Set slash command only visible by user
Im new to this and idk how to set a slash command to be only visible by the one doing it
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Unknown User•3y ago
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else {
const expirationTime = timestamps.get( + cooldownAmount;
const timeLeft = (expirationTime - now) / 1000;
if (now < expirationTime && timeLeft > 0.9) {
return interaction.reply({ content:
⏰ Wait **\
${timeLeft.toFixed(1)}` seconds to use the ${}** command again!`, ephemeral: true });
timestamps.set(, now);
setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(, cooldownAmount);
i want a wait message to be only visible by the user doing the command again
though of adding ephemeral: true }); but didnt workEphemeral does that
i get a error doing that
Error [InteractionNotReplied]: The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred.
Try interaction.deferReply