I can't get the audio to start
I have the bot that connects to the voice channel but does not start the audio, I leave the complete code and some logs that the bot gives me.
9 Replies
- What are your intents?
is required to receive voice data!
- Show what dependencies you are using -- generateDependencyReport()
is exported from @discordjs/voice
- Try looking at common examples: https://github.com/discordjs/voice-examples.
- Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question!
- Explain what exactly your issue is.
- Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
- Show your code!
- Issue solved? Press the button!This is index.js
"dependencies": {
"@discordjs/opus": "^0.9.0",
"@discordjs/voice": "^0.17.0",
"discord.js": "^14.16.3",
"ffmpeg-static": "^5.2.0",
"fs": "^0.0.1-security",
"opusscript": "^0.0.8",
"prism-media": "^1.3.5",
"ytdl-core": "^4.11.5",
"ytdl-core-discord": "^1.3.1"
We do not support TOS violations
Which ytdl is
Can you be more specific?
ytdl, and anything using youtube as source is against yt's TOS
I don't use ytdl, I put a "test.mp3" file
I only installed the dependency but I didn't use it, in fact in the code "Index.js" is not declared because I don't use it.