Information Embed for users
That stays in the channel
so a once in a liftime command
I bet they're better ways to do that
If you don't mind the
Application does not responded
you can, but just reply smt like Ok
So send that info and respond to the interaction with an ephemeral respond that says the message with embed was sent.
And how to send the main message to a channel?
No, wrong tag
This ^^
thank you.. so i delete the
interation.reply embeds: [embed]
and use for example a content of a message with ok
May I ask where to put the channel.send([embed])Where you want to send a message
i mean in the code
BTW that's wrong
Sending and editing now takes only a single object parameter!
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Before the reply
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