8 Replies
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Marked as resolved by staffdiscord.js@14.14.1
i run the code and it shows me an error:
Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!
i tried mp3 i tried ogg i tried webm it didn't work!
i go to the guide to see if i did something wrong but i didn't- npm:
npm install ffmpeg-static
- Install: Download | chocolatey | homebrew | your distributions package manager
- Tutorial: YouTube
- ffmpeg-binaries is deprecated, uninstall it with npm rm ffmpeg-binaries
Do i need install their app or not?
No, you can either install FFmpeg into your system or simply install ffmpeg-static npm package
The FFmpeg system installation is recommended
idk what to call it
but thx
now i've got a error
for your info im not expert in audio players im learning
Oh i didn't notice sorry