[ws] Receiving guilds is not consistent

I'm currently noticing that about half the time I only receive dispatches for 1 out of 2 guilds my bot is in (small testing servers). I always get a ready payload with a list of 2 expected guilds, however i only receive one of them regularly (Always the same one too). This happens even with no code changes, simply restarting the gateway shows this behaviour. package: @discordjs/ws 0.3.0 Also happens on latest dev: @discordjs/ws 0.3.1-dev.1665144455-9f68d73.0
2 Replies
SammyOP3y ago
This seems to happen only when my shard count is above 1, i am now testing with 6 guilds and this still happens regularly, say 80% of the time 1 to 4 guilds arent emitted by the WebsocketManager
GitHub3y ago
<:issue_open:852714230280486942> #8726 in discordjs/discord.js by SammyWhamy opened <t:1665265059:R> Not consistently receiving all GUILD_CREATE events

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