Is there a alternative in v13.8?
In the main branch there is a property Client#rest used for making API calls.
I am using v13.8 - what is the equivalent in this version?

8 Replies is a private property
Sorry was just cleaning up the actual question. Alright thanks for the messages.
creating your own rest instance could be problematic because of ratelimits
ah if its for deploying commands then you're probably fine
not using it for a live project - just experimenting with alternative ways
wasn't there a way to access raw api calls in d.js, i remember people using it to implement slash commands before they were supported in the libary
through client.api, but its also private
and its not typed either
yeah that's fine, if i run into any issues with it i won't come to the server, just experimenting a bit
thanks for the help - going to archive this thread now
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just experimenting a bit