Localizations (stupid)
For it works this way when there would be another even simpler way ?
26 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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I dont get your issue
.setName is the default
https://discordjs.guide/slash-commands/advanced-creation.html#localizations I’m talking about if
the first and the original that is currently in place, the second would be the most logical way to do
No, the second one doesnt make sense
As we said, what will be the fallback value?
What if their localization is
? What will be the name of the commandEnglish, since this is the default. just force the use of the default
Then at this point the default lang of the bot must be usedAnd which is that
Enforcing people to use localization doesnt seem good either way, not everyone needs it
Either the creator’s original lang or the default lang in the directory app
after I never said to force the localization
but just suprimmer this line
This just seems completely unnecessary and not djs related even. How is djs even supposed to get the author localization
If I’m not mistaken localization and based on the user’s language
And in any case, that would only make everything more confusing
You just said this
You cant get that information when deploying commands
And as explained above, changing that will only make everything more confusing for the developer
Will only lead to issues regarding names appearing "wrongly"
I think the answer and all in all, the default lang would simply be the lang put on the front line of

Thats not how objects work
Objects arent arrays
or simply add to the same object
At this point just use setDescription
Seriously, I dont get your point
like what you can do with fields
But those are not field
And thats not how objects work
For the second time
Just adding a default property doesnt mean that it will reference the pl property
I know, it was just to compare visual example
Im surprised that you think that that is easier to understand than the current way 

It is not the story of simplicity of understanding but of adding line for nothing
Especially since for the moment it doesn’t work with embeds
What have embeds to do with this
I'm talking about Localizations
What have embeds to do with this
I’m talking about the fact that we can’t use the Localizations system with embeds
And how is that our issue?
We cant implement something that the api doesnt support
Also, if you want to change builder's method, ask discord to change how they want the command data to be sent
and description
are required as different properties from localizationnot so easy to tell them about this kind of request
@discord.js/builders is just a simplier way to create those objects
There is no reason to just invent things because we save lines of code
Because that actually makes it messier and less readable
And harder to mantain if something ever changes