Discord is trolling me !
Hi, I think i'm getting trolled by discord :
I'd to reset my bot token, but after i've update it in the code, i'm getting the error that an invalid token has been provided, could someone try to create a new token and try the new one with a bot ?
That's really weird, I can provide screens or else but won't be useful, and It was working before in case..
37 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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Done bot 😡
No, you didn't show your code
.. facts but not really usefull, the problem isnt from the code 🤓
Are you sure?
Sure lol
Show your error
I can give you my "client.token()" line if u want

Dude i've explained all above
Yes, show it
Let me revoke the token before lol

Before it was in a config file but i've changed it because may the error come from there
I can sure tell you this token is wrong now
I'm asking to someone else to try to create a token and try this to know if discord is trolling me or idk, the problem isnt from the code
This error can be thrown if you pass the token as a string directly to login. Show how you did it before.
That's a non sense
Do you want help from us? Provide info that we need to help you.
If u want but string as that shouldnt crash because i'm creating an alias from a config file
There's a config.json looking like this :
I'm importing this file using :
and was using it like :
Ok, try console.log(token) before login
Is it undefined?
Sry i was fixing it on my phone
Not undefined, it's telling me the new token i've provide
And the error also was thrown?
Yea the same
And the help is still not about the code and only create a token and try it
You're doing something wrong in your code. That error can be thrown only if you have provided not a string to login.
Yo dude stop threat me like a noob please, we're talking about an application that was working, wont provide any proof but lmao, i'm not new to js or developpement...
Are you sure you copied the bot token, not the OAuth secret?
You have applied 2 different version tags. You have provided a code, that can't throw the error. We aren't able to help with provided conflicting info.
Probably you have changed the source of discord.js or do something in your code that you didn't show.
Uh wait that's maybe the problem
Loool yes
The interface on phone fool me
Thanks @kinect3000
The error is clear that's not talking about conflicting or else
Weird thing. It doesn't check the content.

Only checks the type (and for empty)
That's normal to not check
But again, providing a random string shouldn't throw the error.
Btw the string passed as string to login is non sense too, because it's interpreted as a string
Discord tokens do have a format
That how I was able to tell you might not be using the bot token
Ugh, the error is from websocket manager that use the same error

Thanks, didnt notice it, i was finding the string a bit short but anyways